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Everything posted by Noserenda

  1. Got this months WD through today, only had a chance for a brief look but the Tome Celestial Cities of Sigmar is very workmanlike, nothing unexpected or crunchy to do with Crusades just giving the new edition things to the army, not even a battalion unless i missed it
  2. Yes, if you move the goalposts to a specific xenos race they are mostly neglected, the Eldar are still fielding a considerable number of 90's kits for example. People were not arguing that though were they? Its always xenos as a whole v space marines and as i pointed out, that's an argument based in burying your head in the sand. Tyranids are pretty hard done by model wise, i suspect by the studio not really having a clear idea about what to do with them, though you could argue if you are going to include a dozen marine dexes as one army you should include genestealer cults under the greater tyranid banner Urgh, i can understand cutting back on 8ths model count but it as a whole was a big relief after 6th and 7th from memory, though 7th was a good step forward from 6th at least. But yeah 8th ed warhammer armies were hugely expensive things, which is far from ideal.
  3. I think they would foolish not to but they do seem to be leaning that way, and they been very inconsistent with HH models previously.
  4. I suspect the same "rumour" source who made up the Heresy rumours recently is broadening his field based on success, it feels off on a few levels others have pointed out, but also, High Elves were known to be the highest selling Warhammer army (im told) so its odd they would be left out of the "no brainers" list.
  5. Saving my hype for Skaven, well and Sisters of Silence but that aint happening unless i do it myself Regards 40k xenos releases, i am constantly amazed at how neglected they are every time GW does a huge revamp for one of them Something they have been doing annually the last couple of years and Rumours say huge Eldar waves next year too. They cant do everything at once, but its disingenuous to say they arent doing anything, or even focusing purely on marines.
  6. They havent even revealed the bundles full contents, bit early to ring the doom bell
  7. Personally i find this talk of a secret "underempire" of man sized rats preposterous...
  8. Well it is a flying croissant of doom, it would be stale news by afternoon
  9. Not a bad idea tbh, in my experience morale failures are much more usually troops just hanging around not engaging rather than full on running away.
  10. On Android, but on discussions at the time its afairly well known issue, or intended.
  11. Yeah this months offer is super weak, not something you use to attract new subscribers, more something minor to keep the ones you have ticking over, its essentially just a limited<10% off after all, you get better discounts from most good 3rd parties.
  12. Yeah if its like the 40k one it wipes all your lists every time it updates
  13. But currently AoD is pretty obviously at a nadir of players recently, just looking at online activity and events, obviously my own circle has dropped it so i cant draw anything there.
  14. Plenty of your first category dont like AoD staying 7th either though, i was literally reminded today that our group worked through multiple Heresy armies and projects before FW even released Betrayal, the love for the setting is definitely there but the 7th edition is such an unwieldy mess its outright unpleasant to play now we have the much cleaner modern 40k rules (even if GW are apparently busy sabotaging that right now) to contrast it against, so none of us have touched that particular set of mechanics in years now. Instead we are taking that love of the setting and playing loads of Adeptus Titanicus (which is an outright good system) a bit of the 8th ed conversion folks did and even epic scaled heresy instead. I always find it weirdly gaslightly when people insist you only love the setting when you play one specific half arsed rulesset (not that you are here exactly but folks definitely do it) rather than growing beyond its limitations, the Age of Darkness is far from the be all and end all of Horus Heresy gaming. AS it is i have high hopes for the new edition, the current one is hardly what FW wanted, just what they could bodge together in a rush, rip the guts out of 7th and its not utterly broken, just bringing in a move stat knocks a dozen pages off the rulebooks horrific movement systems, armour modifiers and damage stats fix a lot of jank and giving vehicles toughness fixes a chunk more. Let alone them exploring new avenues. Certainly the idea that Old World is drawing from every edition of Warhammer gives me hope that a new version of AoD will draw from all of 40k rather than bending over backwards to not be like 2nd edition (Or 8th and 9th) decades later!
  15. There is obviously something up, like the weird delay to the Iconoclast titan in the UK/Europe but not further abroad this week.
  16. Really? Because Necromunda does have a xenos gang... More seriously, the eightpoints is literally the hub of AoS, thats why its so important and constantly being fought over by everyone, with two recent/ongoing large scale invasions to boot. Anyone can get there and everyone has some good reasons to do so. Limiting your range to just chaos cultists is super limiting and its inevitably going to hurt the game from a lack of variety. Plus we get a series of interesting warbands for various races that showcase something interesting, like underworlds but better essentially.
  17. If they wanted a bigger AoS team they would make the AoS team bigger, they did with 40k recently after all. There is no shortage of people willing to do the work and certainly no shortage of office space! They wanted X number of folks working on AoS and also wanted X number of people working on Boxed games, so they did that.
  18. Yeah theyve been pretty clear its still years away unfortunately, it just feels closer because of the computer game tie in.
  19. The other big problem with Warcry is that they made all the non warcry specific warbands better than the warcry ones (like, significantly better) so people either used existing minis or bought AoS stuff that couldnt be identified by GW as for use with Warcry. So suddenly warcry has poor sales... It is in fact the best skirmish game id played in years, but i think they really need some more non chaos warbands to broaden the appeal.
  20. And yeah, companies destroy stuff all the time, when i worked in retail/food we destroyed sandwiches and the like every day to stop homeless people getting them, well, unless we "forgot" to.
  21. Wildly off topic much? You can always recycle sprues into sprue-goo or rubble, i understand GW recycles sprues used at WHW but the plastic has severe diminishing returns so its not really a solution to all sprues unless you want a noticeable drop in mini quality. I reaaaally doubt Dominion will be going in the bin anytime soon though, Dreadfleet hung around for aaaages before the disposed of the remainers and apparently Indomnitus was originally expected to last until Christmas, even in light of Indomnitus being a mega smash hit i can imagine they would expect something similar for Dominion.
  22. Its not like warcry not existing would give us more AoS minis anyway, they are completely different systems with different teams working on them, some of the warbands might have seen release as "proper" AoS kits but they would probably have all languished on various drawing boards or in artists heads leaving nothing in their place.
  23. *waves in happy thoughtmark* Im actually really happy about armybooks with just one mini tbh. Its not the best thing obviously but the alternative is no army book at all, remember releases are driven entirely by model development not by what books need revising right now. So if there are no Nurgle minis coming down the pipe, no book. They used to save things up for a larger release, and single heroes are relatively quick to design, develop and release (and are often side, or passion projects from the sculptors rather than commissioned exactly) so they make a new army book considerably more plausible. Which is usually good!
  24. Link to the sale stuff, also some terrain and AI https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/New-Exclusive?N=2512876101+2224935157&Nr=AND(sku.siteId%3AGB_gw%2Cproduct.locale%3Aen_GB_gw)&Nrs=collection()%2Frecord[product.startDate+<%3D+1635541920000+and+product.endDate+>%3D+1635541920000]
  25. You are literally sharing a rule in your signature though Gaz
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