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Everything posted by Chumphammer

  1. All Wounds from mini Morathi go to big morathi Big Morathi has a rule that max 3 wounds a turn this means even if mini gets targeted they all go to big and anything over 3 is discounted. BUT if big dies then mini dies also. So mini will either have no wounds or either way they are moot
  2. She will keep heart of khaine. Morathikhaine is the whole 2 models. Mini Morathi's wounds uto transfer to big morathi Big Morathi dies then mini morathi dies Big morathi has 12W and 4+ AS So, if she didnt have heart of khaine shes a terrible model as will just die to anything. With heart of khaine shes imporatant to keep alive now as more expensive but better for your army in general and offers magic support and the command ability. So she will keep the heart. The fact a slain rule gives her 3 wounds reflect this
  3. She may still have that rule. It states in the text: "Morathi-Khaine’s defining abilities are largely unchanged"
  4. I was wrong about Morathi-Slaanesh but damn happy to follow Morathi-Khaine! "Morathi’s soul simultaneously resides in both her incarnation as Morathi-Khaine – formerly the High Oracle – and also her monstrously mirrored Shadow Queen form." I wonder if this is what wakes Dragondaddy up
  5. We dont know but maybe, she is Morathi-Khaine now "Morathi’s soul simultaneously resides in both her incarnation as Morathi-Khaine – formerly the High Oracle – and also her monstrously mirrored Shadow Queen form"
  6. +1 Attack is great, but in the current meta losing either 5+ fnp or -1 to hit/teleport is totally not worth it. "Behold my 4A/2MWA Snakes with BRA10 and Mindrazor! They will slay everything they touch!" Turn 1 KO/Lumineth/Cities/Shootcast/Tzeentch/Seraphon shoot off half the army/heroes "Erm....yeah"
  7. Bucklers tend to be better for SOS I prefer bucklers on the WE as well but a mix is good. Depending on your area, you could have half a unit with one and half with the other, and just have the type you are using at the front and remove the other as they die. As long as you confirm with your opponent what you have then shout be fine
  8. In the current shooting Meta, those options are not great +1 attack on snakes is fantastic, and +1 Bra is good to give those snakes BR10 with a Cauldron Taking the battalion and using the 2nd Medusa to cast shroud of dispair will result in bonus wounds vs anyone (unless neg modifiers) HOWEVER VS -1 to hit/teleport or a 5+ FNP bubble....Im sorry its not gonna cut it. Current Meta is shooting, and +1 attack +1 Bra is not going to help that. Same with the Battalion, if you could heal a cauldron also then sure thats great, but sadly I just dont thing it helps us atm. Hopefully new hero or morathi update adds some options
  9. it was me lol. I'm making it a thing! As gray said, zainthar kai is the new faction and hopefully its a snake based faction, and since Cobra/snake then Cobra Kai!
  10. I would be happy with Morathi becoming Khaine Incarnate. Might explain the "Shadows Rising" as Morathi becoming Khaine/God will finally sprue Malarian into action (Whether Mortathi awakening him by feeding him power or in retaliation)
  11. New warhammer community preview up for Broken realms This was interesting: "The Melusai Ironscale is an elite warrior of the Daughters of Khaine who can ignore the effects of spells and inspire nearby Melusai to greater deeds by murdering enemies in Khaine’s name."
  12. Hello fellow soon to be followers of Morathislaanesh I had a theory months ago and it still stands.Morathi becomes the new Slaanesh. She wants to be a god and doesnt give a ****** howSlaanesh is still imprisoned or MIA. Morathi was in WFB the original Cult of Slaanesh person.Morathi escaped from Slaanesh, and has been biding her time to find a way to absorb Slaanesh.Morathi breaks her allies to basically eat Slaanesh, and becomes the new chaos god and reforms the Cult of Slaanesh (hence which box set is DOK vs Slaanesh. Slaanesh side are tryin to stop her, fail and become her minions so you get to use both parts of the box set if you want as an army)New temple is Zainthar Kai (or Cobra Kai ) which is a snake temple
  13. I had a theory months ago and it still stands. Morathi becomes the new Slaanesh. She wants to be a god and doesnt give a ****** how Slaanesh is still imprisoned or MIA. Morathi was in WFB the original Cult of Slaanesh person. Morathi escaped from Slaanesh, and has been biding her time to find a way to absorb Slaanesh. Morathi breaks her allies to basically eat Slaanesh, and becomes the new chaos god and reforms the Cult of Slaanesh (hence which box set is DOK vs Slaanesh. Slaanesh side are tryin to stop her, fail and become her minions so you get to use both parts of the box set if you want as an army) New temple is Zainthar Kai (or Cobra Kai ) which is a snake temple
  14. Awesome Morathi Trailer is up including some faction info: https://ageofsigmar.com/broken-realms/ Updated rules for DOK and Morathi!
  15. I have a comedy plan for Teclis that doesnt involve lions, something more amusing. I just need 1 more part....
  16. Sat 24th was our local 1 day 3 game event. Sadly as TO I had to drop out after Round 2 as a player had to go. Game 1: total Conquest Night Haunt list: I use my nights to run up 1st and take the top right obj while my army pushed up the middle. I kinda wished I had an extra hero to leave on an obj but oh well. I was out of range for most of my spells and shooting due to odd deployment (bar hitting some Chainrasps) He got the double turn 1, but couldn’t really capitalize on it Turn 2 I shot off his Knight of Shrouds and turn 3 his Mourngul By around turn 3 all was stuck in. Avalenor and 10 Stoneguard were in combat with Big Drogg and Kurdoss while the 10 knights who held up the big block of Chainrasps got some support from the other 10 stoneguard. Avalenor made short work of the Giant and the King and the game was over bottom of 4. I had lost my Dawnriders, 10 Wardens and my stone guard were down to 6 and 4, but he had lost his army and Game 2 was vs Seraphon (Thunderlizards) Focal points So I went first, Moving the Dawnriders forward on the right to just touch the Obj, and then moving the bulk of the army up the middle and some 10 wardens up the left. Shooting saw some wounds on the Oldblood (should of shot the Engine but never faced Seraphon) magic was hit and miss. He played Kroak wrong (found out the day after) as he said he could dispel attempt for every cast I had, when its actually only 4. In his turn he got some wounds on the Cathallar and dispelled her endless spell (as a 5th spell cast cause again he got his rules wrong) He got a long charge on the dawnriders (who were Etheral), and with a rule I didn’t know, called Roar of Ruin, halfed the units bravery. With the -1 they already get from terror, I rolled Double 5 on my test. With the 4 wounds I got (I fluffed a lot of my 4+ saves) the rest of the unit ran. Sucks to lost them all but oh well, should have played them differently or 2x5 which I am doing now) nom noms He then got the double, which saw him use the engine multiple times and take out my Cathallar and some Sentinels. A steg charged my left Wardens and killed them (so many MW impacts) and the center had the oldblood charge 10 wardens and kill half. The middle became a melee of combat, with the DreadSaurian joining below, catching the remaining wardens and sentinals, but my Avelenor and Stoneguard got in and started smashing heads. It was a bloodbath, with the game only being decided bottom of 5. Id lost my whole army and he had Kroak (3w left) Steg (2W left) and Steg (3W left) left to cap the remaining obj to win 17vs14 Thoughts: So two games and some interesting learning points. I made some mistakes both games but that’s learning the army. I am going to split my dawnriders into 2x5, as they can be more useful that way I feel in my list. I didn’t have enough units with Protection of Hysh, so losing the Cathallar and enough Sentinels to not be able to cast hurt, so I need to add some in. Id love to add a 2nd Cathallar but not sure I want to trim a unit for it. Its like I could drop 5 Dawnriders for a 3rd Sentinel unit, but I don’t trust just shooting as it can be hit and miss Avalenor and the Stoneguard are great. The +1 to hit bubble is wonderful, his damage is huge and the stoneguard with +1A is the icing. Love the little ground
  17. I like them. Being able to teleport every turn (not having to use Khelibron) is huge for capping objs or even jumping in the way of of a bad charge. They have a lot of potential and they get the DOK buffs also when in a DOK army. Yeah they dont have the raw damage of witch aelves but being able to teleport behind a small unit capping an obj, then getting to charge in with 10 bodies with more attacks than Khinari throw out is pretty good
  18. Moofasa, the Lion King Still a few bits to add but I'm happy with it. I know some people thought the heads tbh it looks cool on the table (battle pick was yesterday vs bok before I painted more)
  19. Just buy a load of WWE toys, repaint them and base them
  20. Well i mean, its movement 9 with +1 to run and charge and gets the rerolls is slow lol. Sure turn 1 and 2 it may not move, but I suppose if I take sacrament of blood I have 2 attempts to move it turn 2 Cause always get the iron circlet Cauldon to move it turn 1
  21. Just something fun really. It can be powered by Morgwaeth, gives some extra shooting attacks but mainly its 3+/5++ in general bubble. LD11 for Mindrazor if you need to take on something LD10 (Rend 3 with 4 Damage mindrazor vs Mortek guard for instance) It gets to be part of the cauldron guard batallion also as Hag Narr, so +1 to run and charge
  22. Congrats on 2nd Graywater 1st and 2nd of DOK is good to hear. Its funny, as DOK are a great army still, people just are not running them atm. I like the 1st place list, its something I have thought about as swarming with bodies seems a good idea in the current meta lol. Just wish we had a 2 unit can attact rule like LRL I kinda wanna try Allegiance: Daughters of Khaine- Temple: Hagg NarBloodwrack Shrine (210)- General- Command Trait: Devoted Disciples- Lore of Shadows: MindrazorHag Queen on Cauldron of Blood (290)- Artefact: Iron Circlet- Prayer: Blessing of KhaineMo Blade Cover (140) - Prayer - Catechism of murder 30 x Sisters of Slaughter (300)- Barbed Whips and Blade Bucklers30 x Witch aelves (300)- Blade Bucklers) 10 x Witch aelves (120)- Blade Bucklers)5 x Khinerai Lifetakers (80) 5 x Khinerai Lifetakers (80) 10 x Shadow Warriors (110) 10 x Shadow Warriors (110) Avatar of Khaine (140) Cauldron Guard (120)Total: 2000/ 2000
  23. Not played my DOK since my one day thing last month if you drop the prime down turn 2 or 3 (I try for 3) then he can pretty much take out anything you throw him into (bar like Gotrek lol) and is guaranteed the charge with his special rule for picking the dice number He is a glass hammer with no save vs MW so might likely die afterwards
  24. Thing about Stoneguard is the synergies. Alone, yeah they are alright and the Wardens maybe better, but as a center line grinder combined with other things they are really solid. I had 2 x 10 (One each weapon type but future will just be picks) with Avelanor, Stonemage and Cathaller. It made a core the enemy couldnt break (Blades of Khorne) Stoneguard get a -1 to hit against them to all enermy within 12 of the Avelanor, as well as an additional attack from his command ability. They are immune to rend 1 (2 if faction) and have a 4+ AS (3+ if Quartz uesed) which is rerollable due to Battalion (if in 12 of Stonemage) Stonemage gives them Rend 2 Cathaller with protection of Hysh up gives them a 5++ This can make them pretty tanky and have 3 rend 2 attacks each doing MW on 6 to hit.
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