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Posts posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. Re : Adepticon

    Being reasonably enthusiastic, IMO for AOS we'll "just" get the (potential) Seraphon Launch Box (containing an as-of-yet unseen unit and the battletome).

    And something extra, like a new Incarnate / Season of War Book / etc. GW'll probably keep the two Death tomes for Monday reveals (and Dawnbringer for Warhammer Fest... or*...).

    For Underworlds, I expect the full reveal of the new season Sarter Set, with Tzeentch Daemons vs Freeguild Veterans* (which could be a kind of Dawnbringer preview on its own). Season still set in Ghur, maybe inside some Seraphon Ruins (as I expect the next Warcry season to be set, after Nightmare Quest, ala Gallowdark - Dungeon style).


    We know the Seraphon ship was hit by Tzeentch fires, maybe some Freeguild thought to take refuge from the forest inside Chaos held-ruins and BAM. 


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  2. Like others, and based on the New Year's videos, I want to bet we'll 100% get : 

    • AOS : Seraphon (Slann, Saurus, Skink Riders, maybe more / Battletome cover ?)
    • WHU : Arenai Aelves (or Malerion's or Belakor's)
    • Warcry : at least 2 models from Bloodhunt (looking forward to the scenery if any)
    • 40k : Primaris missile guy and Arks Of Omen IV : Farsight / T'au something
    • KT : Soulshackle box (Arbites & doggo ❤️ vs Dark Eldars)
    • HH : moar tanks and space marines I guess ? Maybe DAEMON ASSASSIN :P

    Honestly, I'd be happy with more Battletome previews, maybe another Season / Incarnate, even some Freeguilders / Dawnbringers mock-up (apparently there is some cool fluff about them in Black Library : Godeater's Son !) but we are already full with that schedule...

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  3. 43 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    So on the right: That’s a vampire then. Nice!

    We could still be surprised, but yeah, looks like it. 

    Khorne Headhunters vs Vampyre Cultists.

    But indeed, I'm even more interested in the new Underworlds Warband now !

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  4. Just to add : the Southlands are the "Africa" continent equivalent, south of the Old World ("Europe"), not Cathay ("China"). In this way they are closer to the main action of TOW. The 6th-7th WFB ed. fluff also had the the Lizardmen re-conquer Albion and establish a city there, ready to strike in the Old World (well that was a prelude to Storm of Chaos, so around 2500 Imperial Calendar, not 2300 ... ). BTW I really like this "historical" approach to be able to play WFB in its "recent past" (the time of Gorbad, the time of Mordheim, etc.).

    Anyway, I can't tell you how excited I am for The Old World release :P They really chose the best time as I always wanted the Great War Against Chaos and the Siege of Praag to be explored :D It could even mean we'll get Asavar Kul in miniature form, as well as...





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  5. 3 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    For AOS and its boxed games Im expecting for LVO;

    Warcry Boxed Set.

    Underworlds Warband.

    Next Order and Chaos Tomes revealed.

    Seasons of War Gallet revealed.

    Are we sure there something at LVO this year ? Didn't see any annoucement :/

    (Happy New Years TGA)

  6. Nice reveals overall ! Both WFB-era updates and 40k Chaos releases (Jakals and Vashtorr) are very nice. Once again the real flavor came from "side" games (Cawdor rider with cup attached to his hood, and of course the glorious WHU GITZ).

    For the AOS roadmap

    • Destruction : guess we are done for AOS 3rd ? Hope for more Moonclan Gitz with the Battletome (regarding rumor engines, just like Seraphon).
    • Order : KO first then Seraphon (with plastic Slaan). Cities could come in Fall 2023 (same timing with year-long teasing like Sister of Battle).
    • Chaos : Going by the Thondia fluff, really hoped to see Morghur. But then, Khorne surely, Slaanesh after. (Chorfs could come in Fall 2023 too but would clash slot wise with Dawnbringers).
    • Death : FEC then OBR. Soublight was the last of second edition and got WD update and Cursed City, so...

    Regarding rumor engines - mostly for FEC - we shouldn't forget the WHU and more importantly the Warcry roadmap (very surely featuring Khornate and Slaaneshi warbands) running up to spring 2023.

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  7. GOOD TO BE BACK ! Off line week appreciation recap : 

    • Warcry : Sundered Fate : Both bands are great (the flying dinos and the daemon bird 😍), new scenery (unlike Kill Team Box 2), and still a few Seraphon Rumor engines left. Final score : 11/10
    • Warhammer Quest Nemesis : Well. New content is always nice. No new models ? Sad, but seen with WHQ : Silver Tower (even if it has bundles). No further expansion ? Sad too (I wanted an Escalation-esque box with more new Explorers). I guess we have WHU and Warcry for great "creativity" sculpts ... Final score 4/10
    • Underworld Roadmap : Nice ! Pleased to see new Gitz soon, and very intrigued by either the Malerion Aelves, Slaanesh or Legion of the First Prince logo ! Final score : 7/10.
    • Ogors and StD ranges and book : great stuff overall. Final score : 8/10. 
    • Battlescroll : guess it's nice ? The rules people will tell. Final score : n/a.

    BTW that Lord Solar indeed could be easily Freeguild-ized. Or iS fRoM cHaMOn :P

  8. Well I for one was pretty disappointed with the Warcry Monday reveal, but at least we learned : 

    • Chamelons Skinks are not "wild beasts" like Furies and Raptoryx but a true, new Warband (probably with a Kroxigor or Saurus looking at current Rumor engines). 
    • There will apparently be new Gnarlwood terrain in the box (and not a reprint of the - admittedly very nice - exact same terrain like Kill team got + an accessory sprue).

    I still wish we got more news but I guess it'll come closer to the "End November" release slot... 

  9. GW absolutely must reveal Warcry : Sundered Fate in full tomorrow, right ?

    We already got a wee teaser with the Skink and the roadmap, they announced the entire WHU : Gnarlwood core set on a "normal" Monday and the new quarterly Kill Team box goes on pre order next week... I guess we are all set right ?


    ... really looking forward for some non-Total War related The Old World news, too !!!


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  10. @Chikout One of the BT leaks had the Chaos Warrior command picture and they looked different enough... IIRC people did do some comparisons. 

    But yeah, the Chaos Knights clearly just are an upgrade sprue... Really strange (but explaining why they didn't show the whole unit today !). 

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  11. 15 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Might lead to the Warcry expansion being Tzeentch vs Seraphon and next year the main goal of a Seraphon update to space battle their way through Silver Towers in the aetheric void and take back the Tome.

    Okay now THAT would be the best thing ever* : my two favorite AOS games - in terms of mood - combined (Warcry and WHQ : Silver Tower).

    Imagining right now how a starter set for Warcry Season 2 set in a Silver Tower would look like (comparing to the KT : Into The Dark set) : lots of disc-like platforms stacked or interlinked, golden archways, and dark, starlit board with Tzeentchian features. Amazing. 

    But yeah I still think the next season will be set inside the Seraphon Temple Ship. Either it takes off and takes us in space**, or we simply explore its depths in the ruins inside the Gnarlwood. 


    *Excluding a plastic Epidemius or a map of Azyr.


    ** Speaking of the Void and the monsters in it. Unpopular opinion maybe but I'm not keen on this Void-Things fluff. We have plenty of Cosmic Horrors already : that's the Chaos Gods. No need to have a new threat of this level of power and mystery shoe-horned in. The Necron-like fluff is covered by Null-stones and Nagash trying to kill everyone (which frightened even the Chaos Gods, cf. Malign Portents). And the Old Ones fluff also deals with Cosmic Mystery and a sense of "older than Time itself" background aspect every Fantasy setting needs (to add sense of depth, etc.). And finally, Nagash, Sigmar, Gorkamorka battling insanely powerful entities from the Mortal Realms or the Void in the Age Of Myth is already covered by the notion of Godbeasts (Sigmar and his Gargants Guard in Forbidden Power are fighting Godbeasts, IIRC). 

    TLDR : concepts well established like Chaos Gods, Old Ones and Godbeasts make, IMO, things like Void-Things/Pseudopods-Cthullu things unnecessary / supererogatory in AOS.


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  12. So, besides the next fives Battletomes we know of, early 2023 should or could be : 

    - Gitz tome with Spiders unit and/or Boss 

    - Season of War : Gallet with Spider-y Incarnate (sorry @Chikout) and maybe scenery.

    Then sometimes in 2023 : 

    - Cities of Sigmar tome, with new humans Crusaders / Conquisatdors ❤️ 

    - Beast Of Chaos with at least Morghur updated (strongly implied in lore : most recently SoW Thondia)

    - A "new faction" : Chaos Duardin (strongly implied in lore : most recently Warcry)

    We also have the next 3 Warcry boxes until Spring 2023, a new season of Underworld (set in Hysh or Chamon given the new logo and the Nethermaze lore ?) and maybe more Cursed City expansions. 


    P.-S. : R.I.P. the Queen. 


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  13. 2 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    the generic kit he is built from

    Quick note : do you mean the existing Varanguard kit ? Because Eternus is a stand alone kit (there is a new Mounted Chaos Lord with this release but Eternus is bigger). 

    I like the Ian Miller part of the new StD a lot (Eternus, Chaos Legionnaires and Centaur Marshall), but I have too much stuff to finish in Nurgle's Garden to expand my small StD collection now...

    And it's a shame about no CoS.

    Also, are the Soulbound characters just the Explorers from Cursed Cities BUT in the other gender ? I do not like that art style very much, too "bright" and simply looking quite like the base model as @Clan's Cynic said... But happy to see new content for Soulbound that ties with the current narrative in Sysh and Ghur ü

  14. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:


    Dawnbringers first look? Gloomspite Gitz?

    Great ! Well I'll get the Gorechosen even if I don't play WHU (I try to get at least one warband each season to mark my support for the game, great creativity going there lately in terms of models). Looking forward to the new setting ! 

    Re : Monday reveal. If the next Battletomes indeed are 1 new model each, then we know everything until Slaves to Darkness (which we also kinda know everything about) : DoT = Curseling, LRL = new mage, Mawtribes = new hunter, SoB : KING BRODD.

    I guess we could see something more for MT or SoB (maybe from Warcry). Alternatively : another leaked unit for StD, or indeed something for Cities of Sigmar.

    Slight hope for the latter, as people asked about WHQ Cursed Cities and CoS (and TOW) at NOVA and GW revealed soon after the Nightwar expansion. So we could very well get a small snippet of something for CoS...

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  15. 17 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Are we sure expansion two is also lacking minis? 

    @Whitefang maybe knows more on that subject ? Because Blackstone Fortress had a lot of expansions, 6 at least, some without new models (not counting WD stuff).

    I'd hope we get at least ONE expansion for Cursed City with new models (mostly new Explorers), following the format of "WHQ : BSF - Escalation"...


    BTW the Nova reveals were great. Nice roadmap, love the Hunter's head (kinda Nurglesque) and oh my man @KingBrodd I'm so happy for you !


    ... wish me luck for a plastic Epidemius or a Map of Azyr one day :'D


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  16. 5 hours ago, Whitefang said:

    Dawnbringer is not faction, though.

    Of course, and I know Dawnbringer Crusades are "events". I meant "DawnbringerS", as in, the human Crusaders from the Cities of Sigmar, which we know are getting a facelift. My point are they could be seen as an updated, AOSified faction inside of the whole Cities of Sigmar range(s), just like the Kruleboyzs were a new, AOSified faction inside the whole Orruk Warclans battletome.

    (And indeed, CoS could have rules for garrison-like AND crusading armies).)

    But I still hope the next brand "new" or at least imaginatively AOSified faction from the Old World arriving in AOS to be the Chaos Duardins. If we get both them and new Azyrite Humans in 2023, it'd be perfect.

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  17. @EccentricCircle and @Chikout

    Yeah, given all the fluff and references from Warcry and AOS3 publications, I'm quite sure the next brand-new faction is Chaos Duardin : as pointed out it would be a "brand-new" (aka reimagined) Chaos faction (so, first time), and due to the two-year lead on new factions, COVID could have pushed them in spring 2023. 

    That or Dawnbringer, also next year. 

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  18. 22 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    @KingBrodd not a single Necromunda thing in there. 😝

    I to get them mixed up as they have two scifi skirmish games. 


    I think our lord KB is referring to the Necromunda Monday Reveal occurring tomorrow as per the article... 

    Indeed does Necromunda get many reveals on Mondays ;) 

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