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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. For converting cheap and plentiful Plague Monk or Clan Rat bodies to Acolytes, I plan to use these: Warhammer Skaven Acolyte 30 Heads Backpacks Hands (A2JJ7BXZZ) by CarvedMetal (shapeways.com) But I gotta finish up some other projects first.
  2. I, strangely, have not had any mirror matches yet. But I've heard Taker Tribe helps with that, though I think if you could go first with a Breaker Tribe (bossy pants) and smash into the mirror, 2 on 1, you could probably kill off or strongly bracket the enemy's 2 megas. Are you using 2 Boss of the Stomp battalions? That's probably a must-have for a 4 mega list.
  3. Gutbusters are WAAAAAY more fun! I mean, unless you want to win more games than you lose. But seriously, I think a combo Ogors army works very nicely actually. I think of it like substituting 8 Ironguts for a FLoSH, usually about equal in performance. Substituting 8 Leadbelchers for a HoTT also about equal in performance. Substituting 4 Mournfangs for 6 Gluttons however, Mournfangs win all day long with either weapon build. Even with all BCR stuff I can't imagine not having at least 1 or 2 Slaughtermasters/Butchers in there with them.
  4. So should Bullgors. 50mm bases should always count as 2 models.
  5. I thoroughly enjoy throwing down purely random armies sometimes I endorse the all Squig method! Still, good to have the Fungoid Shaman in there for extra CP and help with spells.
  6. I saw a ninja and the lady ones at my FLGS a while back. I think they do add some flavor to what are typically repetitive sculpts of the typical Gutbuster bodies (just right or left foot forward), and have good detail. The plastic kits we have are quite old, so relative to those I guess they do hold up well. However, it would be cool, if not tricky, so kitbash some from the plastic Ogor bodies. My Tyrant is covered in plundered bits from those Stormcast Dracoth guys. You could make some very good thematic conversions that would possibly be cheaper than the Man-Eater kits.
  7. I might use Leadbelcher mega-block as an alpha strike shock unit IF you take the Soulscream Bridge. They can teleport into someone's face and blast away not having counted as making a move for max shots, and then charge to tarpit someone or erase a threat. Even in a tenuous string of zig-zag formation I think all 12 could strike at 1" away if they made a decent charge distance, though they might have to engage a couple units. But hopefully their blasting did most of the work. They wouldn't even need to be Underguts for this to work. Bloodgullet would be good, or just no Tribe at all.
  8. Ironguts! Just keep the Gluttons back for objective camping and if you can them to charge something for potential mortal wounds go for it. But they kinda stink right now. Adding a Butcher or Slaughtermaster would be excellent (I'd probably go for Slaughtermaster though for the free random cauldron pluckings, though a Butcher can actually fight if needed). I have used Kragnos several times, and will say I would not now bother with a Kragnos (sold him off and thankfully got all my money back but had to paint him first). WAAAAAY too many points for what he may or may not accomplish. A mercenary Megagargant is better, or a Frostlord on Stonehorn. I agree with the comment above that double FLoSHs are more worth taking than Kragnos.
  9. THats a tough choice but my impulse would be Taker Tribe w 2 Kraken Eaters and -1 to hit trait. Two bosses of the stomp battalions, sandals, amulet of destiny on the gatebreaker, and vial of manticore venom on the other kraken eater. As awesome as the power of a gatebreaker is x2, I have had many times recently where the objective control was in jeopardy without Taker Tribe. And the sandals plus venom helps push the kraken Eaters’ damage up nicely. Plus two objectives can be kicked and six tiny enemies could be stuffed into nets Great for snagging goblin netters! Havent been too impressed with Warstompers.
  10. Here's my next game's army list, just tryin' some different combos. But just to double check, can Destruction take the named Megagargant Mercenaries? I know Big Drogg is the one Death can take but wasn't sure if ONLY Death can take him. He can deal with the hordes. If the mission doesn't prohibit it, deepstriking 4 dudes and having them make some charges would be a pretty sweet surprise. They suck afterwards but seems fun.
  11. I think because every army has heroes to target, and it makes the boulder throwing more accurate, which helps with sniping weak hero support from afar. Then an all out attack for a mob, a titanic duel for a monster, that's always do-able. Usually if we can deal with the heroes the rest are just padding for our stompy feet.
  12. Haven't had a chance to get back to the game store yet this week. Hopefully they're still there! Would also be a good chance to try out some new paint techniques; I'm thinking a hot metallic lava color scheme with maybe fins and claws that have crystallized into gems of some sort.
  13. I'm liking the Duardin obsession with various types of gold now, and thinking they'll be my Order army. Looking at some fire support for the presumed Dwarves-United tome of the future, would 2 Frigates and 3 Gunhaulers be sufficient? Running with a Magmadroth or two, and toss in assorted foot-guys? Looks like the Fyreslayers can be allies of the KO currently. Only asking because I have my eyes on some stuff at my FLGS which appears to be a decent price.
  14. I agree, Ogors are superior, because they can eat rocks if needed. And they don't need shirts with puffy sleeves! Except for the Maneaters, they're used to a higher standard of living.
  15. My most unpopular opinion has been and still is that AoS should go to a simultaneous turn model, where in each phase each player rolls for priority, and all damage is done at the end of the turn, except for things that have a 'strike at the start of the phase' rule. Maybe MW can kill immediately or something thus giving an advantage for rolling a higher initiative for that phase. Apparently 40k Apocalypse has something like this, and Battletech from what I've heard. AoS is more interactive than 40k for sure already but could still be more so. A simul-turn design would help that. There are still plenty of games where one player just stands there waiting for their turn, unable to react or interrupt anything the opponent does. Unleash Hell and Redeploy are good new things aiding the fight against boredom though.
  16. Ooh those fox guys? I haven't fought Lumineth yet with any of my armies.
  17. Definitely invest in some magnetization. The arms and hands are pretty easy to do. The heads are less so but possible. I like JBWeld PlasticWeld or just plumber's putty for magnetizing but greens stuff could work just as well (doesn't set up as fast and hard as plumber's putty though). Welcome aboard!
  18. They are built and I saw some little dwarves sprinkled around them so maybe those are the riders. I'll go take another look tonight; I'd be happy to have a brightly firey painted army. It'll be interesting to see IF there's a United Beards tome how they will interact with each other, and Grungi can give them something similar to what a Big Waaagh gets, and IF Grungi gets a model (with the recent lore I suspect he will indeed get a model and rules). Is including Gotrek with Fyreslayers worth it?
  19. Thinking about getting into Fyreslayers, as my FLGS has some Magmadroths for $30 each. Not sure if the heroes are on them, but that seems like a good deal. Is 3 MDs too many? I'm sure the Duardin will get a united tome someday soon but the Ur-Gold appeals to the jeweler in me.
  20. Got my game in vs the Gitz using my Underguts. ME: Tyrant (general, Trophy Rack)/Slaughermaster (Gnoblar Keg)/Slaughtermaster/Butcher/ 3x4 Leadbelchers/ 1x4 Ironguts 2 Ironblasters/ 3x1 Gorgers Warlord and Battle Regiment and Ironblaster =7 drops HIM: Loonboss/ Arachnarok Shaman/ Fungoid Shaman/ Mangler Squig Boss 2x40 Stabba Spear Gitz/ 1x20 Stabba Spear Gitz 10 Boingrot Bounderz MISSION: Tooth n Nail Alas, I could not deepstrike my scary Gorgers to sneak up and take care of that pesky Loonboss! I castled my shooty battle regiment to my lower left to go for his A-rok spider, Gorgers and wizards in the center near the Mawpot, and 4 leadbelchers and the Ironguts to the upper right. Gave him first turn and got the double turn there, then proceeded to win all the turn priority rolls. Turn 1 I moved up and took off half the spider's wounds and then charged turn 1 (after having to navigate and suffer the most irritating endless spell in the form of the Scuttletide, which would continue to get me through turn 4). I moved up the Ironguts and managed to charge his ManglerSquigBoss and keep that right objective....attacked first with the Ironguts and bracketed the SquigBoss, but then the Spider was able to kill my Tyrant with a stunning amount of MW via the fangs (after having been bitten by Scuttletide). So I lost my general and never got his, failed my Vendetta. Those foolish blunders cost me the game, as I also failed to do my turn 1 battle tactic of Savage Spearhead (this mission made it tough to actually get my guys over his lines completely, shoulda just done Ferocious Advance with the Gorgers instead turn 1). My Slaughtermasters rolled Bad Meat 5 times in total througout the game, managed to heal most of it through Heroic Recovery, the Mawpot and Lifeswarm. Voracious Maw caused 11 MW on some Gitz, that was fun! Leadbelchers and Ironguts failed to do much even having D6 shots each when not moving (I had some cold tired dice that day). But the spells helped them out to some extent. He teleported the Fungoid behind me and got all the objectives turn 2 or 3, and I made a decent show of things but couldn't catch him on points. Pretty fun game even though it was sticky. Somewhat grindy but things did move around. Ogors are speedy enough to get places. I like Ogor magic, next game will be all my Ironguts in Bloodgullet (with my FLoSH using the Splatter Cleaver) vs Seraphon Thunder lizards. I'd like to get Lifeswarm and a 3rd Gorger in at that list but that would mean only 1 Butcher and 1 Slaughtermaster....think a 2nd Slaughtermaster is better overall. FLoSH (Splatter Cleaver) Butcher (general, either Shrunken Priest Head or Bloodrock Talisman to shut down his spells better) 2 Slaughtermasters 1x8 and 2x4 Ironguts 2 Gorgers Warlord and Hunters of the Heartlands
  21. If I still liked Mancrushers, and still had them because I liked them, I'd definitely run Stomper. Taker Tribe does help in some cases but I agree it's not as necessary most of the time. People still run big units of tiny guys and the Mancrusher damage vs those units (plus a good run n charge) can be the gamewinner right there. But I'll run Taker Tribe with my 4 Chaos-Megas once I get Archaon mounted on the bi-pedal SoulGrinder who didn't miss leg day I'm working on.
  22. Yowzah! That just sounds no fair at all. I played against the Gitz tonight with my Underguts. That Loonboss is super hard to hit! His stab'em'good ability makes those massive hordes of Grots really really dangerous. Bounderz are also super good. Da Bad Moon w the A-rok Shaman also did a bunch of MW....but the MVP was that darn Scuttletide spell. SOOOOOO irritating. Great hard game. Tooth N Nail kinda messed me up as I could deepstrike my Gorgers to sneakily attack that rear objective (along with the Loonboss and Fungoid Shaman).
  23. Yeah, the Lumineth guys get MW on 6s naturally I think. Aelvish tech is advanced.
  24. Ah I see; I was thinking the Loonboss could make their arrows do MW on 6s too. I'd probably go with the spears then. Maybe if the Gitz tome gets an update they'll augment that, or at least let Spiderfang wizards grant some venom to other units besides Spiders (the riders have their plinky bows'n'arrows too!).
  25. Gambling is fun! or at least the part until the outcome is revealed. You'll have memorable matches. I was thinking the Portal would be very good to take; gotta try out the Voracious Maw spell on the Butcher with that. It'll be in my Underguts v1 try-out list tomorrow. Not sure what my friend is bringing though. He'll have 3 Gorgers in his backfield, which may or may not do anything at all.
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