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Join me as I painfully piece together an army of sadomasochistic psychopaths, nightmare creatures, and other creepy crawlies. Expect lots of slow and painful progress as well as the occasional hobby knife inflicted wound. 

Entries in this blog

The Age of Distractions

Howdy, just wanted to post a small update to let everyone know I'm still alive. I made the mistake of finally picking up Warhammer: Total War knowing full well what would happen. I've been busy running through the Chaos campaign rather than working on my models Aside from that my Warshrine is coming along. I'm waiting for some bits from Brother Vinnis for it. Also I'm looking for some good 28mm scale gibbet style cages if anyone knows any or some 28mm torture tool racks. also



Out for a pleasure ride..

Finally finished my Knights. I love these models and I think a cav army would be cool... ...but they are an absolute pain in the boob to build. Ya my right boob hurts...TMI  hoping it's a sign from Slaanesh for my dedication to perfection by scraping the miles of mould lines off these armored pricks.   anywho....     and for my my next project...   ...the torture mobile! The ride is slow but the screams are loud!  



More Slaanesh

So i'm still working on those damn knights and i've been playing around with the list to make it a little more scary but also to play more on the Slaanesh theme. I decided I didn't just want a Slaanesh themed slaves to darkness. Still some room for stuff (not much) and I need to fill a battleline.  Leaders Lord of Slaanesh on Daemonic Mount - 140pts Sorcerer Lord - 140pts Leaders/Behemoths Daemon Price of Slaanesh - 160pts Herald on Exalted Seeker Chariot - 160pts



We Are Legion!

Finished my first unit of Chaos warriors. This big blob of sword and board toting bad asses should be a real pain to deal with, especially with good support.  I'm trying to get my easy builds out of the way before I start doing units with a lot of conversion work. These guys were super easy (just stupid mould lines :P) I tried to make them as dynamic as I could given the limitations of the kit. Next up...Horsies!  



The losers

Progress already? Yer damn right.  Finished building my Spawn, the losers of the chaos army. Frankly I think they are totes adorbs <3 I was able to do these with only one box of spawn and a couple extra bodies I got off eBay. They give you so much stuff! Pretty much cleared the sprues. Spikey Snooter Googly  Squiggles  I only need three for my army tho so I made the fourth one into a hat!



Preparing the army...

Being the kind of person I am, I likes to plan out an army before buying a ton of ****** (I miss my employee discount ) I decided to start by making a list based on what info we have from the Generals Handbook. It's a 2500 point list with a Slaves to Darkness / Slaanesh? Allegiance. Tried to put in all the stuff I like without too much worry of whats competitive or uber powerful. I like to play for fun not WAACing people do death    Leaders Sorcerer Lord - 140pts Exalted Hero - 80



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