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Everything posted by Antipodean7

  1. Interested to see your ideas and how the blog progresses Aiden. Been great hearing how far you've come with Pestilens from the Wellington lads. Shows the importance of knowing your army inside and out to maximise its effectiveness.
  2. @Sheriff I would second joining Twitter and following Element Games on there. There are quite a few AoS gamers in that area.
  3. Event Title: Equinox 2017 Event Author: Antipodean7 Calendar: Events New Zealand Event Date: 03/18/2017 12:00 AM to 03/19/2017 12:00 AM Equinox 2017 will host the first two-day Age of Sigmar tournament in Auckland. A fun, competitive event featuring great painted armies and tables packed with terrain: https://www.facebook.com/events/692652337564407/ Format: 20 players, 2000pts, General's Handbook, 5 rounds (3/2). Full tournament pack to be released shortly once the final details have confirmed. But in the meantime save the date Any questions, please let me know. Equinox 2017
  4. until
    Equinox 2017 will host the first two-day Age of Sigmar tournament in Auckland. A fun, competitive event featuring great painted armies and tables packed with terrain: https://www.facebook.com/events/692652337564407/ Format: 20 players, 2000pts, General's Handbook, 5 rounds (3/2). Full tournament pack to be released shortly once the final details have confirmed. But in the meantime save the date Any questions, please let me know.
  5. Great following your return to the game James. I left the hobby in about 2000 and returned in 2013/4 so had to go through a similar process of rebuilding the hobby station and connections to gaming groups etc.
  6. Started moving on to reformatting the Destruction section but it is slow going an hour or so at a time.
  7. The Order section has now been restructured. Need to add the base sizes and reformat the other three grand alliances.
  8. I've started reformatting the base size chart to also include the faction names and new model names. Have a look at the Order section, where I have done from Devoted of Sigmar to Wanderers based on the AoS app. You can now filter by faction or WHFB army name, so hopefully it will work for new and old gamers alike
  9. How have I not known about this excellent idea? I'm often standing at a hobby shop wondering if I have stegadon scale green at home, buy a pot and then realise I actually have 3 pots already. Plus, as master of the unfinished project, I do struggle to remember paint recipes when I come back to them.
  10. True thanks need to go to Tim Joss of the Plastic Krak blog (which sadly died with the death of the Old World): http://plastickrak.blogspot.co.nz/2015/07/age-of-sigmar-base-conversion-chart.html
  11. I've added Bretonnians (nice short list). If anyone else fancies a go for the "assumed" entries, this chart is a useful reference: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wqsx9u96fihqbz0/Warhammer%20base%20size%20chart%20V1.pdf?dl=0
  12. Really keen for the Silver Tower - not just for the minis (which will be useful for my Tzeentch Chaos) but also the board game itself
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