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The Traitor

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Posts posted by The Traitor

  1. @Kilofix might be right, but I've found I don't like that many 125 points fighters from a y band, lol.

    @Madds thanks a lot! They're from the Hearthguard Berzerkers kit.

    @exliontamer thanks! Yeah, I follow him too, hadn't realized but it does remind me of his style.

    @Obeisance I think the best way to distribute is as equal as possible, since there are many missions where dagger or shield come later. I also started putting the Blissful in the dagger, but I realized shield is better since in that way you get to see where your opponent has deployed his dagger before deploying her, so you can react to that. So right now I'm putting a Joyful and three Awakened Ones in the dagger, Blissful and three Awakened Ones in the shield and another Joyful and two Awakened Ones in the hammer.

  2. On 8/24/2019 at 5:52 PM, Madds said:

    @The Traitor Yeah, I'm going to need to see a close up of those. Especially your Leader. They look rad as heck.



    Took close-ups of the six converted flails and the leader, didn't convert the awakened ones too much as they already are amazing models.

    @Grontik you can always use more than one chain bit in each model by simply gluing one after another so that they look more lengthy.

    @Sleboda I literally transport the band in a tupper with bubble wrap and it hasn't broken yet, lol.

    @GDD the good part is they're very easy to convert into awakened ones. And thanks for the compliment!

    @Kilofix compare it to the Iron Golems drillmaster who has the same cost:


    Ascended Ones should be in the 90 to 100 points range, and Joyful Ones in the 120 to 130 one, I still have to experiment how a list without any of them would fare, though I suspect having a couple T4 and plain damage 2 models is probably better.


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  3. @Sleboda they are deceptively good, yes, probably because they synergize well instead of having plain good models. I only bought a box, converted every ascended one and awakened one with polearm to be awakened ones with flails and asked a friend who was going to play another warband for a joyful one and another flail. I'll probably convert those two models in the near future out of something else when I have some time though.

    @Brother_Captain two boxes is great if you plan to play narrative campaigns as the warband can grow up to 1300 points. In treasure games I usually find going first is key, so I either spend my wild dice into a simple or if that wouldn't work anyways I turn a triple to a quad to try to one-hit the treasure bearer with the Blissful One. I'm finding the leader to be a really key piece for the Unmade since it can dish out so much damage in needed places thanks to the high movement and damage. Also I didn't have problem with the "glass" part since you can literally protect him with bodies and can move to keep himself safe. I managed for him not to get killed in any of my seven games so far.



  4. Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I've posted in this forum as I haven't been playing much AoS lately, but Warcry has brought me back quite hard. Just wanted to share my experience with Unmade since yesterday there was a "gaming day" in my store to try out Warcry and I played my seven games with them and won them all.

     First of all the Unmade seem to be in the lower end of the bands at first sight, if you compare the cost and profiles of our band to any other other one you'll easily see it. Iron golems get an awakened one with flail but at T4 for only 5 points more. Almost every band's elite guys are better than the joyous and ascended one, etc etc. If you add that to the fact that we get less options than anyone else with only five warrior cards, it doesn't give a great first impression. However, the Unmade shine because of various sinergies. 

    My list yesterday (and I don't plan to change it so far) was a Blissful One, 2 Joyous Ones and 8 Awakened Ones with Flail.

    Terrifying Visions, which I've seen criticized above, is one of the best doubles in the game. Working 2/3s of the time is not an issue when you can use it with any member of your band and are only wasting a double. Don't plan too much around it, but it can give you so much breathing room. 

    Spamming guys with flails was a completely unexpected but powerful build. Awakened Ones are really cheap and with range 3 they become a huge pain. Not only that, but because they are so many, you can control the board with them and limit your opponent's movement a lot.

    Finally, the Blissful One, while certainly expensive, is amazing and a fundamental tool for the Unmade as it can make so much damage thanks to his naturally powerful combat profile and his amazing triple ability.

    At the end of the day and thinking about it I've realized this band is about board control. You can basically limit your opponent's movement completely thanks to the horde of Awakened Ones combined with Terrifying Visions, which allows to pick off targets with the Blissful One and Joyful Ones without exposing them too much, specially with the earlier with his high movement and the triple. This way of playing is effective for most if not all types of missions, since you can easily control objectives in controlling missions and your opponent needs to kill a lot of models in killing missions, and won me my seven games yesterday. I of course need to play a lot more, but so far I'm happy with the warband, and I'm not regretting having picked them up purely for aesthetics :P.

    @Keith I don't see myself paying for one when Joyful Ones are only 20 points more with +5 wounds and +1 movement, plus a better (though still bad) unique ability. For me the tactic, as explained above, has been board control with loads of cheap bodies and surgical attacks with few elite ones. 

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  5. Congratulations @DantePQ, recognised your army on the community article ! I might be playing something similar as you in the near future as I'm getting Morathi (three spells in 2nd es seems too good to pass up) and also play Hagg Nar around a cauldron. Are you planning on making a tournament battle report as you've made before? I always find them very interesting and I think reading how you won the Throne of Skulls would be even better! Also thanks on pointing out the Gryph Feather Charm, I had been using the Miasmatic Blade on my queen which is basically the same minus the extra inch, duh... And, lastly, after the tournament, would you consider splitting the doomfires into two units for extra flexibility or the chance of dealing 6MW is just too much? I usually end up using them more for mobility than other thing, so I'm not too sure about taking a big unit or two smaller ones...


  6. A friend is starting AoS with Anvilgard so I've been reading their rules and for what I've understood you can't take allies at all if you play a firestorm city as it specifically says that an army of "x city" can only have models from the following list of alliegances, and don't list any ally options, so right now you can't take Dark Raiders. You could ally aetherwings however as stormcasts are listed in the armies you can take with Anvilgard. That said I think the list, while solid, would be better if you had some chaff, maybe it's me coming from 40k, but screens are invaluable in my opinion, and in Anvilgard you should really benefit from having, well, an anvil :P, so that your faster units can surround the enemy while your infantry makes a frontal charge.

  7. I like a lot that flesh tone, excellent work! I actually like a lot that plainer colour scheme, it isn't as striking as others but looks more realistic and gives you the option to give contrast colours only to characters to make them pop out more. Also I think painting the eyes will make the models look even better, I would recommend plain black, but if you want them to give them more colour (which, as mentioned above, I think you should avoid in most models), red with a OSL would also look amazing.

  8. Gorgeous ship, I think the windows are pretty good as they are! However the silver and the yellow strike me as too plain, maybe some shading could make them look better? Even though I like it a lot overall, the scheme is very cool.

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