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Here in the Mitten (Michigan) there aren't a ton of people playing Age of Sigmar. I have been wracking my brain on what is a good way to approach this challenge. We have 3 gaming stores within less then 30 minutes of each other. I have started a group page on FaceBook, what am I missing? Demo games? My best friend is taking a second look at AOS as we both started playing when it first came out and had balance issues and need fine tuning. I am hoping he gives it a second chance as the game is so much better now. 


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Social media is all well and good, but it does not make up for boots on the ground.  Pick a day and make it "your day."  Maybe it's every Monday night.  Maybe it's one Saturday a month... whatever.  Pick a date, let people know the date, and be there.  Every time.  On time.  And offer anyone remotely interested a game.

It is hard, thankless work.  But it is the only way to get where you want to be.

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I had the exact same problem here in St. Louis. We had a lot of stores and small groups playing in a few. In the end, I picked one I knew I could be at consistently and showed up there to play every week. Folks eventually started rolling in. Then I ran a map campaign a. We've been growing ever since. I also started a FB page and make sure to post pics from the games we play. 

Having a consistent day and showing people having fun were keys here.

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My Thanks to Criti and Honcho for the input. Your recommendations is what I will do to try and take this to the next level.

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My flgs in the UK is running a Slow Grow league, every other week. We started at 760 points with 1 mandatory battleline as this seemed to work with many of GWs Start Collecting boxes. I believe we are going to be using the ladder campaign structure from the matched play section of the generals handbook. Points will increase at intervals of about a month and only by about 250. This should allow people to grow on their Start Collecting box  without the pressure of having to drop large amounts of money at the start. We had a great turn out for a Monday night in our area with 10 players rocking up, several of whom I'd not seen there before.  There were a few no shows and apologies, so hopefully we'll have a group of about 10 regular players by the end to build a community on. You can follow the league's progress over on my blog The Path of Change.

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