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Everything posted by Skumbaagh

  1. Hi all, and thanks for a great thread. I am normally lurking in the destruction forums but I have been really into getting myself a khorne dragon to play with.. Just got ghb19 and didn't find any points for vorgaroth in there. Did I miss something or is he no longer viable in matched play?
  2. The last pages have had such a good content! Thank you a lot guys! I have one concern about ironfist and that is I believe there is a good chance/risk that ironfist will be FAQed to activate in the beginning of the hero phase due to movement shenanigas with teleport. Either way one teleported unit of ardboys will most likely roll a 5 to charge in most cases with a reroll. (with +4 to charge) On another note, as I read the rules for ironfist it seems like it cant only consist of ardboys due to the boss needing to be either a bruteboss or gore grunta boss (and that he needs to be alive). I suppose most people want to run at least one unit of gruntas either way - just a note thou as the rules says "any combination".
  3. They doesnt count toward the maxed ironfist battalion.
  4. Ironskullz boyz doesnt count toward the battalion requirement, so its a tight fit..
  5. With the list you have you only need to swap a fungoid for a warchanter and you are done. That said i dont like missing out on the brutes. Claw and smasha really goes up to 11 with stacking waagh whilst ardboys got their 4+ to hit ruining their day even with waagh and great weapons. Equiping the brutes all with twohhanders also let them reach what need to be killed when it gets crowded. With so many attacks going on the loss of one attack for added reach is really worth it. What is needed is something to debuff -1 to hit which is quite common these days. Bringing at least one warchanter is probably mandatory..
  6. I have tried quite a similar list but with 3 units of brutes and 4 units of pigs, a maw krusha, footboss (for redundancy and brute support) and 3 fungoids. I dont know if your list have a typo with the 4 fungoids instead of 3 as you must bring 16 units to get 4 allies. Also I think 3 fungoids is more than enough (I was swiming in CP.) 2 could do the trick as well and its doable to bring a batalion or bigger units.
  7. So I have been toying with idea of getting the most waagh out of the army. I realized playing for an early mega waagh with gorefist needed only spending points on extra command points as fungoids cost 90 points. They wont bring a lot of cp early game so I thought of an ironfist with medium speed but have had problem getting enough units in, I need 12 units for 3 fungoids. Sure one could go with only 2 fungoids but I rather commit to the waagh engine. So I figured why not bring a lot of pigs instead of an ironfist. Also I figured the pigs would cover the slow hammer which then could consist of only brutes. I have never felt I could count on ardboys killing stuff even when waaaghed, same goes with pigs. With 3 units of brutes most stuff will go down thou. One could easily change the footboss (whom is there for redundancy) to a warchanter or an extra unit of brutes. Or since I realised I now have 3 casters, I could bring an endless spell, perhaps a cog for setting the brutes in motion. Game plan is to screen/grab objectives early with the pigs and run up the brutes behind to get in good position in cover behind the pigs or retaliate when they have died. Most likely one will go first which may not be a bad thing. I'd rather build up for a serious double turn though so bringing an ironfist may not be a bad thing after all. What's your thoughts? Allegiance: Ironjawz Mortal Realm: Hysh Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440) - General - Boss Gore-hacka and Scrap-tooth - Trait: Prophet of the Waaagh! Orruk Megaboss (140) - Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90) - Allies Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90) - Allies Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90) - Allies 3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140) - Pig-iron Choppas 3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140) - Pig-iron Choppas 3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140) - Pig-iron Choppas 3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140) - Pig-iron Choppas 5 x Orruk Brutes (180) - Pair of Brute Choppas 5 x Orruk Brutes (180) - Pair of Brute Choppas 5 x Orruk Brutes (180) - Pair of Brute Choppas Total: 1950 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 270 / 400 Wounds: 138
  8. Which means I can safely model a squig in the mouth of the colossal.
  9. Thx that was the answer I was looking for! You missed out on the D3 MW to units within 3 inch on a 2+. Also I fail to understand the wording, isnt it the MW that needs a 2+ roll and that the squigs doesnt require a roll?
  10. Hey all! I am a bit of a skulking grot around here but sometimes I make an appearance. As my second army to IJ I emptied and sold my wallet for all the squigs one can need. Since I love the FW models I had to have me a gobba and a colossal too and now I am trying to figure out a semi competetive list. Has anyone made the comparison between the colossal and the mangler? Even if the colossal is inferior damage wise (I dont know, is it?), I think it may have its uses with the extra dice movement and the squigs that popes out of it when it dies. -1 to hit is also really good. For my starting list I will try not to use the squig batalion because I think the rerolling of movement is not that good. About the squigs fleeing from battle shock; if it happens in your turn, you would put out the MW before your opponent has rolled for battle shock, hence making the ability slightly stronger than if the squigs flee in your opponents turn, since then the opponent would have already made his rolls. Right? About the squig hoppers I think they have their use when fighting for far away objectives with crippled units or such. Reaching that far away objective with 4D6 (or 3D6+6?) and killing off a model or two that is contesting it without risking losing a squig yourself. I am going to try them in fives for BL req and objevtive grabbing anyway. Thanks for a great thread, you guys are really helpful!
  11. As a new army for AOS my belief is that they wont be merged due to aestetics and being an elite army. Also those greenskins are kind of old, I dont think they will get updated. I think there will be 1-2 units, (perhaps with multikit options), 1 hero, a new tome and a couple of endless spells.
  12. I got really excited about this list too just right when you posted it, tried one game, lost big time and then initially I thought the list sucked. That said, its very much up to the play style and skill of the player. Sure the list may not be extremely competetive, but I think at least in my case it was more about me sucking at playing it. Something we miss (imho) when talking about lists is how we play them, or rather: deployment, the winning concept and how we handle certain situations and such. This is something I very much would want to learn more about and maybe these things could be managed in an easy to present way without walls of texts. Like a breakdown of key elements of the list and what to look for when setting up and such. I really like learning about your thoughts on lists, to read battle reports and everything else in this thread, gonna keep on skulking about, so dont take this as a complaint! I myself only fight competetive lists locally (daughters, LoN, slaanesh and nurgle at the time) and have had my few wins with gorefist. I am trying a weirdfist with a rogue idol atm. +4 to cast with arcane terrain is quite exciting! I dont mind losing as long as the game is fun and I get to smash, bash and stomp!
  13. Yes to both questions. Remember you need to field the realmgate to get the bravery buff. Also, the realmgate has new rules since last GHB which makes it do nothing. So no transport shenanigans.
  14. Do we have any thoughts on how the ironfist will play out with the new rule? Rolling sixes for a couple of units could be game changing as it was, both in the first turn but even more so later turns. With only one roll the threat range of the whole batttalion goes up from waagh! to WAAAGH! imo. I am sure someone here are doing math right now of how good this new rule is. Please share!
  15. Do you have a source you can tell something about without outing (is that a word?) or is it the normal "rumours has it..."
  16. I'd skip the ironskulls and bring the cog back, when dead, the boyz need to get back into the action asap. (One needent summon the cog until after they are dead or such.) Also I feel its too pillowfisted, need to try the list but bringing 1-2 units of brutes may be needed, and equip them with 2 handers(?) With the fungoid as general for some surprise shananigans, navigating the brutes in and out where I'd want them. Sure the list is about bringing back the boys and using them for all purposes but I dont want them stuck in a fight they need to win, but cant pillow through. I think MSU is the way to go. Allegiance: IronjawzFungoid Cave-Shaman (80)- General- Allies Orruk Warboss (140)- Great Waaagh Banner- Allies Orruk Warchanter (80)Orruk Warchanter (80)Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)5 x Orruk Brutes (180)5 x Orruk Brutes (180)Ardfist (170)Chronomantic Cogs (60)Total: 1890 / 2000 (Another caster or warchanter perhaps) Extra Command Points: 3Allies: 220 / 400Wounds: 158 On another note. How do you guys feel about new allies and how it will affect our loved Ironjawz? We know/(think) moonclan will get an update at least. I really hope for some new synergies but believe most new grot heroes will affect keyword "grots" only. Is a block of 60 grots with a grot hero going to be mandatory in a competetive IJ list? Excuse my linguistikz..
  17. So after some rereading of warscrolls i realized that funguid is not gonna be as good as i hoped for a 1st turn strike. that wholy within 18 doesnt do very well with rampaging destroyers. I had hopes to replace Gordrakkfist and save a sh*tload of points.
  18. Yes he can be a general. Its stated separately for the heralds. He just doesnt get an artefact. I have been messing with lists with only ten man units but thought a blob of 30 may get killed early on when charging head on the first turn. I realize the opponent may choose to leave the unit when it reaches a low count,
  19. If I get this right one could doublerun and charge a blob of 30 boyz on average 29" with cogs, fungoid and a trigger of rampaging destroyers? 2*(4(move)+2(cog)+3,5(d6 run)) + 7(2d6charge)+2(drummer)+1(IJ charge bonus) = 19+10". And then bring them back again.. Edit: realised rampaging destroyers need to trigger on a 6 as fungoid is the general. That trigger is worth 9,5" movement, gotta bring a lot of heroes!
  20. Yeah. Proclaiming that there will be x numbers of waagh in the coming combat phase is done in the hero phase. In 2.0 this means you spend command points on something that may not happen if all charges fail. I suppose this is due to the old wording on the warscroll from when command abilities was used in the hero phase and needs a slight change, but rules as written makes it so.
  21. I brought it up cause I played it wrong in a tournament last month and I also wanted to highlight it here since I think it's common that people do it wrong. Also I think IJ need all the help they can get and that the wording on the warscroll is out dated.
  22. Do I need to commit command points for waagh in my hero phase or can I wait until the waagh is about to kick off?
  23. I acctually think our army is close to done model wise. One more unit at the most (whatever role it would have, shooting or something specialised, like mosterhunters or such?) and perhaps another hero which is more of a hope. A new battle tome thou, that is a must!
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