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Everything posted by Sheriff

  1. Death made the top 20 everyone! Totally no problem with them. Any chance of a more detailed army breakdown? Like what faction they were etc? A podcast? I do enjoy hearing a detailed tournament rundown.
  2. until

    pls delete this, its old
  3. Good job it's not my kid then! My brother can paint his models
  4. Maybe shadespire would be better. Even if he's just playing soldiers with the models I'll be happy. Truth is that its ME that wants hero quest.
  5. Is warhammer quest suitable for a 5 year old? Like playing with his dad. I want to get him into warhammer but not sure how. Xmas seems an opportunity.
  6. Well of course thats my wishful thinking. I'm also realistic that there are other neglected factions! humans, skeletons, goblins, dark elfs, light elfs. All seem in a similar position. I'm fine with the existing grots models tbh, would just like battalions and allegiances abilities for them.
  7. What would be cool is a shift away from Stormcast towards other new stuff, particularly those factions that have been ignored for ages. Like a new Empire versus Death box or something, with cool new magic / machiney human units, and whatever new skeleton/ghouls they could conjure up to fit the new world.
  8. Surely stormcast will be broken up into 4 factions if the game is to be fair in terms of models per faction?
  9. I think her right leg might have been a rumor engine post.
  10. Erm, he's a GARDNER, son. You're lucky the (im)mortal realms don't respect libel laws.
  11. Sheriff


    WIP of my grot army.
  12. Yeah I get that many factions and races 'got out' but they surely die of old age?
  13. I thought only immortal folk from the old world survived? What counts as immortal? Elfs, undead, toad god, chaos things?
  14. I'm trying hard to justify this somehow NOT being an elf thing, but struggling. Thing is, if this is the Order hero then it must also have the feather and scroll/parchment? But that's a human type of thing surely? (the parchment). Which means this could be an additional model, an elf additional model. Its surely AOS, right? The chat about stars and constellations could be a reference to all sorts of factions though: various gods, navigation stuff, that light realm, no idea.
  15. I hadn't noticed the little bit of parchment. Its got Empire written all over it in that case.
  16. The stinging tail of an armored arachnarok, obviously.
  17. You mean the spider egg-sack? I too eagerly await that one.
  18. Am i right in thinking that when fighting against anvilgard i could flank with chargey cav units, be forced to retreat 6 inches by this allegiance ability, and be able to charge right back into combat with fresh charge buffs? Sounds great
  19. Yeah the constant order/stormcast focus is nauseating. Needs more diversity.
  20. On the firestorm live video they said that firestorm is the first of many similar campaign boxes, and they will do other ones in other realms. was also nice to hear the design rationale behind the content. So it seems they see these campaign boxes as an extra route to bring in more allegiance abilities and flesh out more towns and geographies. In a few years time we are gunna have soooo many allegiance abilities to pick from, its gunna be ace.
  21. If anyone cares, the Vermintide 2 trailer came out today. Not aos but might be of interest. Caught me off guard as it will be fighting not just skaven but chaos marauders and mutants too :0 Also you can play as loads more classes eg dark elf shade and dwarf slayer.
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