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Posts posted by Gwendar

  1. 4 hours ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    Thanks! How would you recommend equipping the Stormfiends? Do you just put the warpfire projectors on all of them?

    If you have them or they allow you to proxy, sure. Especially for Gautfyre. Otherwise, I always go 3 Warpfire, 3 Shock Gauntlets and 3 Grinderfists

    • Like 1
  2. @The_Yellow_Sign

    I really wouldn't recommend Gautfyre at 1500. It can be hard sometimes even at 2k to properly fit everything you want into it. That said, if you're set on it, you can try this:

    Allegiance: Skryre
    Arch Warlock (140)
    Warlock Engineer (100)
    Warlock Engineer (100)
    3 x Stormfiends (290)
    5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
    5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
    1 x Warp Grinder Weapon Team (80)
    1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team(70)
    1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team(70)
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
    Clan Skryre (80)
    Gautfyre Skorch (150)
    Arkhspark Voltik (70)

    Total: 1450 / 1500
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 59

    You really want to max out Stormfiends in a Gautfyre, and you really can't do that at 1500. I've recently been using different variations of the below for my 1500 point games:

    Allegiance: Skryre
    Arch Warlock (140)
    Warlock Engineer (100)
    3 x Stormfiends (290)
    3 x Stormfiends (290)
    5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade
    - Allies
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)

    Total: 1440 / 1500
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 200 / 400
    Wounds: 104

    This gives you more bodies, better at CC and ranged with the WLC's. Last 60 can be a CP or Endless Spells. 

    • Like 2
  3. Yeah, an Assassin with Sword of Judgement (I usually just say I'm taking the Assassin with claws for the 2 extra attacks over the blades, so more chances) is just an amazing hero killer since they re-roll all failed hits. Had someone do it last weekend on a Warchanter and he got off 15 MW's. Granted, he did it on a WLC since it was the end of the game and we just wanted to see what it could do, but SoJ is disgusting on certain units.

    @robbobobo I think I prefer the balance of the first list more. I like Acolytes as support to run along behind Clanrats, that said; I tried out tunneling 20 Acolytes today against another Skaven player and 16 of them shooting managed to do 8 wounds against a unit of Stormfiends. I was enlightened to the Grinder teams specific wording to place the accompanying unit 'within 3" from the grinder and 9" (but notice it doesn't say more than) from enemy units'. I would consider a Grinder team as it allows some flexibility. Assuming you can roll that 3+ when you actually need it and can get off a 9" charge.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Haha sorry, we’re miscommunicating here. My comments, and that’s why I only quoted that bit, was in regards to your trademarked ‘soon’. I thought you were referencing how GW constantly uses ’soon’ and it can mean next week or 6 months. I thought it was a funny reference. Never meant to be interpreted as passive aggressive or even in reference to anything else said in you post. 

    No worries, it was early and I wasn't fully awake so I jumped the gun a bit! My mistake. But yes, I was of course poking fun at that. Largely in part due to the fact I also want to start another army or two at the same time, but one can only do so much.

    Believe me, I definitely hope it will be less than 6 months. I have some faith in that list doing decently in tournament play.

    • Like 1
  5. @KramerUnsure why you feel the need to be passive-aggressive about it. I was just showing my list idea and excited I would be getting it built up at some point in the future. I guess I shouldn't post any theory-crafting here like everyone else does?

    @walheimI will say that the Priest has done quite well for me in my Eshin lists as I can teleport him in with the Deceiver and then debuff a unit with the prayer + book to give Gutter Runners a good shot at taking it out in the same turn with their shooting. Overall I think it's a solid enough list, but I think when it comes down to it, the best thing you can do is just get some games in and see how it plays and then make changes from there. You may find that the Priest didn't do much, or that the 20 Clanrat unit was useless...Or you may find that they won you the game a lot of the time.

    • Confused 1
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  6. Huh.. I guess you're right. I suppose I just naturally assumed it's meant to say more than 9" away for the a accompanying  unit as well. I may write up another list using the 20 or so that I have. Could be interesting. 

    I tend to get Gutter Runners into combat with combat heros and they seldom do anything, so I really have to work on what I use them against. I will say there are exceptions, such as the IJ player above that was distracted by them and decided to charge a unit of Brutes AND a Megaboss into them, effectively leaving them stranded in a corner for a couple of rounds. When I run them in groups of 20 for my Eshin lists, it's a different story. 

    I agree. Primarily I've been up against DoK, Sylvaneth, Stormcast, IJ and Tzeentch. I think my biggest problem has been talked about here time and time again; Jezzails just don't seem to be what they used to be. I will definitely give them a couple of more tries, but I think unless something with them changes, they may need to be shelved in favor of more cannons and stormfiends. 

    • Like 1
  7. @walheim I would agree that Warpfire is generally the best, but since most of us cannot find extras, you either have to convert using warpfire thrower bits or certain 40k flamer pieces. Otherwise, I would go with Shock-Gauntlets (killing hordes\all-purpose), Grinderfists or Doomflayers (killing high armor targets\all-purpose). Basically, just never use the Wind Launchers. I'm no expert yet on Verminus, but I will say you are heading in the right direction by having 3x40 Clanrats (1 unit of 20 works too, but I have found they do mostly nothing) and 1x40 or 2x20 Stormvermin. Be sure to give us an update.

    On another note, excited to finally get my holiday wish list together. I just bought a house so may have to wait until tax season unfortunately. Battle reports with this list soon to come.

    Skaven Warlord on Brood Horror (220)
    - General
    - Trait: Cunning Deceiver
    - Artefact: Crown of Conquest
    Arch Warlock (140)
    Verminlord Deceiver (300)
    Warpgnaw Verminlord (320)
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Spear
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade
    20 x Stormvermin (280)
    - Halberd & Shield
    1 x Warp Grinder Weapon Team (80)
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)

    Total: 2000 / 2000

    General idea is that the Grinder team tunnels up Clanrats somewhere and the Warpgnaw Verminlord follows up with the Stormvermin unit to support. The Deceiver teleports the Warlord close to these units to provide CoC support and extra attacks. Arch Warlock will attempt to stay near the other 2 Clanrat units for objective grabbing and throwing out IP when needed. Cogs will give that extra edge on getting the deepstriking units into combat.

    • Haha 1
  8. In light of the games this past weekend, I have a couple of ideas floating around in my head. Slow day at work.

    List 1:
    Arch Warlock (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Masterful Scavenger 
    - Artefact: Ignax's Scales 
    Warlock Engineer (100)
    - Artefact: Ruby Ring 
    Warlock Engineer (100)
    5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
    5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
    5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
    1 x Ratling Gun Weapon Team (80)
    9 x Warplock Jezzails (420)
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade
    - Allies
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade
    - Allies
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
    Clan Skryre (80)
    Arkhspark Voltik (70)
    Rattlegauge Warplock (70)

    Total: 2000 / 2000

    List 2:

    Mortal Realm: Aqshy
    Arch Warlock (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Masterful Scavenger 
    - Artefact: Ignax's Scales 
    Warlock Engineer (100)
    - Artefact: Ruby Ring 
    Warlock Engineer (100)
    3 x Stormfiends (290)
    - Warpfire Projectors, Shock Gauntlets or Grinderfists
    3 x Stormfiends (290)
    - Warpfire Projectors, Shock Gauntlets or Grinderfists
    5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade
    - Allies
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade
    - Allies
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
    Clan Skryre (80)
    Arkhspark Voltik (70)
    Arkhspark Voltik (70)
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000

    The first gives me very little in terms of CC viability; I rely heavily on the Clanrat screens to keep things at bay so I can continue getting shots into everything. Meanwhile, the second gives me a bit more CC viability from the Stormfiend units while still having some ranged punch by allowing the WLC's to fire 4 times per turn in total (assuming I roll 4+ often enough to keep them from killing themselves). Other offshoot ideas include running 10-20 Acolytes behind the Clanrats to hit whatever they charge into, along with minimum 3+ Mortars...Maybe for a decent Gascloud list? Anyway, just had to get my thoughts out.

    Excited to give these a test in the coming weeks.

  9. Yeah, I slowed down on the details as I felt I was always putting in too much information. But no, I hadn't thought of doing that, it would be interesting since I have ~30 Acolytes converted just sitting around...

    ...Problem with that is I wouldn't technically be in range as I have to deploy "more than" 9" away, so 9.1" at the very least. I don't mind using it in conjunction with the Clanrat block, and since so many people use cogs it would be worth a gamble most of the time. I think I just need to use the Grinder team a bit more instead of writing it off after 2 games of them not coming up when I need them to. It really just depends on the opposing army.

    I've used rattleguage in the past with 9 Jezzails and it never did much for me, even in 1.0 before Look out, sir. I will most likely be giving that list a go next weekend if I can find a game, but may leave out the Grinder team in order to keep the Clanrats around in a double-stacked screening position in front. The biggest weakness here is deepstriking, but most of my local meta does not have much in the way of this (pretty much just the Stormcast players) aside from me.

    As for Gutter Runners, I keep trying to vouch for them but I am getting to the point where I can vouch for them no longer. I think running them in MSU's of 5 is good for being a distraction for a single turn, but I think what limits them is being forced to come in on the 1st movement phase and on top of that being force to come in within 6" of the table edge. The latter prevents them from 1st turn grabbing objectives most of the time and the former massively restricts what you can even do with them. 

  10. Couple of games today, first one at 1500 vs Sylvaneth. Both games were played using the "most wounds killed" open war card. I realize I was technically short 1 battleline, but we weren't too concerned. Could've just dropped the Grinder team for 5 Acolytes. I can't recall his spells\artifacts\etc.

    My List:
    Arch Warlock (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Masterful Scavenger 
    - Artefact: Ignax's Scales 
    Warlock Engineer (100)
    3 x Stormfiends (290)
    - Shock Gauntlets
    3 x Stormfiends (290)
    - Warpfire Projectors
    1 x Warp Grinder Weapon Team (80)
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade
    - Allies
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    His List:
    Treelord Ancient (300)
    - General
    Drycha Hamadreth (280)
    Branchwych (80)
    Branchwych (80)
    10 x Dryads (100)
    10 x Dryads (100)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
    - Greatswords
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
    - Greatbows

    I elect him to go first, which allows his big units to get into cover with the trees; no sniping the Treelord\Drycha for me. On my turn I hit his 2x10 Dryads on the right and left side with shooting and finish up the left-side Dryads\deepstriked Revenants with the Fiends and Battleshock.

    Local rule in the shop that the double turn is a choice, so we just decided to skip, so he starts top of 2. To keep it short and sweet, GS Kurnoths + Drycha come out of the woods along with the right side Dryads + Wych and hit the WLC and Stormfiends hard, taking out the WLC and Fiends across the next two turns, but not they hit back, wiping the Dryad unit and getting the Kurnoths down to 1-2 wounds left. Arch-Warlock finishes up the Wych, but gets a Drycha to the fact to finish him off. Those 2+ RR1's(Shield) and 4+ MW save can only do so much.

    Left side cleans up the Bow Kurnoths while Clanrats tunnel up behind and charge into the Treelord + Wych in the trees and proceed to get murdered by the Treelord as expected. By turn 5, I move my warpfire Fiends and remaining WLC + Engineer to take out Drycha + the 2 wound Kurnoth but I think he got his turn order a bit flubbed and thought he was the bottom of 5, so after he went I just ended it there and didn't argue as I was already over on time and needed to get to the next game. Overall, I lost by 10 wounds, but I know that I would've had enough MW output to most likely kill the Drycha + Kurnoth to give me the lead. Oh well, it was a casual game so I'm not too concerned.


    Next game was 2k vs Ironjawz. Same war card objective as he didn't have as much time to play as we intended and figured it would be quicker than playing a proper objective game.

    My List:
    Arch Warlock (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Masterful Scavenger 
    - Artefact: Ignax's Scales 
    Warlock Engineer (100)
    3 x Stormfiends (290)
    - Shock Gauntlets
    3 x Stormfiends (290)
    - Grinderfists
    3 x Stormfiends (290)
    - Warpfire Projectors
    1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (70)
    1 x Warp Grinder Weapon Team (80)
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade
    - Allies
    10 x Gutter Runners (120)
    - Allies
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
    Balewind Vortex (40)
    Soulsnare Shackles (20)

    His List:
    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
    - General
    - Trait: Prophet of the Waaagh! 
    - Artefact: Miasmatic Blade 
    Orruk Megaboss (140)
    - Artefact: Dimensional Blade 
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    - Artefact: Sword of Judgement 
    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    Ironfist (180)
    Bloodtoofs (120)
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)
    Balewind Vortex (40)


    Unlike the first game, we elected to use turn roll-offs. He finished deploying first and let me go first..Unfortunately for him, he put his Cabbage Dragon right up to the 12" line and I moved up a WLC to be in range and rolled a 1 for my power roll, so I instantly nearly halved it's wounds which felt dirty, yet refreshing all at once. I decide to just turtle as nothing else is in range. Oh, and the 10 Gutter Runners come up on the right side (only place they could really) to hit his Megaboss on foot doing a huge 1 wound to him before being charged into and wiped clean. Speaking of charges, he gets the Cabbage into the Shock Gauntlet Fiends and proceeds to kill off 1 1/2...Not great rolling on his part and that continued most of the game.

    I win the roll off and continue turtling, but this time I have more things to shoot\spell-cast at thanks to all that free movement he got on his turn. I whittle away at the approaching Ardboys, finish off the Cabbage and fail both rolls to get the Grinderfists and the Clanrats + Grinder team out. Oh yeah, and the Warpfire Thrower blew himself up, lucky me. Eventually, the Ardboys reach me, but he really has his Brutes lagging far behind which didn't help him much. The Shock Gauntlets continue to not disappoint (even unbuffed) and wipe out 8 Ardboys. That said, the left-side Ardboys + Foot of Gork manage to take out a Fiend from both units.. and I make a huge mistake in trusting my own luck and don't use IP on the Fiends, and I roll a 6 for both leaving the warpfire Fiends with 1 left and the Shock Gauntlets being wiped out.

    I win the roll off again and with little time, we decide this will be the last round (I think we were on round 3-4). So I do what we do best and MW down the rest of the Ardboys, take a few off a Brute unit that caught up and hit the WLC's. Clanrats come out and fail their charge, Grinderfists fail to come up yet again. Good job guys. But then, he finally got his Warchanter into combat and it was disgusting. With the +1 to hit, it proceeded to do 15 MW's with SoJ against a WLC. I can see why people stack 2-3 Warchanters, they just have to make it to their targets, and I only managed to get it down to 2 wounds. We ended the game there, with him taking the victory by a single wound killed, 60-61 (again, may have been some miscalculation, we were rushing) but it was a good time.

    Overall Thoughts: I was between 2 lists that I wanted to try, the other involving Rattlegauge with 9 Jezzails + Arkhspark with 2 WLC's. Most likely that would've fared better, but I don't think it would've been too enjoyable for him so I decided to use this other test list. I definitely made some misplays, but overall both games were close enough that I think I will continue to experiment with this setup. I'm seriously considering dropping the Grinder team and just having the Clanrats deploy normally however, will have to play around with that a bit more. Getting off that 9" charge happens less than I like, but popping right on top of an objective is wonderful....you know, when I can roll 3+'s. I'm still salty about those Grinderfists.

    Let me know what you all think, I'm still working on my format for BR's, trying to keep them shorter but then I feel like I lost out on detail. Still a work in progress.

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  11. 10 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    I’ve had some success with it personally. 

    I adore the Skulltake Battalion. 

    I've made a couple trial lists with it, but I go low on the Warriors\screens to fit everything in. May just have to give it a shot.

    Also, does anyone consider running a block of 30 Bloodletters in either? I imagine Skullreapers generally fulfill the same purpose.

  12. 7 minutes ago, PUFNSTUF said:

    So one unit of warp throwers, one of shock gaunts, and what should the third be?

    Either 3 Grinders or a Grinder + 2 Doomflayers would be my vote IF you can properly get off a charge. Cogs help a lot with this to get it down to a 7+. I stand by their purpose being almost exclusively on killing heroes/monsters/wizards. If you want utility, take a warp-grinder team with another unit to accompany (40 Clanrats). 

    Although even without cogs I find those options to be superior to Ratlings, at least in my games. 

    Also Skreech, I agree Shock gauntlets are a good all purpose, but with lower rend and a higher volume of attacks/hits I just find them better suited to being aimed at standard battleline units/hordes. Even unbuffed they still pull ridiculous numbers on average. 

  13. See, I did the opposite and replaced 2 Ratling gun fiends with a Grinderfist. I've found Ratling-Fiends to be a huge disappointment across the 8 or so games I used them in. On average, 2 of them would at most do 3-5 unsaved wounds (against 3-4+ saves w/ no Look out, sir), whereas using 3 Grinderfists has usually gotten me 7-15 unsaved wounds. Sure, you have to bank on getting that 9" charge, but since 2 Ratling-Fiends most likely won't outright kill your target anyway, you will most likely be charging them in regardless and hoping for that same charge just to be worse in melee.

    Most of the time I see people suggesting using 1 Grinder + 2 Doomflayers, but I prefer the more consistent 3 Grinders. As for Shock Gauntlets, I keep them in a group of 3 to buff them in the best way possible with packmasters. They're better for horde-clearing than hitting a hero\wizard\monster, which is what you want the Grinderfist team to be aiming for.

  14. @Num I've always said no, if they are dead they cannot use enginecoven abilities or pass off the re-rolls.

    The way all of them are worded imply that they must be alive in order to "order a unit to do x or y" or to have an Arch-warlock "pass on his maniacal insight". You cannot do things very well if you are dead. At least for non-Death armies I guess...

    • Thanks 1
  15. I never use predatory spells as I just dislike the nature of them. That said pendulum tends to be the go to for most as it only moves one direction anyway. For Skryre, I mostly just use Shackles when I run with a lot of shooting units, and definitely the BW for the Arch-Warlock. Getting him on that while on top of Arcane terrain is just beautiful. 

    Palisade has its uses, but I've found it gets dispelled far too easily. 

  16. @Num I would consider Barons advice. If you tend to just play games that result in a massive slogfests in the middle of the table, I would rather use almost exclusively: Stormfiends, WLC's, Jezzails and Mortars. Your partner can just run the screening units and you provide the ranged damage\Stormfiend hammers.

  17. 47 minutes ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    Any list with Skarbrand will give you a chance at a local level!

    Yeah... He really liked the large demon models like Skarbrand and Belakor when he first started so I figured that would be enough of a punch while the chaos warriors provided a decent anvil. Considered maybe dropping 5 Knights for 10 more Chaos Warriors, but then no extra CP. Not sure on that tradeoff. 

    In terms of this list setup, is it best to give all warriors shields, or something else? 

  18. Hey everyone. So, I'm looking to finish up my younger brothers StD in time for the holidays as he's been away at college and unable to actually play. I feel like it would be a suitable present to get everything painted so he would be more inclined to play. Anyway, he has a bit of a focus problem so I tried creating a competitive, yet simple list that won't have him rummaging through warscrolls and remembering overlapping buffs so heavily. What do you think of the below? Not looking to win tournaments, but I want him to have a chance at a local level:

    Allegiance: Slaves To Darkness
    Chaos Lord On Manticore (250)
    - General
    - Blade & Lance
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (160)
    - Runestaff
    Skarbrand (400)
    - Allies
    20 x Chaos Warriors (360)
    - Hand Weapon & Shield
    10 x Chaos Warriors (180)
    - Hand Weapon & Shield
    10 x Chaos Knights (320)
    - Chaos Glaives
    10 x Chaos Chosen (280)

    Total: 1950 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 400 / 400
    Wounds: 141

    • Like 1
  19. @Skreech Verminking I tried that more standard painting method for awhile when I first started, but I just couldn't stand the meticulousness of it with paint thinning, multiple coats, being careful of details, etc. This method works for a nice tabletop standard in an insane amount of time, which frees up me up to do a bit of detail work without it feeling like a chore.

    Here's a few skaven units I did with this method. I've started making my own glazes now instead of solely using Citadel washes, so future results should look better. I've had a few people compare them to looking almost cel-shaded in a way. Sorry for the bad quality, phone camera is all I have. 


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  20. On 10/21/2018 at 3:49 PM, 5kaven5lave said:

    Ah of course, I had the Corruptor in mind. My first love was Skaven (first plastic purchase was Spire of Dawn and played loads of Vermintide), time seems right to get painting up some ratbois.  

    Ha, pretty much the same way me and my girlfriend got into the hobby. I bought a Spire of Dawn because she liked the Aelves and I did not intend to have Skaven grow beyond 1k points.

    ~7k points later and I am about to get heavily into Verminus. Good luck with all the painting. If you hate painting as much as I do, I recommend going with this technique. It makes Horde armies incredibly fast to do. I painted 40 Gutter Runners with this technique (and a little extra detail\basing) and managed to get all of them done in about 8 working hours or less. I now do this glaze\wash painting on every model I own:


    • Thanks 2
  21. @5kaven5lave Well, he's 260 actually. But I tried using him a lot the first month or two of 2.0 before the spell portals got changed and he worked well with a magic bunker focused Skryre list. Since then he's lost most of his value to me, but definitely still up there. Clanrats just do everything better than the Giant Rats he generates, and they cost less.

    Happy to see more getting into Skaven. I started the hobby a little over a year ago with them and they will always be my "main army". LoN and Beasts of Chaos tomes should be a good indicator that we will have our time soon. But there's plenty of discussions about that all over the verminus/general skaven thread. Let us know how your games go. 

    • Like 1
  22. 19 hours ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    Ah, that’s where I’ve seen them. Cheers ears. 

    Yeah, monks and doomwheel boxes are the best source. You can use two of the small ones on one base or something if you want as they feel odd on a 25mm.

    Ebay is your friend too, that's where I got all 30 of mine for about $20. Still, 80 Clanrats will do more for you over a Warpseer and Giant Rats, which you need a lot of extra CP to summon in. 

    • Like 1
  23. @5kaven5lave Looks good. I've tried a doomwheel a couple of times in the past and have since shelved it, but I see how it can have good moments. I just prefer having more shooting output. 

    3 cannons will be interesting.. But you really need to keep them safe as they are paper thin and you're sinking a lot of points into them. What I would personally do without changing much is: Drop the Doomwheel and Packmaster and buff up your low Clanrat unit to 40 (20 of them will most likely do nothing, I'd rather bring a warpseer to generate giant rats and they would do just as well as a screen) and add in another Engineer or whatever else you want for 100 pts. 

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