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Everything posted by Chumphammer

  1. I mean its gonna be big. have you ever seen a Lion? the head looks huge due to the Mane (especially when its got its mouth open) With paint it should bring it back into prospective as right now its just a big blob of green If it doent, its just greenstuff so can pull it off and do something else
  2. Graywater gave a solid response. Only thing I would add is they also only get 1 ranged shot each doing MW on a 6 (not additional) That sucks for 120pts. Shadow warriors are 110pts and have 10 shots with rend 1/damage 1 also and if deployed in terrain, better to hit . For 140pts realm lords get sentinals... Bloodstalkers need a rework
  3. WiP on my Lion King....Moofasa! lol Still got his feet to do. Head looks big due to mane but hopefully paint will fix that
  4. I used some "Greenstuff worlds - Blue Stuff" It is a hot water mold that I used with my old White lion chariot shoulders. Just need to cutting down and repairing and they work well
  5. I am excited to get the Gargants done and out so we can see whats next & Broken Realms
  6. Honest Wargamer was selling them for a while. Maybe are again? lol true, its because we had to put the 8 objectives down then just didnt move scenery back into position. Friendly fun learning game so wasnt that worried (its why we didnt play secondary objectives)
  7. That was bottom of 4 (my turn) End of game had: His end: 4 Chaos Warriors Summoned Chaos Bloodletter hero guy On my end: Cathallar/Stonemage had full wounds Stone guard units had 9 and 7 left (i think) avalenor on 1 wound 1 Dawnrider 9 Sentinals So yeah it was bloody
  8. His was: Blood priest and blood Stoker 3 x 10 Blood reavers Shrine 30 Blood warriors 15 Chaos Warriors 2 x 5 skulltakers Goresomething and battalion Cant remember what else mine was Zaitrec Stonemage (General, Assault of Stone, Fast leaner, Gift of Celennar) need to give him a 2nd spell as forgot he can have 2 Avalenor Scinari Cathallar (silverwand, total eclipse, Protection of Hysh) 2 x 10 Wardens (Lambent light/Protection) 2 x 10 Sentinals (Solar flare/total Elipse) 10 Dawnriders (Speed of Hysh) 2 x 10 Stoneguard (10 pikes 10 hammers) Twinstones Sanctum I liked how the list worked. Only thing I would change is maybe make the sentinals 1 unit (knocks me to 6 drops) the left 10 Wardens Held the obj for 3 turns. They charged in to help the Dawnriders, and made a good impact, and would have probably taken the obj, but then he summoned the BT and wiped them out. The right 10 got wiped out turn 2 when the Skulltakers got a long charge. I forgot though that the Avalenor was within 12 so were -2 to hit, but oh well thems learning
  9. Forgot to post the other day about my game us BOK Played Blades Edge (We didn’t use realms or secondaries) [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] Proxies: Giant Lion – Avalenor, King of the Mountain White lions – Pick stoneguard Swordmasters – Hammer Stoneguard Archers – Sentinals Bok: The Shrine on the left Obj near the last pictures are a summoned Bloodthirster turn 3 The empty oval bases on some of the Obj are ones that have been destroyed but we couldn’t remove the templates yet Game ended 12-11 to LRL. Was very more of a win for LRL until he summoned the bloodthirster and destroyed my left flank. The 2 x 10 Stoneguard/Stonemage/Avalenor/Cathaller were a great anvil unit that grinded through his army Flank 10 Wardens were fine for what I needed them to do 10 Dawnriders were in combat with 30 Blood Warriors from turn 1 and stayed there till the BT got involved. 1 survived in the end after she legged it but managed to help out in the last combat to take the last obj. I keep forgetting that the Stonemage gets a 2nd spell pick also (even though he can just cast 1) as most the game he ran arcane bolts as I had assault of stone.
  10. Think I finally found a head im happy with for my lion guard (stoneguard) Shadow warrior kit helm
  11. Yeah part one set me back 290 Cad Part 2 gonna be around 350
  12. Blood Stalkers, the bow unit for DOK even down to 120pts, you get a 1 shot weapon that does 1 damage at rend 1. A 6 to hit is a MW that finishes that attack the 24 inch range is great as they move 8, and 2W each is useful. Hit/wound are both on a 3 so its ok, but only 1 shot each is the killer. 120pts in a DOK army is 10 Witch Aelves/Sisters of Slaughter
  13. tbh I had all the bits at hand. Still have another 10 lions if needed lol. Using more shoulders for the Sentinals and maybe the eternal guard heads for them also
  14. So finished what I have now and am ready for weekends releases (and next weekends)
  15. Lions of Lumineth The lions of lumineth are aelve souls rescued by Teclis and Tyrion which heralded form the Old Worlds realm of Chrace on Ulthuan. The lions of Lumineth grew under their gods training, leaning more towards Tyrion's military. Shunning the use of Horses (Horses were for the Ellyrion peoples) the old Chrace souls sort a pack with the lions of Hysh, working in tandem to beat back the forces of chaos
  16. ..... You do realize that LRL have 2 heroes that can take artifacts....and both are mages with AS 5+ and 5 wounds. You will never see the blade of leaping gold on one unless we finally get a combat hero
  17. I am really interested to see how many Teclis models sell. 1: People feel its OP or a trap so might not play it 2: A lot feel it is an ugly model 3: If its High cost 4: LRL Hype died, yes some are still interested and going, but I have seen a lot of kits on sale in Buy/Sell FB and not huge numbers playing them/posting pics. It's a shame but I am interested to see how it goes. My hype is pretty low but not dead. I wont be buying as much as I would have but thats GW loss and my gain. Still going to be getting endless spells/Warscrolls/MEga Cow, 2 x 10 Sentinals, 1 stone mage and 20 Stoneguard I think i will just do an alt model or keep my old elf mage as my Cathallar as I am not keen on the model
  18. People only say that because of A: Teclis B: Sentinal Spam And also they probably havent even played vs them yet. People are very vocal against new things
  19. I have colour blind issues, but I would say the bottom one
  20. Hey and welcome 1: Prayer 1 should be blessing of khaine for Hag Nar. 2nd can be Catechism of murder for damage, or sacrament of blood/crimson rejuvination. All those are good and sometimes Martyrs sacrifice. Spell should be mindrazor for Medusa, probably with shadow stone as its our best casting item. Blood stalkers are not worth the points so unless its just the models you have dont use them. Temple nest is also a bit crappy atm so probably not worth it. its a waste to have 15 snakes and 5 snakes, as you get the discount for 20 snakes. So take 20 snakes and 10 WE/SOS still. to make up thje rest of battle line either swap 5 stalkers for 10 more WE/SOS or drop 5 heart renders plus the points you saved from taking 20 snakes, this gives you 170pts free, so again either 10 more WE/SOS or 5 more blood sisters Try looking at this, not always thebest info but useful: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Age_of_Sigmar/Tactics/Order/Daughters_of_Khaine Plus look back over the forums
  21. Yeah for 140pts its a 5W hag but has 5 extra wounds on a 4+ plus a lot of additional attacks (12 attacks plus 1 shooting). I think they can be a good support unit and more survivable from a 1 shot kill. I also love the model
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