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Everything posted by GeneralZero

  1. that's for QUANTITY. Now for QUALITY: death battletome: da best of da best. Nurgle army and stuff: superb release one of the biggest armys, numerous builds especially when considering side effects (skavens, everchoosen/archaon, slaves...) . 2 nice new armies with tomes one being 100% fresh and new (IK). I didn't like the lore and mini of IK but I recon they are wonderfull and the armys works well . Nighthaunt was also a splendid release by making it also death/LoN compatible (half of units included in LoN. Superb synergies. Did I say LoN is da best? . A wellcome refresh of SCE. Last: a full refresh of the game with AoS 2, GHB (tweeks and summons that didn't break the game) and Magic. 2018 is already the best AoS year.
  2. Biggest events are behind us. No big announcement for AoS White dwarf is focusing on lord of the ring and space wolves Sad for us AoS
  3. I have boxes of soul wars (3) and a tempest of soul. Is it worth getting rid of one of soul wars box to get one sequitor box and one evocators box? (in term of number of miniature, that gets me 31 seq and 11evo but one less balista (3) and 5 less catigators)
  4. the knght incantator looks really nice, the other 2 are just standart evocators. Too bad that most of us have already too many incantators (from soul wars, from evo, from tempest of souls, from the book...). (I have 5 meaning 3 useless at least)
  5. Well, it is now clear that GW is fishing. Fishing new games and systems around miniatures and how to play them. GW is spreading out dangerously in many ways, with different systems (around the same miniatures) and different games (around new miniatures and/or scales). That doesn't reassure me on the shedule of new factions for both 40k and AoS. Add to this, that they have some serious production issues and many "refresh this or that" (read: rebox but not re-create) that needed serious redo. I hope that they now stop the "lets do more game race" now and focus on their core job (miniatures creation) around their core games (AoS and 40K)
  6. What we actually can clearly see on the Wrath and Rapture teaser is: slanesh daemonettes, bloodcrushers, bloodletters. Knowing that slanesh has been more or less officially anounced for end 2018/start 2019, that means that we also get an additional and NEW sprue (= a new character or a fresh bigger unit ). I'm not a big fan of khorne daemons and we already have the SC (https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Start-Collecting-Daemons-of-Khorne-2018) meaning nothing will be really new on this side...
  7. As I can aggree for a standalone tiny faction, for me the right size (=the best size) is the LoN size. Some of other tomes are almost there: stormcast, nurgle. With this size of battletome, you have a big variety in units, in strategies, in lore, in many things. And by just adding on or 2 units to you collection, you can have immediatly new builds.
  8. that's what I though! they just can't cog! (I knew the faq but I was speaking about the other spells, like endless)
  9. I thought that evo (drac or foot ) could only cast empower: "This unit is a Wizard while it has 2 or more models. It can attempt to cast one spell in your hero phase, and attempt to unbind one spell in the enemy hero phase. It knows the Empower spell. It cannot attempt to cast any spells other than Empower, but any number of units of Evocators can attempt to cast Empower in the same hero phase."
  10. I hope that we'll see an "all-in" goblin faction with maybe an emphasis on nigh gobs (oups and oups, grots and moon clans). There are so many nice and fun units fro all of them: giant spider mounted by several archers/lancers, catapults (2 differents ones!) , archers, mounted spiders and wolves, fanatics (what a nice surprise for your oponent charging !!!), squigs (giants, mounted, wild etc....) , magic, etc...
  11. thx. I like the ogroid miniature. 1. is it a named character? (only one per army?) 2. is he any good/efficient? in which build? He seems pretty random to me... (spell is cast 8, is there a way to boost the spell casting?)
  12. what? I know that you can't use command trait, but command abbilities you can, spending CP, can't you?
  13. Is the battleforce box a nice start? it contains 1 Tzaangor Shaman20 Tzaangors3 Tzaangor Enlightened3 Tzaangor Skyfires20 Kairic Acolytes If I go down this route, what do I need? (objective 2k points to fight my own other armies : sce, death, nh which all are competitive)
  14. you don't remember the night gob catapult of flying guys A nice pice of (deadly) fun
  15. Lets grab some facts: - few entries - old miniatures (some of them look even older compared to actual GW top miniatures) - no machine or ranged I don't see how this army will diffenciate from other fast and furious melee ones... But: - chaos aligned: choice of 4 main gods means alllied to other chaos factions. But what can they add different to what we already have? In the end of the day: I love that we have new battletome but I hate missing opportunities. They could have done it with the all NON ALIGNED chaos factions at once: beasts+slaves+overchosen, then we have a huge opportunity to refresh our army (but without refresshing the miniatures...) my feelings are a bit balanced with a tendency to (a light) negativity.
  16. Beasts of chaos Endless spells (with a horn+ bull) and a decor what's about the miniature?
  17. It really looks cartoonesque to me. Like the orticulus before the new nurgle reveal. The horticulus was the only one so cartoonesque. lets hope this one will do so. BTW, I have for more than 20 years the old trolls (all of them, in metal) and they look far better in my taste.
  18. Nagash is far from unkillable. Killing heros is the key against death. Kill necros, no more spawn. But, playing both (death and sce) I can admit that Storm has some issues facing death. Ranged weapons are important to us. A necro has hard time facing judicators, venator, ballistas.
  19. of course we already know!!! it is the realm of marketing!
  20. I used my beloved fulminators against 40 skellis and they did pretty great. At the end of the turn, the battleshock finished the job. then the blob has to be respawn somewhere far away and the skellies are slow....
  21. Pleonasm...lol . This probably the Battletome with the fewest entries ever. So many things could be done with green skins. My old orcs catapults , orcs archers, night goblins, flying nigh gob catapult, gob on wolves, orc ballista and so many other things are waiting for you GW to do something green!
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