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Everything posted by svnvaldez

  1. How many 6 ups did you roll to get a unit back? The soul crushing look of both players when 30 arrowz comes back!
  2. @PlasticCraic did the 200 points of big stabbas do anything?
  3. I'd bet serious money its coming. These things take time but its coming!
  4. Mine is almost exactly 1.5in in diameter (38.1mm). Its the base GW sent me. Just put it on a 40mm (1.5748in) base imo.
  5. I also think that this restriction was introduced in GH1 and stated that the restriction was a matched play restriction. Back then it was perfectly fine to cast multiples of the same spell in open play. I think in AOS2 they moved this rule from the GH to the core rules. Meaning even in open play your only suppose to cast 1 spell of the same name a turn. Here is the rule on pg8 of the core rules.
  6. Not to be an echo chamber but I agree. I have played GW games for 15 years and I think this is a fair assessment.
  7. I feel that if changes didn't occur in the 2 week FAQ they will not come at all unless its a blatant error or a simple change like modifying a keyword or replacing things like "melee attacks" with "attacks". So when I speak I generally try not to talk about warscroll changes since I believe that to be a unrealistic expectation. Points on the other hand can be changed with each GH and we should not take a whipped dog mentality when we lobby for our faction on social media, at a local gw store, etc etc. imo a MK at the max should be 400. At the MAX. Either lower him or raise other comparable monsters.
  8. Exactly. Yet we all stay in a destruction forum and I bet alot of us don't play armies outside of destruction. We destruction players are a special breed and GW knows that. We probably would buy the models no matter what the rules are. I'm happy with Gloomspite, they seem fun, they seem decent, I love the models etc etc. And that doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about optimization. Just means we should always acknowledge that what drew most of us to destruction probably wasn't the rules.
  9. I played the entirety of last year with an optimized list and did not have a lick of fun because I wasn't using the models I like and the play style I enjoy. I also take enjoyment from winning so semi-optimization is important to me and I would not have enjoyed losing with an un-optimized list. What resulted is I played 1/3 of the tournaments that I had planned to since I was not bothered to go. Everyone is different. Everyone has their own goals. There is no right answer so do what you enjoy. For me that was focusing on painting because I have a deep love for this game and the models that are involved in it.
  10. Totally, what we talk about a lot is optimization which I believe is incredibly important if your goal is to win the game. But that isn't everyone's goal and it does not have to be. I have always believed in buying and painting the models you like because they will look great on the shelf and bring you happiness regardless of how often you get to play the game. It's important to be a informed consumer and if your goal is for a model to perform well in game do not be disappointed if you did not do your homework before hand and consider optimization.
  11. Taking it a step further rumors have all but confirmed we will get Gutbusters, Slaanesh, Seraphon and Mixed Everchosen/Slaves to Darkness in the near future. LoN, DoK, Deepkin and Nurgle all have AOS2ish books (They have the new black labels rather than the gold). That leaves Aelves, Bonesplitterz, IJ, Dispossessed, Tzeentch, Free Peoples, Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth, and KO. If I was a betting man I would go with those names as the next tomes: Probably: Gutbusters, Slaanesh, Seraphon, Mixed Everchosen/Slaves to Darkness, BS from what I hear this year. Then: Aelves, IJ, Dispossessed, Tzeentch, Free Peoples, Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth, and KO next year.
  12. Completely agree. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/06/05/faction-focus-index/ Take a look at the index of AOS 2.0 (It has been quite predictive of the armies we have seen so far). We have got SCE, Nighthaunt, Mixed Beasts, Mixed Grots, Mixed Skaven, FEC, and soon Khorne. If you look at the Mixed Grots closely you see Giants, Trolls, Spiders, Moonclan all in 1 army... without gitmob. This has not been predictive of new models however. Many finecast grot models pictured have been replaced.
  13. I agree GW needs to do something with legacy armies. But I probably differ with you on what needs to be done. If legacy armies will not be re-imagined and updated in there rules like what they just did with Skaven I believe they should be removed completely from the GH matched play point section. There is nothing stopping ppl from using old models and "Legends" warscrolls in Narative and Open. That's where unsupported armies should be imo. However it is frustrating to try to use an army they still sell with the expectation that they will be playable in matched play when clearly GW has no interest in investing the resources to make them work in game.
  14. Your spot on with your comments. The solution is making a battletome using the ideas as presented in Firestorm (Order Battletome: Free Cities)
  15. Many Gloomspite are "Temporarily out of stock Online". I'm sure they are not gone forever since they are all models pictured in the new battletome but it is frustrating for those wanting to add them to the collection now that a new tome is out.
  16. I might just run Ben Savva's Bonegrinz London Masters list till someone wins something with Gloomspite. https://thehonestwargamer.com/aos-list-rundowns/benjamin-savva-fiction-bonesplitterz/ He takes the Aetherquartz Brooch, starts with 3 CP then gens to 4 T1. Probably then burns 3 to stack the Bosses CA regen those back on a 5+. Then I don't believe there is any order to spending CP so then he would burn the newly regenerated CP and repeat leaving 1 for IP. Average your spending 4 CP but if you get hot lets say 6. That's each 5+ to hit procs an additional 4-6 attacks. Nagash and Arkhan use the Aetherquartz Brooch exploit a bit too. You spend 3 see how much you regen then spend some more to extend Nagash's spell range. It so much fun when Nagash has +24 range to all his spells and realm spells. This match up is my regular opponent. Krukk is the only Destro list I got that can match his Nagash, Arkhan, and 30 grim. Alpha down Arkhan or Nagash, charge a line into the side of the grims to slow them down then forget you have any attacks and just play the objectives. (Nagash can hand of dust to break coherency so make sure to have your boyz in 2 boyz lines not 1!) Please correct me if there is any thing stopping this other than ones own shame Shoutout to @heywoah_twitch for the "A: Shame mostly." (Without start of phase wording on anything I doubt its illegal)
  17. I was assuming Moonclan = Moonclan Grot but your 100% right.
  18. I think its probably too many points (1270 points) but I was looking at building a list that is based off 60 grots, 1 unit of snufflers, 1 unit of spore fanatics, gobbapalooza with battalion, loonboss, and loonboss on mangler. I'm pretty sure all the keywords align such that you can buff the loonboss on mangler with all 3 gobbapalooza buffs +2 attacks from the snufflers and spores... then when hes flown off and out of range doing his thing you can move the 1 gobbapalooza buff that doesn't target a hero, +2 attacks from the snufflers and spores and the foot loonbosses CA to the unit of 60 grots. Something like this (Endless spells were added because there cool models and you have 5 casters, you could drop them): I don't know if this list can be hyper competitive but it literally has all my favorite models in it and I'm not convinced its a bad list that you could not do well with if you got a good draw and smart play (Maybe grots do need 180 bodies thou... Im not sure). Allegiance: Gloomspite GitzLeadersLoonboss on Mangler Squigs (300)Loonboss (70)Skragrott, The Loonking (220)- GeneralWebspinner Shaman (80)Madcap Shaman (80)Battleline60 x Stabbas (360)- Pokin Spears & Moon Shields6 x Squig Herd (70)6 x Squig Herd (70)Units5 x Boggleye (240)5 x Sporesplatta Fanatics (120)6 x Sneaky Snufflers (70)BattalionsGobbapalooza (110)Endless SpellsScuttletide (30)Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (50)Mork's Mighty Mushroom (80)Malevolent Moon (50)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1
  19. I agree with this and it is definitely worth noting before buying 30.
  20. If you built your army around 60 stabbas, 2 units of squig battleline (either min or max unit sized hoppers/herds), 30 bounders (15x2 or 10x3), a unit of snufflers, and 1 loonboss on mangler I think you'll be fine. Only real issue with Gloomspite imo is it costs a lot of $$$ and isn't top tier auto win. Age of sigmar is not the kind of game where $$$ equals power.
  21. I always ask myself what is the comparative advantage of the army (what do we do well that other books cant). My take a ways are -1 to hit, only army that can field units of 60, can be 1 drop. Part of me wants to build around this but I haven't been able to figure this book out yet and there hasn't been much data other than Donal's London Masters list. Battleline60 x Stabbas (360)- Pokin Spears & Moon Shields20 x Stabbas (130)- Pokin Spears & Moon Shields20 x Stabbas (130)- Pokin Spears & Moon ShieldsUnits15 x Loonsmasha Fanatics (420)5 x Loonsmasha Fanatics (140)5 x Loonsmasha Fanatics (140)BattalionsSkulkmob Horde (160)Total: 1480 / 2000 I think I would then fill it out with something like this (4 drop): Allegiance: Gloomspite GitzLeadersSkragrott, The Loonking (220)Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)Madcap Shaman (80)Battleline60 x Stabbas (360)- Pokin Spears & Moon Shields20 x Stabbas (130)- Pokin Spears & Moon Shields20 x Stabbas (130)- Pokin Spears & Moon ShieldsUnits15 x Loonsmasha Fanatics (420)5 x Loonsmasha Fanatics (140)5 x Loonsmasha Fanatics (140)BattalionsSkulkmob Horde (160)Endless SpellsGeminids of Uhl-Gysh (40)Chronomantic Cogs (60)Scuttletide (30)Total: 2000 / 2000
  22. Top 3 slaughter lists are on AOS shorts. https://aosshorts.com/sheffield-slaughter-2019-review-and-results/ Thought experiment for you guys. If you were going to play a 3 game event. Play one of the top 3 each round (assume 2 standard missions like boarder war and 1 Duality/3 places of power). What would you take. I’d love to hear your ideas.
  23. It is hard to see in this picture but I make tokens for everything in my army and leave them next to the unit. I just use a 25mm base and a silver sharpy to write things like spell names, or +1 to hit.
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