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Everything posted by Dez

  1. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  2. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  3. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  4. I totally concur with your analysis. I can see Nothing Left Standing being very nice vs Sylvaneth.
  5. You know I keep coming back to look and I keep seeing more stuff that I didn't pick up before, these Ironjawz are great!
  6. You could...but man, are you missing out on one of the best parts in my opinion! It makes the game more fluid, you can't really plan for the next turn in just one dimension. You have to think about multiple possibilities, like...where do I want this unit to be if I get initiative? Do I want it there if I Don't get initiative? I dunno, it's the end of the day and I'm running out of steam so I don't have great examples I just think it really adds to the game.
  7. Too late to cancel the order? Perhaps get more Plague Monks
  8. Anyone else notice the quick reference cards there? I hope they start releasing these...
  9. Ya know, I had no interest in picking up any books...then I saw them live and in person. Man are they nice!
  10. I like your basing. I'm going to go Agrellan myself, but with lots of little bits of interest in the basing. I want to make my basing like Fist of Gork, so a dried up desert with lots of bones and stuff. I'd experimented with different effects, but Agrellan Earth just does it so well!
  11. They look really nice to me! There's the weathered armor, weapon hafts and the skin is really nice. There is a nice benefit to taking the baby cabbage: Meteoric Hammerblade. Because the Mawkrusha is based on a small record, you can pretty much whallop a lot of models with mortal wounds.
  12. So if I read between the lines there I need to buy another Mawkrusha and more Gore-gruntaz Odd numbers of models, unless you round off your Retributors from the starter for matched play.
  13. HI AHC! Any chance you can give some details on what's going to be released for Bonesplittaz? I'd been saving a bit for a release like King Vlagorescu's Ghoulish Host which had a bunch of great kits at a discount. Also, any contents on the smaller Starter Kit for Age of Sigmar?
  14. Cool idea to string the bows! I know I'm a bit late for WIP Wednesday...but I was too tired to upload the pics at 2AM...especially since I have a 5 year old that likes to wake the sun up Some more work on my Ironjawz, and I've begun some basing for the Megaboss'. The theme behind my Ironjaws is Bruise, Brews and BBQ so I thought it would be fun to have a little party atmosphere. The grots are cooking up whatever Da Boyz fought today, though wee grot is not impressed. Deffgobb wasn't happy with some Aleguzzlers that wouldn't share the fungus brew.
  15. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  16. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  17. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  18. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  19. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  20. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  21. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  22. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  23. Dez

    Ironjawz WIP

  24. I meant alluding to there being monthly instead of weekly releases.
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