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Everything posted by Chumphammer

  1. 1st two battleplans are up on @chumphammer Didnt want to post here as they dont like pictures before release
  2. Also Morathi-Khaine gets to use Both Monster and Hero new abilities, which can really be good. Charging in and using ROAR on that unit you dont want to be able to receive orders could be really good, especially if battle shock auto pass is a order I think I might look at adding a Hydra or kharibdyss if I dont run Morathi-Khaine as for 175pts (may change) its gives us the ability to threated scenary
  3. I dont know 6+ to bring sisters/stalkers back +1 to hit in combat or shooting +1 AS vs that shooting/combat attack (3+ AS in combat with Cauldron buff) being able to stand and shoot with Stalkers, but more interestingly Medusa (with no negative to hit) could be fun So far I am interested in the changes, going to be exciting times. A lot will be down to peoples CP management skills as blowing your load all at once means no back up options
  4. *Looks at Gotrek...Looks at being able to heal Gotrek 3D3 W in your turn and 2D3 in their turn with Hallowheart cities* I am sure he is going to go up in points.
  5. It was discussed in on of the videos a wee while ago. I am sure we will find out soon enough if its confirmed or not
  6. With CP being reset every round I dont think the additional cp purchase will be a thing anymore So i ditched that and battalions for this idea I looked at: Gloomspite Gitz - Jaws of Mork Loonboss on giant cave squig General, Envoy of the overbounder, Syari Screamersquig Fungoid cave-shaman - Squiglure Kragnos the living earthquake 24 Squig herd 24 Squig herd 12 Squig herd 12 Squig herd 10 Boingrots Bounderz Kragnos and Bounderz run at ****** while squigs swarm points (with cheeky charges with Lure)
  7. lol Gotrek also now gets to heal every hero phase for 1D3 wounds...
  8. could have been a link to something far worse lol Correct link https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/06/01/kragnos-has-tipped-the-power-balance-of-the-mortal-realms-heres-what-that-means-for-the-new-edition/
  9. Yeah, probably impact hits on the charge and maybe extra charge distance https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/vaccine-advisers-set-to-provide-guidance-on-mixing-astrazeneca-mrna-vaccines-today/ar-AAKBevB?ocid=mailsignout&li=AAggNb9 This went up today and I think its the first time I've seen them confirm she is now the God of Murder
  10. Maybe nothing new means Gloomspite Gitz 2.0 is coming in the not too distant future
  11. NZ GW site has most the hero scrolls up. Posted on @chumphammer on twitter for easy access
  12. Just posting this again in case its true tomorrow lol
  13. Real Scroll is on my twitter @Chumphammer
  14. Kroak Scroll is now on twitter 18W Bra 9 5" move 4+ Save He has a rule "Dead for Innumerable ages" At the end of each phase, if any wounds or mortal wounds are allocated to this model, roll 3D6 and add the number of wounds and mortal wounds to this roll. on a 20+ this model is slain. On any other roll, all wounds and mortal wounds allocated to this model are healed
  15. Lol we need points confirmed as 480 and 760 is a big fecking difference
  16. If hes 760 and no subfaction he can ****** right off lol Id buy him if 500 or less. Maybe 600. But 760...thats a lot of squigs
  17. Kinda been having a feeling over the last 24hrs that what if the destruction side of "Dominion" is Kruel Boyz AND silent ones AND Fimir What is the Hobgoblins have subjected a load of races into slave cast that fight for them? So we end up with a handful of Hobgoblin units, mainly heroes and a few units, but then we get this monster mix army of enslaved races fighting under the control of the hobgoblins.
  18. Looks like this was right in a way according to the latest GW info (But looks like its been removed now....Spoilers!) "A vast army of Destruction rolled up to lay siege to Excelsis. It took the combined might of Lord Kroak, Morathi-Khaine, and Gardus Steel Soul’s Stormcast Eternals to finally draw Kragnos away from the city, but the victory was only temporary.
  19. Finally got all my painted dok out and on the a table
  20. I will echo these two points. DOK are not a cheap army to get into, and they have a lot of flesh or details to paint. Also the range is a lot of stuff from WHFB with some new stuff. We also had a book update recently and only got endless spells. No warscroll cards, and 1 hero from a recently released mixed set. Yes Morthi-Khaine got a big push recently in terms of story but it kinda feels like we are in limbo atm. DOK are still a good army but its also not a forgiving army with the changes in witch brew and fanatical faith on Hagg Nar One reason you wont find many painted options for other factions is because until the new book you only saw Hagg Nar with a splattering of Khelibron. Now with the new book some of the others are also a good choice. The forum might be quieter atm, but the whattsapp group is used often
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