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Everything posted by Dez

  1. I'd seen this exact thing pointed out by a well known rumor resource today.
  2. This is one of my favorite kits, along with Chaos Knights I've got a bunch left over from my Tzeenth army, I'm thinking of going Nurgle for my next warband. I'm looking forward to seeing some paint on these!
  3. I've been building a lot, and mainly Ironjawz. Did up some fun conversions, but I think I can do a lot more. I'll add them when completed, and then begin painting! I've also got Warhammer Quest as well as High Elves built for my daughter.
  4. Well, perhaps this week we should start out with the painted stuff. A Runepriest for Aos/Silver Tower Now...I have a sea of grey. I've been away from my painting table a lot, so I've been building...and building...and building... Ironjawz, still have 15 Ardboyz and a Weirdnob that didn't make the shot Warhammer Quest Silver tower Some High Elves for my daughter
  5. Dez

    IoB High Elves

  6. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  7. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  8. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  9. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  10. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  11. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  12. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  13. I was reading that yesterday, and was just aghast at how much of a "bad mother shut yo mouth' she is.
  14. I painted this guy up quick...probably 4 or 5 hours. Maybe not that quick? I tried playing with painting metals in this, I wanted to darken tones and make sure I was getting really good contrast where the light was hitting vs shadows. Tons more pics here
  15. My thought as well. Since she is a named character and a single kit the problem ce tag needs to be higher I guess.
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