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Everything posted by Luke82

  1. Or maybe it’s exaclty what they would do! Get rid of the last stock! Crafty! Actually no, I think this is actually a fairly reassuring sign for our humble Orruk friends.
  2. Got to agree here. Hopeully they just get rolled in with ironjawz, it makes narrative sense that the normal Orruks would follow the big guys around, and it would give them a role.
  3. I showed a friend this thread and she said “wow what a lively, active community, I can’t wait to start this game and contribute to the discussion, it seems awesome.” So it’s horses for courses I guess.
  4. Could we not refresh the first post and keep it up to date for the guys that would prefer a quick summary of rumours? Personally I enjoy the jibber jabber, but if we can keep our brevity-favouring brothers happy, then all the better.
  5. This sounds like a great vision and would make an awesome army, competitive or not I would say you’re still better off following the plan you have in your head and enjoying it.
  6. The realm of chaos has lost a little of its edge now the whole Warhammer world is equally as whacky It would be nice to have this box before chrimbo, it’s a definite pick up for me if the price is reasonable.
  7. Can’t we just keep discussing / speculating on the rumours in this thread?
  8. I love my Nurgle army for it’s variety, it would be a real shame to see that limited all of a sudden.
  9. Precisely. And I guess GW have to think what will sell more models and make them more money; a new tome for a thus far neglected faction, or an updated tome for a faction that already has one.
  10. This doesn’t really work, as GW are still selling the models and advertising the ‘older’ factions. By this logic, as I bought some Skaven yesterday, I should be entitled to a Battletome before someone who bought there Fyreslayers 2 years ago.
  11. Another great episode! My pet Aardvark hated it for some reason though.
  12. It would be a shame to carve one of them up, could you scratch build it? Some floral wire and plaster wrap made some very simple Nurgle trees for me.
  13. I have the forgeworld GUO, it’s a cool model and was tonnes of fun to paint. If you can get it on eBay for a reasonable price (more likely with the new model and recent warscroll change) I’d definitely recommend.
  14. That’s a great model mate. Is that a genestealer claw I see there? I never considered putting some ‘stealer bits in with my Nurgle.
  15. I used some magnetic sheet (for printing fridge magnets) today and it worked fine with my magnetised minis. Metal sheet is a stronger attraction though. I use metal sheet for transport boxes and cut up the magnetic sheet to put in movement trays.
  16. Great stuff in here. I’m always reading the Realm of Chaos books and have tried to use the grim, muted style for my Nurgle army. Your work has got me inspired to add a lot more unique, converted models to the horde.
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