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Everything posted by Grimrock

  1. I tried goofing around with a practice game, the wholly within bit on all the buffs is really difficult to deal with. My slaughterpriests regularly found themselves out of range for buffs while sticking to the altar, and the bloodstoker... I was base to base with a central model in a 6 man skullcrusher unit and it still couldn't whip them because one of the edge models was a half inch out. Positioning is going to be frustratingly important with this army. Surprisingly the bloodsecrator wasn't too bad since he can just run and chase the units you want to buff, but the reroll spells but didn't really come into play.
  2. One more idea, even with the nerf wrathmongers are super legit just based on their combat stats. Give them +1 to hit, +1 attack, reroll wounds, and 5 of them are putting out a ton of damage. Take the new battalion that lets them pile in and attack twice and you're looking at a unit that is punching waaay above its weight level at 140 points. You have to do some work to keep them in range of the skull grinder, but it's easy enough if you're parked behind a screen of blood warriors (also in the battalion) or blood reavers.
  3. From watching the GMG review I think I'm starting to get an idea of how the army is supposed to go together... but I'm not sure if I'm super happy with it or not. There has always been some level of tankiness in the army, and with most of the damage dealers being nerfed into the ground that might be what we have to fall back on. The army has lost most of its speed, and 'wholly within' makes buffing units almost impossible once they've started moving. I'm envisioning some sort of tanky brick that uses forward units to move up the board and body block for the slow-ish backline units that are still capable of putting the hurt out. Maybe something like this: Bloodsecrator Slaughterpriest x2 Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster Insensate Bloodthirster x2 10 bloodwarriors x3 5 wrathmongers bloodthirster battallion host that has the strike twice ability for daemons Points are in the general area of 2k but it'd obviously need some tweaking. Hitting the enemy with 4 rounds of bloodthirster attacks that all strike before the opponent gets a chance to swing would be back breaking for most armies. One of the biggest issues right now is the army seems to have so few reliable ways of putting out damage. Only a few units have rend and most sources of mortal wounds are extremely dicey (hitting on sixes, needing to get a judgement off on a 5+, etc). It's a classic problem with Nurgle, except they at least have consistent ways to put mortal wounds into the backline (wheel and spells), and their tank is waaay better than ours. Skullcrushers/bloodcrushers are an obvious solution to put out highly reliable mortal wounds, but the models are just so freaking miserable to build and paint that I'd rather give up on the game entirely than try to put together a brass stampede.
  4. I'm sure that Khorne overall will be decent once the book is out and people have had a fair chance to go through everything, but I just don't want to have to go out and buy a whole new armies worth of models to make things work. I've got a wrath of khorne bloodthirster that I bought, built, and spent way too long painting because I was inspired by his command ability. He's pretty much a very expensive paperweight now with the new rules. Bloodletters were bought for a heavy alpha strike unit, skullreapers for a second wave cleanup... None of these units work the same way anymore. I didn't expect everything to stay the same, but I also wasn't expecting to see pretty much everything I own kicked in the pants either. Bleh. I'll stop complaining now and wait until I've seen the actual book. Gotta hope I'm missing something because as it stands I just don't understand how the army is supposed to function anymore.
  5. Holy moly, well if all that's right... Here I was thinking I might spend a couple hundred dollars picking up a council of blood or some blood reavers or whatever. As is, yeah no. Unless there are some incredibly good clans that weren't mentioned I'm not even going to bother picking up the book. Going through the warscrolls there are... maybe 2 or 3 that got objectively better? The rest are either a sideways shift or worse. Blood warriors, some of the lamest infantry in the game, have gotten worse. Wrath of khorne bloodthirster is worse. Skullreapers are worse. I own hundreds of dollars of models that are now utterly irrelevant. Sigh.
  6. I don't think anything compares well to the Warp Lightning Vortex... that thing slings out so much damage it's unreal and the board control is just plain stupid. That being said, I think the judgements are pretty solid. They've all got uses, strengths, and weaknesses. If they are pointed well I'll be super happy because none of them seem like an absolute auto include (the skulls are close, but they require your opponent to have wizards and are wasted points if they don't). I'm really happy with the altar as well. It's providing a serious buff and I really wasn't expecting it to have an 8" aura for priests. Funny enough I don't think I'd ever actually put a priest on it, the most likely candidate would be a bloodsecrator for the cover bonus.
  7. Fair enough, assuming that prayer is still around and we don't get limited to one use per turn like daughters of khaine, then you could definitely shoot for that. The new scenery would even help with rerolls. The big problem is you're trading off +1s to hit or save in order to kill your own models off and get a buff by maybe the 2nd or 3rd turn... Which I guess would take some play testing to decide if it's worthwhile or not.
  8. Unless the wording on bloodletters changed, no. The mortal wounds are in addition to hits, so a 6 would cause two hits and one mortal wound. It's still a great ability, daemonettes have something similar and it's amazing on them, but the biggest problem is you need 8 blood tithe to trigger it. Usually that either means you're winning so hard that the extra hits don't matter because you'll win either way, or you're losing so hard you don't have enough units left to take advantage it.
  9. From the description I assume that they'll drop the self damage portion and make it an unmodified 6 to hit instead of 6+. Makes sense, describing how they worked to my opponent was always a massive chore, but I hope they get a points drop if that happens.
  10. I guess I should clarify that there are definitely good things in there, but nothing that addresses what I personally thought were issues. Just to respond to a few points: - reapers isn't an 8+ dispel, it's a hard 8. That's less than a 1/6 chance, and only from a single dispel roll from your general. It's really awful - Skullcrusher damage was abysmal before, and they still sound weak with 3 man units now. 6 man units will be stupid amazing if they don't get a points increase, but then I'd have to buy more and doing the 3 I have was torture enough lol
  11. Man that article just feels so... Bleh. No mention of whether unspent tithe points are wasted, so I'm guessing that's staying the same. The new abilities are nice but really 1 and 8 aren't going to be used unless they fix the wasting part. Skarbrand doesn't just deal straight damage anymore so mortal wound saves and damage shuffling kick him right in the junk. Skulltaker is still stuck needing a 6 to hit with 3 base attacks. Skullcrushers need to be fielded in units of 6 to actually work properly but they came in units of 3 with all big box sets. Man the only thing I really liked was the khorgorath buffing sub-faction, but there's absolutely 0 indication of an actual khorgorath kit. What a letdown, I hope the next few articles are a bit better.
  12. I agree with Dreadmund, ghyrstrike on the Lord of Plagues gives decent odds of getting at least one 6+ every combat phase which is super good. I probably wouldn't bother with hideous visage since most of the nighthaunt will be bravery 10 anyway so it won't make a huge difference. I've always found a good use for grandfather's blessing though so I'd say go with that. Otherwise the list looks solid, let us know how it goes!
  13. They usually are, the reduced drops can make a huge difference because picking who goes first can swing the odds massively in your favor. Normally I'd say blight cyst is almost always worth it but nighthaunt ignores 90% of what it does, so plague cyst is the backup. Rerolling hits is pretty huge and the debuffs from nighthaunt make it more important, plus the chip mortal wound damage helps get around the etheral nonsense.
  14. Yeah they're immune to anything that increases or decreases their save. ReAnimate, I'd suggest swapping the Lord of Blights for a Lord of Plagues, then drop Festus and the balewind for the plague cyst batallion. I'd also love to get the cogs in for the gutrot blight kings but it's much tougher. You won't be as tanky without the Lord of Blights, but the mortal wound output of night haunt would ignore it anyway. Then maybe stick the witherstave on the GUO with the extra artifact, or the tome of 1000 poxes for spinning the wheel. Oh and grandfather's blessing rather than hulking physique for the same reason.
  15. Core mechanic changes can still be a nerf to some armies and not others. For example, let's say flight was removed from the game. Some armies that don't use flight very much like dispossessed or beastclaw wouldn't be affected at all. Other armies that use it all the time like tzeentch or KO would become massively less effective. Khorne relies heavily on 6+ effects to be able to put out damage, so losing that is a much harder hit to us then, let's say, Tzeentch which gets most of its damage out of spells.
  16. Based on the Warhammer community post I'm guessing it'll be similar to stormcast where they took the major battalions and just turned them into sub factions. Which I guess could make it exciting if you were already using one... But for me it's not a big deal. I went with a custom scheme and didn't really do a theme, so I'll probably just slot into whatever sounds like fun if I use any at all. Cool ideas, and yeah I think for what most of the heroes are now it might actually work. Honestly I just want a good excuse to put all those heroes I got in the board game on the table haha.
  17. I'm guessing the axe is a predatory damage dealer, the giant bronze rune is some sort of anti magic (maybe like a suped up malevolent maelstrom or a once per turn brazen rune?) and the bleeding skull is a blood tithe generator. For the book I'm hoping they make the generic mortal heroes viable somehow, I've got a couple that have barely ever been on the table. Maybe they'll make the gorechosen battalion something like the gobbapalooza? Let you field 8 heroes without actually taking up any hero slots so you can use it in a regular game. If they can do that, iron out the internal balance a bit, and make unused blood tithe stick around instead of disappearing I'll be pretty happy.
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