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Everything posted by Kirjava13

  1. Masterclan allegiance can be done away with to be quite honest- it's just Grey Seers! They don't need an allegiance all of their own- they can't even make legal armies!
  2. I had a 1500 point game against Daughters of Khaine today, got beaten but after starting out badly I managed to at least pull out a respectable performance. I had: Olynder, Reikenor, Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed, Guardian of Souls, Spirit Torment, 20xChainrasps, 20xGrimghast Reapers, 10xBladegheist Revenants, Chronomantic Cogs. He had: Morathi, Hag, Medusa, 2x5 Blood Sisters, 2x5 Blood Stalkers (Temple Nest), 10x Wychelves. I agreed to playing some weird thing where we scored a VP for every five wounds we did per phase, plus the three objectives. We also ended up playing in Chamon, and the realm feature royally buggered me as we got the one that meant no weapon had any Rend. No skin off his nose, as Nighthaunt are immune to rend, but really bad for me as he was still getting saves on his girls, who with the Fanatical Faith rolls turned out to be annoyingly hard to kill. Olynder got magicked to death by Morathi in the first turn, and I very quickly spiralled into depression. Reikenor with the Chronomantic Cogs pulled me out of that a bit though- getting extra uses out of his corpse candles is amazing, and if I can put him on a Balewind Vortex in future in addition I absolutely will. If my mate had been less absurdly lucky with his dice the Blood Sisters would have suffered tremendously. Knight of Shrouds rolled appallingly, and spent three turns killing the Hag, while Reikenor at least had the decency to cut the Medusa down before he was also killed by Morathi. The Bladegheist Revenants appeared from the underworlds in his backlines and, over two rounds of combat, killed all his Blood Stalkers before they were killed by- yeah, you guessed it- Morathi. The Grimghast Reapers disposed of the Wychelves and a unit of Blood Sisters, but in the end, deprived of their buffs and support, they too went down. By the end of his turn 4, I was annihilated and he had lost everything bar Morathi and a unit of Blood Sisters. I (re)learned a few more things: - buffs, buffs, buffs. Nighthaunt need the Spirit Torment and the Guardian of Souls so much, I find it hard to imagine a list without both those heroes. But they have to stick to who they're supporting- my Spirit Torment started out with the Reapers, then I realised he absolutely wasn't needed there and he had to float over to the centre, resulting in one turn where nobody benefited from his reroll 1s. - Bladegheists are the kings. With a little support they can dish out so much punishment, and that ability to retreat and charge is so good. - big units are essential. The Grimghasts were able to take a bit of a beating and still dish out a lot of damage- I have to get the last ten done! - I think I'm owed a few more sixes at this point. - I really don't know how to deal with Morathi, and Temple Nest is absolutely horrible to fight against.
  3. Whatever happens, it needs to balance the risk/reward factor. What a lot of Skaven units do well- and things like the Skryre items and allegiance abilities do not- is offer a substantial reward for a potent risk, i.e. massive damage vs self-inflicted mortal wounds (Skryre allegiance abilities and items are not worth the risk for the benefits they offer, meanwhile). So yes, some drawback that gives you a chance of hindering or harming your own troops would be characterful, even desirable, but it would need to offer compensation worthy of the risk. Skaven go big or go home, and by "go home" I mean explode.
  4. Well, that depends on what sort of look you want to achieve. If you're happy aping the metal models look, then sure, Plague Monk bodies are better, but I find the neck joint less forgiving than with the Stormvermin body. Using them also gives the Acolytes a tougher, meaner appearance, which I much prefer. Now if only they had the stats to match...
  5. Perfectly acceptable! My only point would be that maybe you want to do a bit of work on the neck join, unless you want all your Acolytes to be gazing up to the sky- I had the same problem with using Plague Monk bodies too.
  6. My birthday is not in February, but if the Skaven battletome comes out then I will legally change it to that date.* *I will not do this.
  7. Whilst the new pictures aren't bad at all, the Darkoath boss looks... interesting, and the Sylvaneth boss has a distinctly miffed look on her face. I'm finding it oddly hilarious.
  8. These Nighthaunt are amazing. Everything is amazing. I feel extremely inadequate suddenly.
  9. My Skryre Acolyte recipe: - take a Stormvermin body - add a Stormvermin sword arm - throw on a Skitarii backpack - next, a Plagueclaw Catapult/Doomwheel gasmask head (alternatively, Veer-Myn head- they are a little oversized but if you only have a few of them it's not so weird) - for the globe arm, something with an open hand- I used arms from the Flesheater Courts Ghouls kit, with extra bone piercings cut off - Greenstuff a globe into that open hand (try to make it actually spherical, unlike one or two of my hideous early attempts) - weep as you realise that you really need to do at least another 14 of these losers
  10. My DM has asked if anyone wants to take a turn DMing at some point. I am extremely tempted to make a Zalbo (it sounded like it was spelled with an A to me) elf and have it seduce some party members.
  11. Is... is it seriously written like that? As some sort of mongrel Spanglish?
  12. The Spanish and Italians are too hot-blooded and passionate about the rules to have time for reading background!* *this may not be true.
  13. Horned Rat go with you, @robbobobo. Let us know how well you do-perform!
  14. There can be, as @Overreadmentioned. For me, the "bonus" is that I want the English versions of stuff (my German's nowhere near good enough to want any books not in English), so if I want anything on release day, which I often do because I am in essence an impatient child who has not yet encountered the word, 'patience', I have to pre-order. Wouldn't be as much trouble if I lived in the capital, but there you go.
  15. Something about Andrew's confession about making up a D&D monster to justify his Nymph-based frenzied self-abuse really spoke to me, or at least horrified me in a 'almost wet myself laughing' sort of way.
  16. I would say unless you are going to have Olynder near more than one unit of Spirit Hosts and/or Hexwraiths, you are better off making someone else your general and getting RotSH. It doesn't cost a command point and it isn't a total waste if you use it on one-wound models.
  17. If their units stay as they are, stats-wise, I'm not especially scared. I've fought Brayherd once already and it was my easiest game so far. They die easily, run away a lot and can't get through our spooky ghost armour. I think it'll be a'ight.
  18. My Nighthaunt sure are going to enjoy ignoring that Herdstone rule that nerfs saves ??
  19. So far my preferred option has been to watch bits sites like a hawk. This... has not exactly yielded much success yet.
  20. What I would love to know is this: will the Warscroll Cards that are already out for factions like Nurgle, Idoneth, Daughters, hell, everyone apart from Stormcast, Nighthaunt and (upcoming) Beasts, be reprinted in the new style? I have Daughters, Seraphon and Idoneth forces, and I'd love to get the warscroll cards for them, and I know it would be a bit sore for people who've already bought the existing ones, but I ain't investing in the old chunky format. So, rumour mongers... Whatcha got?
  21. I actually wish the model came with something other than a weapon- it makes me think he's a melee hero and then I throw him into 20 Dryads...
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