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Everything posted by GeneralZero

  1. I have 3 sets of Feast of bones. I like the immortis look and use. I'll build 3. I like the stalkers as blender machine: I'll get 6 / 4 swords each. Got 30 guards with swords. I plan to buy fisrt the ES+scenic+kavalos (love him)+riders(love 'em). I'll play arkham first to let the $£€ low for now (went full unplanned ogor army first). My question: which wizzard/character/ES to add to this list? I feel that the one I have doesn't have a great discipline but he's a wizard with 2 spells. So, which is better that Vokmortian in this list? Is it better to have a low wiz+ES or a nice Wiz? Dunno. So, my list will look like: LeadersArkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament (360)Liege-Kavalos (200)Battleline5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180)- Nadirite Blade and Shield20 x Mortek Guard (260)- Nadirite Blade and Shield10 x Mortek Guard (130)- Nadirite Blade and ShieldUnits3 x Immortis Guard (200)6 x Necropolis Stalkers (400)Total: 1730 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 99
  2. TBH, with the opportunity of all those magnificent minis in the warcry department, I'd rather get rid of the marauders and play thoose new minis, each unit with special taste. I don't want all chaos armies having the same copy/paste troops like warriors+light infantry, knights + light cavalry. We can here have warriors + comandos units or harassment units, knights + super heavy cavalry (varanguards) etc.. giving this "new" army a specific taste.
  3. Has someone bought the Stazlkers/immortis separatly to the Feast of bones? If yes, could you please share the assembling notice of the Immortis (which is not in the Feast of bones box, what a shame!) Thank you in advance from all of us with those miniatures without full plans 😉
  4. What we know: - we have a 100%new (mouted) hero - new endless spells - new battletome - and a whole (amazing) range of miniatures, synergies, possibilities in chaos. Look at what GW just did with a more stand alone with almost no super magic (no ES) , the Ogors. From the bottom of the barrel, they are now a good army. Not crazy good. But they can compete. Superb job done here. And almost without changing the warscrolls! Even better: the CoS. I am confident that a super iconic army like StD will be excellent. (almost) Without changing the warscrolls, just add little thingies here and there. With a nice tome full of synergies, good battaillons, nice traits and relics...Add a good points balancing and you get a winner. Example: the new mounted hero with some nice commands, a bit of adjustments on varanguards and archaons, some agressive spells, some specific marks of chaos to give some personality/game play for several factions...
  5. AoS 2.0 is now at maturity. There won't be a 3.0 before 2021 (cycle of 3 years at least). 2020: 40K has all his codex done by Q1. 40K is in a big mess situation with so many faq updates and new rules in so many sources (books/faq/updates...) And 2020 finishes the 3y cycle of 40K 8.0. By summer, the psychic awekeing will be done. And in a business point of view, GW need a new BIG box. So, my guess: 2020 = 40K year with a new 40K 8.5 or a 40k 9.0 with apocalypse rules inspirations (my hope also). For AoS, GW is clean to launch a new era: which direction? dunno. Adding some stuff to existing armies? maybe. Adding 100% new armies: probably( good for business). adding both. even better. I like what AoS has become. It is almost well balanced and just need some tiny adjustments here and there (slanesh , prepare for nerf hammer). But 40K, ouch! With SM 2 going crazy. phhhh rules in 3 to 5 books? wtf? need some cleaning tornado here!
  6. this. I was thinking about something that nobody talked about when comparing morghast to , lets say, stalkers. Morghast can baby sit a HB, plus, they can stay behind your lines and then, with their big charge (3D6) and FLY, position BEHIND the enemyline or charge something behind the first enemy line. If I'm not missing something, I think that stalkers and other units can't do this kind of shenanigans. It is a bit of suicide missile eventually but it seems to me to be a nice tactical option.
  7. I like the idea of big beasts and cavalry. But I honestly think that in this objective game, it'd be to challenging in most battles. You have very few mminiatures (yes I know the count as 2/10) and no wizzards. Your list building limitation comes from the bataillon. I'd think to get rid of something to include a slaughter master maybe...
  8. Nope, the content is officially 5 knights 10 warriors and a mounted hero. And I've been told (and I verified) the varanguards are way bigger than knights. I doubt that at this price (in the SC!) GW has oversized his new knights.
  9. This is not a theory: this is their business model! BTW, the "400€" estimation is kinda low. Their idea is you can play with a bit investment, then you can enter serious ly with some more (1500/1750 points+ hobby things -paints, brushes, etc...) then 2k. Certain armies goes as low as 250€/300€ but most will need 500€+, especially if you count the endless spells, the scenery and the book (add here the cards eventually).
  10. Something bother me: imagine that the Morghast are behind the guards. The guards do an OK charge. Th morghast behind them do an OK charge behind the same unit: do they have to finish their charge within 1"? If yes, then they can't fight behind the guards in a distance, lets say, of 1.5" to 2"? This is tricky.
  11. I didn't know that. I googled it and indeed, they are way bigger. It explains a bit the price. They are very big cavalry. As big as a dracothian. But why not the same price as him then....GW mistery....
  12. To start OBR, I'd like to go to the cheapest route, yet efficient. I already have 3 halves of FoB box, and arkhan. I know that I'll grab a liege kavalos (love it and he's the best compliment to this knid of army). (actual list looks like Arkhan 3 immortis 6 stalker some Morghast 3*10 guards kavalos around 1730pts) My actual question is about the scenery and the endless spells. - Are they a "must have"? if yes which one? Or can I play without them efficiently. - Same question for the scenery (but I suspect that as a free bonus, it is a "must have", isn't it?) This is to decide my next buy (in addition to kavalos).
  13. Technically, that means 9 month of overcosted Ogors 😕 ...if they adjust down their points. Not so sure about this....for now. Ossiarch is a solid release, a resilient army but not a super heavy hitter as far as I've read/seeen. Future will tell us.
  14. Banners/musicians/whatever have never been a problem as per rules, they count as armed with the same things as the other guys in the unit. And you even can ahve several of them in the same unit.
  15. Yep you're right: only 1 stalker out of 3, that's it.
  16. Alternate builds: the feast of bones does NOT include the assembling instruction. No immortis plans, no catapult plans, no morghast alternate plans .... WTF games workshop? first time I se this lack of respect of customers.
  17. Magnet, I did it...occasionally but TBH, it is soooo boring and time consuming that I am a bit fed up of all those magnets, especially on infantry. What? No immortis assembling instruction on the book???? WTF games worksh*t??? It is the first time I see this, same for all alternative builds! (technically: I don't see it! 🤬)
  18. Thx but that makes me even more wonder lol. Breainstorming now. Headache. I have 18 to build. Dunno if I go ironfist or dual weapons.🤪
  19. The immortis build is on the sprue. I just said that the immortis don't have any option. My question was then about the stalkers: is the greatsorw worth it (1 out of 3) ?
  20. I hope that the mammouth is still a thing in the battletom / list. I love this kind of center piece and I'm looking forward to adding one in my army (even if GW & FW don't sell it anymore). I'll put a mumath from lord of the ring with some spikey here and there. luv'it.😍😎
  21. I've received my feast of bones boxes: how do you build : - the ogors? is there some options or all weapons count as the same? - the leadbelchers: same question
  22. I've received my feast of bones boxes: how do you build : - the stalkers? I will do 3 immortis and 6 stalkers. It seems that there is no options for immortis but one option for stalkers. do you assemble the upgrade weapon? - the guards: will do all with sword. is the upgrade 1 out of 10 worth it?
  23. And don't forget one thing that is a nice improvment of our army: infantry count as 2 and monsters count as 10 for objectives. A 6 ogors unit on an objective need some resources to be removed 😉
  24. I just got an idea: for those who already have the classic knights, buy & use the new ones as varanguards! Maybe with a bit of kitbash? I don't see the point of the varanguards price: you get 3 riders. At the SAME price (even LESS !) you got the new SC! with 5 knights, a big hero on monster and 10 new warriors.
  25. I'm dreaming about something like this one at the right scale....
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