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Everything posted by Sheriff

  1. Yes that's my current plan for my 1k spider army, but for 2k intend to do a grand alliance of moonies, spiders, trolls. Still no battle-line alternative for that other than 3 units of grots. But good news for Moonclan getting new battle-line 'if's. Should make for some interesting new armies with tons of squig units, supported by single horde of grots rather than 3 shi77y units of 20.
  2. Sucks if you're like Spiderfang and only have one candidate for battle-line anyway, and no allegiance ability
  3. Interesting bit to me was that chariots and cavalry seem to be getting battle line 'if' status. Assume this will be true for other factions too. That and teleportation and big hordes is now a thing for everyone.
  4. Awesome job on these! I really prefer the black armour on orcs than this silly yellow trend - those look like highway maintenance orcs.
  5. Sheriff

    Khadron Frigate

    Nice! These things look terrifying. How can goblins even attack these things? Bows?
  6. I live 5 mins walk from the venue, but I'm away for the weekend unfortunately
  7. Seems like I'll be having Spiderfang as allegiance (not that they even have an allegiance ability), and throwing in some Moonclan grots, fanatics, and trolls just for defensive and anti-charge fodder.
  8. Yeah we just don't have enough info yet to plan new army lists. For me its about battle line status, i.e. will the 'ally' units share my main faction battle line identity, and will they share a keyword that allows me to put buffs on them. Just gotta wait and see (but i cannot wait!)
  9. I watched the live video at work, and he said on that 'over the coming weeks' we will give more detail. I'm guessing at least mid-August.
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