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Blog Comments posted by Criti

  1. Social media is all well and good, but it does not make up for boots on the ground.  Pick a day and make it "your day."  Maybe it's every Monday night.  Maybe it's one Saturday a month... whatever.  Pick a date, let people know the date, and be there.  Every time.  On time.  And offer anyone remotely interested a game.

    It is hard, thankless work.  But it is the only way to get where you want to be.

    • Like 2
  2. Keep going.

    My only issue with this is purely personal.  I like to imagine my Stormcast more as "allies of convenience" with Sigmar, rather than warriors who cherish his embrace.  I just get the impression that would be a lot of the personal attitudes of the individuals  (maybe even attitudes they never express vocally) given that Sigmar just kind of yanks champions he deems worthy - not much worrying whether or not they worshipped him in the first place.

    Plus, a little inside conflict is never a bad thing.

    I'm also kind of hoping that there's a big twist later, in which the Stormcast find out that they really did go back to Azyr for reforging, and the warriors we're following in this story are actually shadow manifestations that were probing the minds of these Stormcast when they died.  The death and lightning bolt process clearly led to the shadow beings forgetting their own existences and assuming those of the Stormcast.

    Just a thought. ?

  3. How many armies do you have access to?

    I have... let's just say many.  This has led me to think of ways to introduce people into Age of Sigmar myself.

    I've thought about holding "beginner tournaments" for newer people.  The concept is simple - I build 8-10 1000 point forces.  No one need bring models.  Everyone buys in, say $10, to play.  I use the money to award the winner, with the Start Collecting box of their choice. With enough participants, or a willingness to kick in a little personal cash, I could give out 2 - one to the winner, one to the best sportsmanship winner.  Or give out one and some paints.  Something like that. 

    If you get a shop to host the space and can show them that beginner events are bringing in more players, you might even get the shop to want to get involved and offer small incentives themselves.

    No guarantees it will work, but just ask people on the fence of signing up when the last time they got a day's worth of entertainment and possibly a lifelong hobby for a measly $10.

    Good luck to you, sir.  And remember - Only the Faithful will recruit new players.  Only the Faithful will nurture a community that becomes self sustaining.  And Only the Faithful remember that there is no wrong way to hobby. 

    • Like 1
  4. Respect.

    My hobby space has been completely overrun by my hobby.


    My painting table was even worse.


    But after reading this post a few days ago, I was inspired to start changing all that.  So I started on an expandable slat system hobby desk that's built right into the wall.



    And now I've started to add paints, in progress minis, and some finished minis I have for display.



    I'm so excited about this initial build that I'm already planning for more shelving up there, and the wife and I were drawing out a print of the game room today for future planning (there were conversations about more wall shelving, a sofa, and I think a mini fridge even came up at some point).

    Hopefully, we can land ourselves a true hobby heaven in here before the end of the year.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, HobbyHammer said:

    I wish I could triple like this! amazing GMing. Would love to see your injury table. 


    Nothing complicated.

    For Heroes, we rolled on the Mordheim table and I was prepared to make adjustments on the fly for certain things (if someone rolled -1 Toughness, for example, all enemies would get a +1 on To Wound rolls against that Hero going forward - since Toughness doesn't exist anymore).  Both generals died, but both rolled full recovery.  Boo...

    Beyond the injury table, I had all non-Hero models that removed from the game roll a d6.  On a roll of a 1, those models were dead and gone from the warband for good.

    After that, I had all multi wound models that survived the game and the death chart roll an additional d6.  For each result of a 1, a wound was lost for the next game. After next game, they get to roll for those wounds again, so that's not a permanent wounds loss.  The Ghoul King, for example, rolled his 6 dice and got a single 1, putting him at a max of 5 wounds for the next game.  After that game, he'll roll for all new wounds taken, and the missing wound.  So he may be back up to 6 for the game after that... or may be lower.

    I had units roll one die for each wound on the unit, rather than individual model to save time.  The caveat here was that no model could die as a result of this roll.  The Chaos Warrioe unit, for example, rolled three 1s.  Rather than losing an additional model  and carrying a wound, 3 Warriors will start next game with 1 Wound each.

    It sounds more complicated than it is.

    • Like 1
  6. Wayneic - I suspect you and I would get along very well.  I didn't even realize you wrote this post until after I read it and found myself  agreeing with it.  I should really make the drive up to your neck of the woods sometime and we should have a game.

    More important than asking "is this balanced?" is asking "is this fun?"

    My best AoS games so far have been non-pointed games.  My most recent example is a loose form narrative campaign I started in Friday with 2 buddies.  I am serving as GM and the 2 other guys are the players.  Our opening game was 500 points... for a reason.

    One of the players is a very structured kind of guy.  Doesn't typically touch no points games.  So I told them both to bring 500 points.  I know, I know.  I said no points games.  Just keep reading.

    Then I put them on this board and told them that points no longer mattered and the summon book was wide open:


    "But Chris," they cried, "this board is too small!"

    "Aha," I laughed.  "That tunnel opening leads into that cave..."


    "...and in that cave is a Realmgate and other secret treasures!  Whoever gets more models through the gate wins!  And whoever finds the secret treasures takes them with them going forward!"

    And so they fought.  The Chaos player created some Spawn.  The Flesh Eaters player added some Ghouls... and encountered a pack of angry Ogor living in the cave!  And when the dice turned and the FEC player won the Initiative Roll that would surely end the game, I dropped the big bomb...

    "Oh yeah, if you table your opponent, the game ends.  Whatever treasures go unfound and gone forever."

    All of the sudden, the game had new life.  The FEC retreated from all the combatd he was fighting and tried to get deeper in the caves.  The Chaos player charged his few remaining models in an effort to die, in order to deny the FEC their prizes!  The FEC kept opting not to pile in to diminish his return attacks...actively trying not to kill his opponent!

    Eventually, the game ended.  And then, the other foot fell.  I made my players roll on an unjury table to determine their forces for the next game.

    The FEC player now has 19 Ghouls instead of his original 10.  But he only has 1 Crypt Horror that made it through the adventure.  And his Ghoul King now has only 5 Wounds to start the next game.

    The Chaos player went from 10 Chaos Warriors to 6, kept all his knights and Sorceror.  But one of the Spawn survived and joined the warband for later!

    Now their warbands are placed on a map and set to explore a fully populated world I've prepared for them.  Their warbands will encounter tribes of Giants, villages of Men, Grot hunting packs, frothing Brayherds, crusading Stormhosts, and, of course, each other. 

    Throughout these adventures, I hope to show them both a new way to play the game, and frankly can't wait to see how the warbands evolve based on their decisions along the way.

    I hope more people have the Bravery (heh...that's a game term!) to pave the way  to a thriving Narrative and Open Play community.

    • Like 11
  7. This is not game related, but personal survival related.

    Pack water.  Not sodas.  Not sports drinks.  Water.  Drink a full bottle in betwern each round, and drink a bottle over the course of each round.  You won't realize it because you'll likely be in the air conditioning, but dehydration is a real issue.  The last thing you want to happen is a dehydration headache that ruins the rest of your day.

    Pack fruit, preferably bananas, or granola.  Homemade granola so you can control the nutritional content (I recommend Alton Brown's recipe).  Eat a bar or a banana between each round.  They will keep your energy up and minimize your desire to have a big greasy lunch that will ultimately wear you down.

    I also try to double up in the waters and offer one to each opponent, as I see too many people at events chugging down liquid sugar.  Also, it never hurts your sports score.

    Perhaps also bring a stick of deodorant.  Even for a short one day event, standing around what is usually a somewhat cramped room will increase your stealth sweating.  Never a bad idea to touch up after Round 2 or 3.

    Finally, play to play.  Don't ever expect to place at your first event.  You may be surprised and take it all.  But if you go for the sake of the game, you can absorb the fun of new opponents instead of focusing on placing.  Most of the one day events I've been to are a 10+ hour affairs when you factor in commute, lunch, breaks, etc.  Those 10+ hour commitments are much more entertaining if the trophy isn't hanging over your head every minute.

    - Criti

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