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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. Yeah, for Azgorh the min-drops is really only good for more CPs and relics, though a possible double-turn of magma cannons is pretty juicy. For other armies and more alpha strike deepstrike ****** (thinking of those Starhost pteradactyls) the battalions pay off for going first reasons.
  2. I think your list is about the most Legion of Azgorhish as one could get though, and probably pretty decently competitive? Seems like plenty of bodies and ranged threats. Weak on sorcery of course and slow but sometimes guns can make up for slowness. I was thinking about the Train with the Herd....no Ironsworn complete for me yet. AzgorhHerdTrain.pdf
  3. Looks like the Daughters of Khaine have a similar thing to our Spiteshields. And given the use of hordes and buckets of attacks, and then of course saves, is it worth plopping a unit with Spiteshields like Ironsworn in front of them? Can they dish out a chunk of hurt in return to make that worthwhile? I only have Bull Centaurs for now but they have the shields of course. My Skullcrackers can strike behind them too at 3" range.
  4. I thought armies used to be able to get terrain pieces for points, but I think that's gone. The Throne for instance doesn't show up in the app as having a points value. But for open play or narrative sure, anything goes!
  5. Maybe I'll try out 4x20 gutter runners and 2 deathmasters in a 1k game next week to see if the total null deploy might be beneficial in some situations. Should be fun once if not any good 😊
  6. Wow, so those Ripperdactyls can deepstrike 3" away?! I've heard they're pretty nasty but I didn't know they could do that. Gonna have to research what other armies can do before Adepticon. I'm unfamiliar with many of the tools and units in the competitive scene. I know the Seraphon have shooty dinos like that gem topped ankylosaurus and they can teleport 1 thing a turn. And Skinks ignore rend -1, and something called an Engine of the Gods can generate Skinks. But as for the Skaven, do they have any good way to buff a charge roll besides the CP reroll of a charge roll? The Deceiver can get up to 6" away with his Dreaded Skitterleap, or he can give that to any other Skaven hero but Thanquol. They kinda nerfed the Gautfyre Skorch didn't they? Used to be the 3" deepstrike? Hmmm, Gutter Runners are pretty darn stabby. I'd like to make some outflanking charges with them after shooting.
  7. If only my Bullgors could ride discs of Tzeentch; they used to be able to fly when Sayl the Faithless was still a free agent, but now he's a slave to darkness......le sigh.
  8. I'm still thinking about making a small 1K army of BoC for the Vanguard at Adepticon. It'll be on 4x4 tables too, which I think does favor the Beasts so they can be closer to the Herdstone in general, no? To work with, I have 3 units of 3 greataxe Bullgors and a Doombull, a Shaggoth and 3 twin weapon Dragon Ogors, a Bray Shaman and Beastlord, the Endless Spells, and a Tzaangor Shaman on disc (need to build and paint him), 1 Razorgor, and 30 Gor heads which will be going onto my Marauders, as I am not into mortals or humans too much for AoS. I can also slap together a Jabberslythe (been meaning to do it for a long time since before the tome). The Brass Despoilers seems expensive for 1K, but I could fit all the Bullgors and Gors or Dragon Ogors in there). What would you more experienced BoC players make out of that for a Vanguard?
  9. The Three Fangs is intriguing, I'd love to hear that taking out a big baddie like Nagash sometime. Some would say that's not enough Clanrats, but you know, I think that's plenty of bodies in the Acolytes and Gutter Runners to make up for it. People seem to like the Acolytes. I haven't looked at those but I'm not into Skryre…..for now.
  10. I'd love to see the Corruptor getting the Dimensional Blade or some other means of a rend-3.
  11. TO means tournament organizer. They act as rules judges settling any disputes over unclear rules....not always the way GW eventually rules it but helps to ask things before the event starts if you think of anything you aren't sure about. After reading on the Suspicious Stones, I am liking the Verminlord Warpseer more and more! I've played against that Phoenix Guard aelf army and the repeating feel no pain rolls is just SOOOOO annoying, and I was jealous. Still, I have Eshin, and 2 Deceivers could be pretty darn amazing. Looking forward to having my last hurrahs with Azgorh at Adepticon for a while, and getting into the rats and their myriad nuanced ways. After I get the ninjas painted I'll get some Clanrats so I can do a more mixed type of army too. The WLC is an arguably nastier Magma Cannon, and I have one of those old metal ones. Ranged mortal wounds are just so handy for getting rid of pesky heroes! Now that I'm writing that I'm wondering if the Prismatic Palisade belongs in my Adepticon armylist?
  12. Oops, I misread the battalion rules. Hmmmm, might still be worth it though. If the engines get shot or wizarded early on they can't tow them as far and then I'll need the range. Though I usually like to keep the Daemonsmiths and the cannons clustered in the center for optimal board position. The Standard has proven very valuable in the last couple tournaments. I tried the Castellan once, and by turn 3 he was in command range of anything that mattered, and that did help. But just like my allied old version of the Plague Priest (who no longer does the same thing as the Castellan), he is slow and can't be in range without help. So maybe the Cloak will help. I'll give it a try next practice game and report. I sorely want a Lord of Change. If I sell off some random bits and things maybe I can get one. He's potent! Haven't ever used the Shackles. Maybe I'll get those and the Chaos Sorcerer in there.
  13. Here's what I'm bringing to Adepticon AoS Championships in a couple weeks, or something very close. We aren't good at wizardry so just focusing on brute force...and I don't have time to paint a Lord of Change for an ally. Hop on the Train! Tauruk (general, grotesque, armor of bazherak) Daemonsmith Infernal Standard Bearer Infernal Castellan (Thermalrider cloak of Aqshy) 4x10 Fireglaives 2 Skullcrackers Iron Daemon 3 Magma Cannons Artillery Train Battalion Idea being that the cannons can fire max range even if the Daemonsmith bites it, and they can be tugged by the big engines. The Castellan can fly 8" for getting in range with his command ability, and with the Standard Bearer augment the big boys' wounding quite a bit.
  14. This was on FW's site: forgeworld@gwplc.com GW might answer, I think they respond better on the Facebook page now though. Agree about that base size, and the magma cannon too! 120mm oval is too big. Then there's that Chaos Mammoth base size now.....
  15. Assuming you'll be playing at 2000 points, I think a giant unit of Bull Centaurs and a giant unit of K'daai is a viable competitive build. You could do this: 2 Tauruks (1 is the general, standard grotesque and Armor of Bazherak) Daemonsmith (for Ashstorm and the occasional unbind and throwing blood on enemies) allied Sorcerer Lord on Steed (for Daemonic Power and the reroll saves of 1 ability) 12 K'daai 12 BullCentaurs 3x10 Fireglaives 2000 points on the dot. Being that Azgorh sucks at wizardry in general, makes sense to just not focus on that and run the enemy down with mobs of brute force! That said I'd prefer 4 lawn mowers (the Skullcrackers) but that's just me and my easy to transport preferences. The Centaurs can deal out some decent mortal wounds in combat from their spiteshields, and a unit of 12 fighting multiple enemy units could put the hurt on many units at once! Now I wanna try that out.
  16. I'm eagerly awaiting the last of my 80 gutter runners for my Clan Eshin army (which now I'm thinking of using a plain Grey Seer instead of the Screaming Bell, since apparently there's a relic he can take for Battleshock Immunity?). But in the mean time I'm wondering about Clan Moulder. Those HellPit Abominations seem just really really nasty! Anyone given those a whirl yet? Is taking more than 1 advisable? The Moulder Rat Ogres also seem pretty solid and deadly. On par with Bullgors and pairs of axes, though even a little better. Or are masses of tiny rat swarms and giant rats needed to run a sufficient Moulder army?
  17. Looking forward to trying out my Beasts of Chaos for the first time tonight, a 1000 point game. Here's what I'm bringing: Shaggoth (general, father of the storm, horn of the tempest, hailstorm) Bray Shaman (tendrils of atrophy) 3x3 Dragon Ogors (3 twin weapons, 3 glaives, 3 crushers) 3 Bullgors w great axes Dirgehorn Direflock Palisade I've always loved the looks of the plastic Thunderscorn and metal Shaggoth, and they seem like a good resilient bunch, and have great speed potential. My thoughts are to cast the direflock with the Shaman, and either the Palisade (if needed) or Summon Lightning with the Shaggoth, and bum rush the Thunderscorn up to engage the enemy turn 1 if I can, and get the birds in range to debuff bravery. Also hopefully summon some Gors turn 1, or turn 2 for sure to grab objectives. Then if all goes well the Bullgors can be in charge range for a turn 2 thwack! And maybe the Dirgehorn can get laid down to help my dudes survive. Seems like most people wouldn't bother to dispel these Endless Spells, though I've had plenty of difficulty casting anything with my other armies lately. I could dump the palisade and take a Razorgor, since I have one. Wish I had 5 more though. Thoughts? When I practice at 2000 points I'll be bringing my all greataxe Bullgor Despoilers, the Stormherd, and Shaman, and spells and/or little allied Sorcerer Lord on steed and/or Daemon Prince of Slaanesh.
  18. I used a 120x92, monstrous creature oval. It all fits pretty well, even most of the skullpiles and chain bits. But a bigger round is good too for more scenic room
  19. The Icon of Dominion bearer is actually part of the Ironsworn unit. The Infernal Guard Battle Standard Bearer is a separate unit by himself and a hero. Love the Bravery 10 Ironsworn within the Warhost. However I would take more dudes in the Ironsworn and/or Fireglaives within the Warhost to maximize the benefits of the battalion. Also the Balewind Vortex isn't so great for Daemonsmiths, perhaps for an allied Herald of Tzeentch or other Tzeentchy caster (since they usually have a good spell to cast at range). Without the Balewind, Furies, and extra Warhost points, that's 260 you'll have for say 20 more Fireglaives and another Endless Spell or so. For your second relic how about the Thermalrider Cloak of Aqshy for your Castellan? That will get him in range for his command ability on turn 2. If you march and run up your guns and Tauruk and all, they'll be able to do some good damage on 1 or maybe 2 or even 3 enemy units (with multiple command points and you can use the Castellan's ability twice in the same hero phase). Though the Tauruk's command ability is super good to use on himself. Open play is fun. Everyone would love for the Hellcannon to be a part of Azgorh!
  20. I am wondering if there's a way to exploit the Lightning Vortex with allies for other armies too. I think the only way for Skaven to be allies for others is the Corruptor (since he's Nurgle). He could cast the WLV, and then other casters could do the Shackles or whatever else. Generic Chaos allegiance could work too maybe? The Corruptor in any army with the Dimensional Blade would be nasty with 10 attacks at Rend-3. I digress. Can a non-Skaven allegiance army take Skaven Endless Spells? Just checking, similar question for my Beasts of Chaos (like if an allied Tzaangor Shaman wants to make my Legion of Azgorh strike before their enemies by using the Wildfire Taurus).
  21. I hadn't thought of reducing movement to keep the enemy caged in the lightning field. That's brilliant!
  22. Here's my first army for Skaven, Clan Eshin (from the realm of Ulgu) but with a Masterclan General, because we can! 200 Screaming Bell (general, master of magic trait) 300 Verminlord Deceiver 100 Deathmaster with fighting claws (blade of folded shadows; Ulgu relic) 100 Deathmaster with weeping blades (warpweeper stars) 800 4x20 Gutter Runners 160 2x10 Night Runners 160 Slinktalon battalion 40 Vermintide endless spell 40 Bell of Doom endless spell 40 Geminids endless spell 40 Aethervoid Pendulum endless spell I am eager to try out the sneaky tricks with these guys. I really like the movement options, outflanking or teleporting or skitterleaping. Also if there's some other alpha strike deepstrike army (like Stormcast, ugh how I got Stormcasted last weekend!) the Gutter Runners can all be off the table if needed to survive. A good chance of choosing to go first with only 4 drops. Enemy heroes will not be safe with this army!
  23. Can't argue with that army! Not sure what the Soulsnare Shackles do though. What if you left those out and got a Triumph instead? I think I'll be using Azgorh for the Adepticon Championships coming up at the end of March, since they're all painted and ready to rock. Thinking about Skaven too but really not sure if I can get those painted by then; maybe just for the Vanguard event (1000 points). Azgorh has some really tough matchups with things like Sylvaneth and Stormcast, at least I've had some tough matchups with them. I think they do best at higher point levels.
  24. I am very not sold on K'daai. In all combats my Skullcrackers have done way way more damage and lived longer. Even as they mortally wound themselves from churning out 4D6 attacks almost every time they can still put out more hurt than K'daai for equivalent points. Of course Skullcrackers can't fly or run and charge. That's the K'daai's advantage as I see it, and they sure look cool. But I'd still rather have another lawnmower (which is what my opponents at the last two tournaments have called the Skullcrackers). I like the Centaurs. The spite shield and hooves, plus rending axe and flat 2 damage each make them more killy than K'daai, and with a Tauruk in ability range even more killy. To make up for the K'daai speed and getting places fast I'd recommend the alliances of Gutrot Spume and Blightkings ( to outflank), or something like Karanak who can give you free flesh hounds and maybe Skar Bloodwrath (since he can die and probably pop up anywhere later on). Azgorh really needs some summoning or movement trickery thingie. Just a little something. Maybe someday Forgeworld will grant us a battletome of our very own....
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