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Everything posted by GeneralZero

  1. Does the book include the Mutalith vortex beast? I can't imagine a more tzeentchy beast than this one....
  2. I'm on the same boat (ordered 3 aether=18 guys in addition to the 9 that I already have). I'll resell 9 probably... The thing is that the screamers are also not good (maybe fast harassment/objo holders...). Tzaangors on discs (especially skyfire) seem really expensive points wise.
  3. So, I officially started KO this morning by ordering 3 aether wars. I'll start KO then with : 18 balloon guys, 3 gunhaulers and 3 heros. I plan to resell (at normal price, let say around 25€) one hero and probably 3 balloon guys, to get one SC. Then, I just need one Ironclad, one more thunderers. What should I get in adition? which hero? The ideay is to get the big ship as hammer and the 4 gunhauler as a second (long range) hammer while evry ballon guys do their things (support/arrasments/fight/objectives)... Maybe I'll have to get 1 or 2 arkanauts...
  4. that's good to know as I'll have at least 3 maybe 4 with Start collecting...
  5. I hope that I'll be able to do something with my old high elves : they were my main army back in early 90' . If some kitbash is possible, their standing alignment is what I liked with them. spears, bows, cavalry, multi balista and the chariots!
  6. According to the video, pointy as in ears and spears...
  7. I'm confident that KO will get a christmass battleforce this year. I ordered 3 aether wars box will resell 1+1 heros (or even 1+2 or 2+2 heros). That makes a superb starting point for KO (I already own a bunch of things for DoT). For KO, I just have to get a SC few heros one big ship and eventually some battleline (I'll see the tome for that). KO for cheap! (or is it KO for Ship?)
  8. My wallet is (half) happy: no big reveal, but I just need the 3 chaos guys (love them, love the rock launcher buddy: if the rules are or, need 2 as catapulters!), and I really like the sista decor. I just preordered my aether war boxes. So, I'm officially starting KO (pile of shame) army.
  9. My wallet hopes that there will be NOTHING anounced. Finger crossed. 😋
  10. I'm just realizing that painting my (not yet mounted) 60 tzangors and 27 enlighten/skyfire + LoC will be a suprem nightmare. Especially for a bad/newby painter like myself. Ouch ! 🤪 Shame on me
  11. What can we expect from the open Day? The reveals are usualy for the up coming releases of the next quarter. So, we already know for Q1 that we have a big 40K release with Sista, 2 remaining monsters for StD....and what else?
  12. ...And still no word about that specific build that made our glorious time in early AoS: Changehost.
  13. 1. what is the best weapon for the lord on foot (I'll take it from the chariot kit)? I'm feeling it is the reaperblade...But visually, the flail is awesome. 2. what is the base size of the foot lord? (will magnetize him from a chariot)
  14. If you aim to 20 Fate Points on turn 3, have also a Gaunt, you have 2 units of pink horrors as reinforcement, this is around 400pts and tanky things and also 2 aditional wizzards. 20 fate points means that you also have casted many spells, even several ES. This is a nice bunch of offensive things (even kind of artillery!). I don't think that spammin gaunt to get pink is the way to go. The new caster+LoC+1 Gaunt is already nice: you get pink+ spawn for free almost immediatly. I'd probably go with 2 new guys spamming spawn hahahha
  15. Well, LoC being a super wizzy boy, I'm confident that having 2... at the start of the game is way better lol. Spaming spells is the way of tzeentch. Summoning troops like flamers, chariots or even better pink horrors while your tzangoors hold the fights. More spells is more fate point, and then spam more (no, I won't got to 30 to get one more LoC). The idea is to put annoying things everywhere, messing with enemy, slowing hime, marking victory points. Yeah, I like that!
  16. Is there a confirmed price in UK? 110 or 115£ or else?
  17. The rules of affecting the wounds has to be clearer: do we allocate all wounds BEFORE the blue horrors appeared? It'd be closer to "as intended" I think. I don't think that allocating wounds on ONE pink then on the 2 spawned blues etc... is in the spirit of this rule. BTW, tbh, it has to be faqued.
  18. In a perfect world, you can think that GW had the experience of multi respawn big guys in matched play games, especially with the recent Slanesh non sense. They had it nerfed adjusted in the recent FAQ. But we are not in a perfect world and it is very probable that the Fate Point cost will need some further adjustments. This is a tough thing to balance in conjunction to the whole system/book/unit point cost. The game is permanently EMPIRICALLY balanced. So, future will tell. BTW, I'm happy to see this army close to lore and different to other armies. Same goes for KO.
  19. At least, several things seem to make the tzeentch daemon SC (super) good deal. The fate point cost of the chariot let me beleive that it will not be lame (almost the cost of pink horrors!). All the article make tzeentch more "special", closer to lore. On the dark side: I'll probably have to get a second (even more) LoC 😞 lol
  20. The tzeench half is SUPERB and will have more succes than KO, which is a ONE army only. The tzeentch units here are indeed available to at least 3 armies, not even as ally: DoT, BoC and 40K TS. And you know what? They also are GOOD units in each army. So, I'm confident that they will have success.
  21. My fear is gunhauler being bad (because they are in both boxes: SC and Aether war). I will probably have 4 of them at the end. I'd be sad if they become kinda useless. (I like the mini BTW and having a bunch of them on the battlefield is super nice to see)
  22. So, the big question for me is: are the gunhaulers and the balloon guys (skywardens/endriggers) any good? (in fact, the content of the new box)?
  23. Some other random infos: - ships are super expensive (seems that specialized list is mandatory...) - kermist loose their boost - the new hero is expensive but make the balloon guys battleline (nice and not surprised, as expected) ....to be continued...
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