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Everything posted by TheArborealWalrus

  1. Changes look good. Interesting to encourage multiple clawlords. Probably should up the points of stormfiends if you don't want to see something like,12 in a lot of competitive armies. Suicide warlocks running up with them too. Xp For the pox rats, how about a contact plague? Units within 3" take a mortal wound every hero phase (your hero phase?) afterward. This includes the rat unit itself. Maybe it's cumulative? like, for each turn they're within 3", it adds another mortal wound? Seems a little too good vs heroes though... (also a shelf life of like, 3 turns for a non-reinforced unit) I still say the "insanely rabid" needs a change. Either keep the 3+ to hit, or: Make it exploding 5s and 6s, but 1s inflict a mortal wound on the unit? Overcharge it to be 4+ explosion but d3 mortal wounds on 1s? Otherwise, I see no reason to take it as is. 4+ to hit is not worth 2 extra attacks. Maybe if it was 8 attacks all the time. The others are all okay choices. Makes it so you have a purpose in mind when you pick up a moulder unit in your army.
  2. My mark II list: - Still suffers from 3+ save fear, but it's more consistent I feel. Lose out on choosing first turn a lot, but the redundancy is probably necessary. I wanted swords for the zombie dragons, but I struggle to fit it in without removing my dedicated shooting. I have some more tests coming up. We'll see how I feel after that. 2,000pts - 5 drops * = battle regiment 1, + = battle regiment 2, & = command entorage *Master moulder - general, moulder supreme, foulhide *Grey seer - death frenzy *4x4 rat ogres +Grey seer - death frenzy + 2x20 clan rats & Master moulder - rabid crown & 2x warlock bombadiers - more more warp power Bell of doom
  3. First game vs khorne they were brutally good. Second game vs gloomspite they got dumpstered first turn by a massive squig blob that charged most of my army. Which kind of sums up my experience with them. If my opponent ignores them, they do good work. If they don't it's 70pts down the drain. I feel like, in numbers they'd be very good. Good luck getting that many though. XP I've got 10 I FDM printed that are ... adequate. Looking to replace them still. I kind of want to try pestilence next. I've converted up some priests and want to give it a go. ... I might also have some 3d printed pestilence ogres too... I never leave a list without a unit of them. XD (I lie, but it's almost true. I don't have a problem.) I know they're supposed to be terrible, but I want to try 3 plague claws. There's a 2 day event next month that I'll need to keep practicing with ogres for, but for the casuals I'll try pestilence stuff.
  4. Globadiers. (acolytes) Rat ogres are stuck at -1 rend. Maybe -2 if I can get the purple sun to work.
  5. Army Faction: Skaven Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs Triumphs: Bloodthirsty LEADER 1 x Master Moulder (90)* General Command Traits: Moulder Supreme Warpstone-tipped Lash Artefacts: Foulhide 1 x Master Moulder (90)* Things-catcher 1 x Grey Seer (120) 1 x Warlock Bombardier (110) BATTLELINE 4 x Rat Ogors (280)* 2 x Warpfire Gun 4 x Rat Ogors (280)* 2 x Warpfire Gun 4 x Rat Ogors (280)* 2 x Warpfire Gun 4 x Rat Ogors (280)* 2 x Warpfire Gun 6 x Giant Rats (60) 6 x Giant Rats (60) 5 x Skryre Acolytes (70) 5 x Skryre Acolytes (70) 6 x Giant Rats (60) ENDLESS SPELL 1 x Bell of Doom (40) 1 x Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws (70) CORE BATTALIONS: *Battle Regiment Battle Regiment TOTAL POINTS: (1960/2000) 2 drops. Has chaff and -3 rend for better save armies. Jaws is vulnerable to heavily armored cavalry, but it'll destroy infantry. Plan is to waddle up first turn and cast the endless spells. Hopefully shoot the enemy. Turn 2 I charge things with the whips. I'm scared of high armor save armies, turn 1 AoE bomb armies, and coalesced seraphon. Advice on facing these threats?
  6. Thoughts on this mad lad list? I actually like the amount of firepower it puts out with the moulder supreme trait. With all the respawns I felt it was command point hungry and took warlord. (Also so that I could get the survivability and additional buff artifacts) * = Warlord, + = battle regiment, 5 drops, 145 wounds, 1960pts - Quicksilver swords * Master moulder - general, moulder supreme, foulhide * master moulder - rabid crown * Grey seer - death frenzy *2 rat ogres + Clawlord + master moulder + 4x4 rat ogres + 2 rat ogres So, here's my main questions. Clearly a 3+ save army will be a problem. Should I swap out the quicksilver swords for the purple sun? And if so, any advice for using it? Any other tricks that don't involve swapping out my precious rat ogres? The warlord artifact appealed to me but seems difficult to use. Second question relates to drops. I can easily fit this into a 2 drop, but the artifact is nice. Sadly, 5 drops will almost guarantee my opponent get the choice in a tournament setting. ... Probably. Is it worth it? Thanks for any advice. For the Horned Rat!
  7. Aww. You're making me blush. Thanks. Plague monk bodies, marauder flails (the horses come with them too). They look a little jacked for a skaven, but the damage 2 has to come from somewhere. Xp I also used the 2 handed blood reaver arms and even some bestigor axes. Those are tougher conversions though. (I'd post mine, but navigating this site is a bit of a pain on my phone) I agree. Now we just wait for the next book. Yes yes. DX (Xp)
  8. @Skreech Verminking I had another idea for your faction edit. Maybe give the army something based on who its general is? Like, the obvious choice is associative battlelines. No restrictions, their guys are just always battleline. If you want to power creep a bit, maybe an army wide buff. Kind of feels like subfactions for other armies. Like moulder able to either give 1 unit per turn (per battle?) +1 to wound, or run and charge. Maybe switch the mutation effecting a unit per turn? Eshin teleports a unit? Maybe makes eshin units untargetable outside of 9"? Skryre ... +1 to cast or maybe to hit? Or a once per game auto cast? Let a skryre unit ignore 1 malfunction per turn? Pestilence can once per game automatically call down a great plague? Maybe pestilence units cause mortal wounds to enemies in 3" in the hero phase? Verminous is more of a challenge. I think, once per game, respawn a destroyed verminous unit within 12" of a gnawhole. Or give it the gitz treatment and make it a 4+ all the time. Or maybe he messes with reinforcement points? Maybe both and the 4+ is at half strength? Masterclan ... Maybe can do each of the once per game effects of the other clans? Representing the "unity" of the clans? I like the idea of it. Theme even the other clans in your army to your clan.
  9. I have 1 question. What good is done by putting rattling guns in either battalion? Both require you to be in melee. (a very hazardous place for them) You could reduce drops by putting them into a one drop. Wouldn't change that you won't pick who goes first though. ... Which is why you probably did it. Regardless, I wish you luck at your tournament!
  10. https://discord.gg/GVkVAKXp Another major one. My personal favorite.
  11. Skaven being more involved in the world/narrative. Currently they just pop out of skavenblight for raids or from other undercities. They feel rather disconnected from the realms they inhabit. As for updated models ... The obvious ones are dual gutter/night runner kit, rat ogres, and skryre acolytes. A weapons team box would be nice. One that makes any of the ranged weapon teams. (or grinder) A unit of doom flayers would be interesting. Make them our demigryph equivalent. (obviously not JUST like demis) I could dig it. Alas, GW has pushed the factions even further away from one another with the StD book. So I don't see a likelihood of any combined books. You already can run a pure skryre army pretty easily, so if they wanted to expand an internal faction, probably not them. Faction abilities? More customization? Like how beasts of chaos command traits alter the way the army plays? Something to encourage more list variety.
  12. I mean, I love anything that encourages me to play my beloved moulder! Xp I'm not a big fan of some of the unit size increases, but I can get over that. Love the extra reinforcement points idea. Makes it feel more like a horde army. (I'd like them to use it for the upcoming free peoples book too) The downsides for some of the mutations are too harsh though. I mean, who doesn't like it when your cannon explodes itself and (hopefully) something else with it, but a good portion just prevent fun. Regenerating hulks: Good. Solid. (What most people will take currently) Insanely rabid: Remember that this is competing with the other mutations. I'd say to drop the -1 to hit and it's a serious contender. (Following GW's simplification guidelines, perhaps 1s to hit do 1 or d3 mortals to the unit?) Quadrupedal: +1" of movement? For -2 wounds? Oof. Let's try: Movement 12 and 4 wounds. (Hello wolf rats!) and change the downside from the metabolism to be: suffers d3+1 mortal wounds and the effect still goes off. Maybe it has a heart attack? Not moving just is a feels bad rather than feeling unstable. Pox rats: Currently downside feels bad, just killing more and more of your rats as the battle goes on. (I get why) How about this to represent the plague: At the start of the movement phase, roll a dice for every unit within 3" of the pox rats. On a 4+ (6+?) the unit suffers d3 mortal wounds. Friendly NURGLE units are unaffected. (maybe it effects the pox rats too?) Poison fangs: Drop the +1 to be wounded. Adds unnecessary bookkeeping. Have the effect still go off on the survivors of their poison sacks exploding or whatever. Otherwise, it's a bit too hard of a slap down. (I feel) Skryre nanobots: I like it, but to be fair to shooting armies, they can't be targeted outside of 6" or 3" instead. Still probably the most powerful of the 3. I also prefer the the current FAQ's ratling gun malfunction. Suffering D3 mortal wounds. Gives the chance at dying rather than 100% it. I like the buff to plague claws command trait and the weapons teams. Makes both viable. (I think) Still, very interesting work! Love more customization on offer! (And not just for moulder) I applaud your efforts!
  13. I believe it can. Doesn't specify a type of attack. So I think I get how to use rat ogres. Tag team them with a moulder and rush forward. Preferably behind a screen. But how do you use stormfiends effectively? It's a lot of points with a very clear, "kill me first," sign on them. The shooting is also kind of short range too. In my list they feel like a, "pick your poison," type unit. Get shot or get eaten. (Or shoot them both off before they reach you. Xp) Do people typically use a grinder weapons team to drop them in? Could I use the gnawholes for that? (So I can avoid breaking theme) Speaking of, how do you use your gnawholes typically? Teleportation threat? Purely for the +1 to prayers/casts? Something beyond my comprehension? Sorry for all the questions. I'm just trying to wrap my head around some of the more nuanced concepts before I commit to the army fully.
  14. This is the list I was thinking of building towards. I like the small model count and raw face punching. Xp Objective capture struggle bus, but if they're dead, they can't contest. We lost our competitive folk about 6 months ago so I'm not TOO worried. Weird question, but how are melee storm fiends? 1970pts, 135 wounds, 2 drops Battalion 1: Master moulder- catcher 3x6 giant rats Battalion 2: Master moulder - whip, +1 to hit for pack units artifact Greyseer - spell: death frenzy Arch warlock - General, devious adversary, spell: more more warp power 2x4 rat ogres 2 rat ogres 1x6 stormfiends - 2 ratlings, 2 mortars, Don't give me ideas! XO I'm still trying to finish painting my flesh eaters! XD I found some 3d prints that are pretty awesome. Trying to minimize my work with ... fewer conversions. ... Like heroes ... and armoring ... Aw hell, I'll probably make some. XP
  15. I've had a love of clan Moulder since the old world. There's a builder league coming up and I was wondering how doomed I am with an almost entirely Moulder army? I wanted to center around mostly rat ogres. (I consider stormfiends to count as rat ogres) What wisdom can the mighty-tough grey furs give me-me?
  16. I haven't used it with stormcast, but in an army strapped for points it's a hard sell. It has overlap with fulminators and dragons. I could picture some cavalry force rolling around with it and that working. (Awfully small army) Stormcast just have enough overlap that many would think it better to stick in our book for similar points. It could work. Who doesn't love a 2 turn Morathi stomping around? It's very deadly and if your opponent doesn't have shooting or get lucky, it can solo an entire army. (If you're careful) Stormcast just have a number of equal or better hammer units for similar or less points. It also can't deepstrike. In a stormkeep army I think it could be good. Those are my thoughts without having tested any of it.
  17. Looks very deadly. How do you keep objectives though? I dig the inclusion of the gryph hounds. A shame they got reduced to 2 wounds. Always good to have both melee and shooting. What's the castigators and farstriders job? Glad you're having fun with it! I wanted to get thoughts on my latest scions of the storm list. Something I haven't been able to get a good read on is the stormhost. I like anvils of heldenhammer for some damage mitigation vs non undead/daemon armies. The knights excelsior offer gally vet paladins and that bonus vs larger units. I more wanted it for the battle tactic of a gally vet killing a gally vet. Not sure if the extra damage taken is too much of a risk though. Insights from those experienced fighting more types of foes would be appreciated. (skaven, slyvaneth, StD, and nurgle daemons so far with stormcast) List 1: List 2: Had another very similar list. Feels like it'll do brutal damage. I don't like not having a wizard though. No changes needed to switch between stormhosts. The dreaded purple sun meta could make it a glaring weakness. Any advice would be appreciated and have a lovely weekend! For Sigmar!!
  18. It's been pretty quiet over here. Our competitive people formed their own group so no "real" tests on my end. Some interesting fights with stormkeeps vs skaven and slyvaneth though. I finished building my warcraft stormkeep army and started a dark elf themed, scions of the storm, force. ... I don't have an obsession for conversions ... That's crazy talk. Currently working on a chariot and annihilators made from the male dracoline riders. ... Crazy talk. Competitively, I feel that scions are better, (mobility and denial are king) but I also like the slow grind approach. I find that it keeps taking my opponents off guard. Take first turn and set up on objectives. Simply refuse to die and respawn as able. I need to get an invite back to the competitive tables to test out both my favorite lists. I may throw my current scions list against my current stormkeep army. See who wins. That's for later though. I'd also be interested to know what y'all are working on! I hope you're having a good week! For Sigmar!
  19. I had been looking at pistoleers for speed and iron breakers for 10 models with a 3+ save to be put in the counts as 3 battalion. Otherwise, cities units seem thematic but ineffective. *shrug* Still like the idea. Especially the cav. Had been leaning towards "call for aid" for that enhancement since my list is liberator spam. Might try the other with the wizard if I go for an alpha strike list. Thoughts on the lord exorcist for the no respawn bubble around him? Are the other mage/priest lords and knights worth considering beyond the lord relictor and arcanum? There are so many to look at. With the rise of endless spells again, is the knight arcanum worth it? I've just gotten my hands on the "new" book recently and want to try things out. Cheers
  20. Probably a weird question, but are there any better choices for storm keep cities units? I like the idea of having out little mortals along for the ride. I'm going to exclude phoenix guard on grounds of them being in every cities army in my area though. Not important but I'm rolling around with 30 liberators currently. XD Its fun bringing a mild horde. Good to have the old lads out too. Currently going opposite of our meta brain's idea of as few galatians as possible. See how it works out. Need to wrangle one of the competitive players to test it against its natural enemy. Minimum size units on the libs in case I roll bad. 😛 How are you folks responding to the new stuff? For Sigmar! Have a pleasant week!
  21. My area had a tournament and we discussed how Khorne should change there. Not talking about warscrolls, but the allegiance abilities. We didn't want to make something similar to what has been done by other armies, so there isn't competition with the likes of warclans, slayers, or other melee factions. (I also am doing this because I suggested a 6+ vs spells and we immediately got it ... in our terrible update. Hoping this one goes better. Xp) 1st: All Khorne units get +1 attack to melee profiles on the turn they charge. (Or are charged was discussed, but the second allegiance ability we felt more than made up for that.) 2nd: Whenever a Khorne unit is slain by a melee attack, (or perhaps just slain) it may pile in and attack before being removed. Is this incredibly powerful? Yes. This would make Khorne like no other faction. Don't upgrade the damage/attacks too hard. Make them feel better, but no hard-core upgrades. Khorne is about the grind in this version. Might be too powerful with the thirsters, but testing would be needed. 3rd: Keep the 6+ spell ignore. I like the idea of daemons and shielded units (skullkrushers basically) getting a 5+ instead. 4th: Blood tithe. It's powerful. It's unique. It's fun. Keep it mostly the same. Keep the change from abilities for quality of life purposes. Thoughts? I know they likely won't do anything with it, but I was going to take the feedback (on allegiance abilities, not warscrolls. Lord knows the help the warscrolls need. Not what this one is about.) and send it to GW. ... Then pray? Maybe this is just a fun exercise. Hope y'all have a good week.
  22. What do you guys think of this list? I haven't run more than 1 thirster before and would appreciate any tips. My meta swings wildly from one end of the competitive spectrum to the other. Thanks for any help. (I'm experienced with my mortals, but only now am I really trying the big daemons) 1925pts, Bloodlords, 126 wounds, 11 drops, ** = hunters of the heartlands, ++ = warlord I acknowledge that I don't have the mortal wound output to stop 1+ save stormcast nonsense, or the Ymetrica list someone started directly after I made this. Xp It has flexibility though. It puts a heavy hit to most magic from enemy armies (Teclis and Tzeentch excluded) and the strikes first guy is ludicrously strong. It also feels like it has a good number of bodies with a little extra meat where needed. The large aura heal is a nice bonus if I have a command point spare and the re-rolls to wound are nice. Easier to use than the double pile in faction too, I feel. The plan is to screen out the board until I can line up the flank sweep with the thirsters. Reavers offer surprising damage by the secrators (against medium to low armor). They can even screen clear ... mostly. XD They buy time for the thirsters, so the same plan competitive Khorne has had for years. xP It's my first time using thirsters though and I feel good about the list. (Right up until I get flame storm breathed into oblivion XD) (Yes, my area has a guy running most of the LVO winning list. Tried a single thirster once and had the witch Hunter kill him in 2 turns. Damage 4 shooting! *runs away screaming*) Hopefully I can report success from the RTT next weekend. Wish me luck. XD Hope you have a lovely weekend, for Khorne!!! (I like to imagine it's having a lovely weekend at the blood god's decree.)
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