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Everything posted by Richelieu

  1. And this is precisely why they had to "nerf" some of the SC abilities as @Bradipo322, @chordand others have maligned. The synergies would have been out of control if many of them had remained unchanged.
  2. Sounds fun. I don't have the tome yet, so I haven't dug into units like evocators on dracolines. Burning head is very short range, so it might be hard to get it far enough up field to affect your deep strikers.
  3. I think lens of refraction is completely busted and I see no reason to take any other artifact. I also think a Hammers of Sigmar alpha strike list has potential. You could do something really over the top like dropping Gavriel, Vandus, a Drakesworn, and a unit of Fulminators (total cost 1080 points). This would tie up your opponent for basically the entire game while the rest of your army farms victory points.
  4. I think they changed Gavriel's command ability to only work on Hammers of Sigmar units.
  5. 9" charge with rerolls is nowhere near 80% success rate. It's 48% A 6" charge is 72% A 6" charge with rerolls is 92%
  6. I played against a sunclaw starhost on Saturday. It ended up being a harsh lesson for the Seraphon player on bubble wrapping his Slann. We played the malign sorcery matched play scenario where you get points for casting spells, dispelling or unbinding endless spells or killing an enemy wizard next to an objective. It was fun. I had a knight incantor and Lord arcanum on gryph charger for my wizards. Turn one my opponent teleported a skink startpriest into position to blast my LCoD and LAoGC with a purple sun and get a VP... But he failed the cast and failed his teleport on his Slann to get into position. It was a risky gamble on his part, but neither of us was really playing an optimized list and the scenario and realm rules were new to both of us, so fun was the name of this game. I got both my wizards on the objectives, castled up, and started cranking out the VPs. My opponent split his forces, leaving a small corridor to his Slann. I drove up the middle with my prosecutors and dropped a unit of retributors on top of the Slann. Game over. Summoning didn't do a whole lot this game since he could only get so many units within range of my guys on the objectives. Hyish has a really fun command ability that kept my knight Incantor alive for a couple extra turns. Heroes can use a CP to drain wounds from nearby friendly units. Yesterday, however, I watched a Seraphon player from my club make really good use of a never ending steam of skinks to run around the board claiming objectives while his thunderquake tanked most of his opponent's stormcast army. At one point there were 4 fulminators, a celestant prime, some sequitors and a pair of geminids all trying to get through the double bastiladon bottleneck. Those dirty skinks just charged into combat and then retreated up the board onto the stormcast's objectives. It's a catch 22 for a seraphon opponent: kill the skinks only for them to be resummoned, or leave them alone while they hunt objectives.
  7. Sequitors don't have the Redeemer key word in the app, doesn't the hammers of sigmar ability only work on redeemers? Even if it doesn't I had already been considering the potential of a 60 sequitor list. I agree that 20 may well be a staple. Although they could be hard to fit in a stardrake list since you'd probably want it as your general (unless you're going with Drakesworn Templar).
  8. I've been trying to think of a color scheme that is befitting their arcane nature. My current models are classic hammers of sigmar blue and gold, but Dark Angels green, black and cream sounds like it would work well. Good thing there's odd numbers of models in the starter box so I've got some test models.
  9. I'd wait until next Saturday when the battletome drops. Sounds like there have been substantial warscroll changes, enough that it would make recommendations difficult. You can also just follow the rule of cool. I plan on getting the evocators on dracolines whether their rules are good or not because I really like the sculpts.
  10. I played my first V2 game with the golden boys yesterday. Beat a seraphon player in one of the two matched pay scenarios in the malign sorcery book. We went whole hog and played with realm rules and everything. Only new models I had a chance to build before hand were Incantor and Arcanum. I really enjoyed playing with the realm rules. We were in Shyish so we had a command ability that let or heroes drain wounds from nearby friendly units to heal. I used it to keep my Incantor alive and scoring VPs. Used her Voidstorm scroll to block a critical cast of Purple Sun that would have devastated my LCoD and LAoGC that were holding the other objective. Lots of fun overall. I'll have to play some more with them, but the realm rules didn't seem to have an imbalancing effect on that game. Shyish does have some of the less extreme rules though, so maybe something like Ghur would be more of a balance issue.
  11. The errata from a few days ago changed royal family. You can only summon one GK per game with it now.
  12. Yeah I've been wishy washy on buying a prime for over a year. If he got some buffs I may bite the bullet.
  13. Some people have mentioned the Lord Exorcist is 140 points... He's terrible if that's the case.
  14. Tamurkhan's Horde is just the same format as a DoK temple or Idoneth Conclave or a new storm cast stormhost. Is it strong? Yes, it appears to be, but I'd rather play Tamurkhan 100 times than play Plaguetouched once.
  15. That was in the previous FAQ as well. @swarmofseals the one thing that Marathi does that nothing else in a DoK army can do is put high rend attacks basically anywhere on the board. Not only that, but once you have buffed her and sent her off as a heat seeking, hero slaying missile, you can simply stop supporting her for the rest of the game. She continues to be quite strong even after having been knocked down a couple of rungs. I have put 15 wounds on a 2+ save rerolling ones monster with her. Her strength is not in her pure stats, but her ability to easily have her rend buffed, reroll wound rolls, double hits on sixes, reroll hits on turn 3+ or 2+ with a prayer. And most importantly she makes your opponent have to make a bad decision of either chipping away at her or leaving her alone.
  16. I think a very solid arrangement will be two ballistas and an ordinator camped on an objective. That way you've got potentially four shots at +1, and a respectable 19 wounds holding an objective for a fairly risk free 340 points. Not really my cup of tea, but I think it will be good.
  17. Definitely clunky and should be clarified, but I lean towards what is both obviously intended and a legitimate interpretation, that for all summoning rules purposes involving blues, you can substitute blue points for fate points. Which is not to say that @AaronWIlsons interpretation is without merit as well.
  18. Your interpretation really isn't clear cut. Warscrolls override everything else, and the warscrolls say that for the purposes of summoning rules involving blue horrors you can use blue horror points instead of fate points. You can summon if fate = 10 For the purposes of summoning blues, blue horror points = fate points Therefore you can summon blues if you have 10 blue horror points.
  19. The list isn't about being necessary, it's about fun! Dragon, arcanum+comet, prime, heraldor x2, vexillor. That'll put a hole in your opponent's army big enough to drive a Maw-krusha through! And for a mere 1400 points. Throw in 20 sequitors and two units of libs and you've got 2k.
  20. If they don't FAQ rippers quickly they're going to end up with another GrundstokThunderers catastrophe. People will buy them in droves because they'll instakill everything but a buffed starDrake. Nothing else can come close to putting out 20+ wounds for 140 points. Compare them to the offensive powerhouses that are Blood Sisters. For those same 140 points they would have to be 100% successful on hit and wound rolls to equal just an average roll from rippers. And that's with a 6" shorter move characteristic!
  21. I'll echo what @Requizen and others have said. At 100 points the comet is bonkers. I'll unequivocally say it's the best endless spell thus far. Dispelling it is going to be a really tough choice for your opponent since it's so devastating when it hits. Just think of how dumb and fun it would be to have a comet, a stardrake and a celestant prime in one list. So horrifying for heroes that don't have a boatload of wounds. I am excited to try really goofy elite and monster lists.
  22. Oh I definitely think it's useful, in fact I think it's more useful than a one HP per turn heal because that is continent upon there being a model on the board that has taken wounds, but not been slain. Models are slain pretty much every turn though, so you're almost guaranteed to use it regularly. Also note that it is once per turn, so you can potentially use it 10 times per game. Outside of mortals it can be extremely hard to put overflow damage onto highly armored units like fulminators and heroes, so I think being able to prevent one or two damage and then top them back up with a relictor or arcanum heal will be rather strong.
  23. I wouldn't read too much into it. New product releases involve capacity planning, which is a dark art at best. If a product is more popular than expected you either have to bring more capacity online or gamble that demand will shrink and converge with your capacity. Manufacturers also don't want to endanger their relationships with their retail distribution channels, so they will provide stock to retailers before keeping it for their own direct to consumer sales, even though the margin is lower.
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