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Everything posted by Ragnar72

  1. Sigmar Heresy ! Be there an be square. ! :-))
  2. Anybody all the sizes ? yetees are now on 50mm as the gorgers. heros everybody on 50mm and the rest? Cannon ? Monsters? Cavalry?
  3. The base list is from march. Do you think it will stay the same? Maneaters on 50mm ? thx for the picture. Do you have even a better one?
  4. This special rule „ravenous brutes“ was in the preview for the sub faction and mentioned in combination with the „mest fist mawtribe“. Are you sure it is an armywide allegiance ability for all ogors? btw : what about base sizes? The old models are still sold with square bases
  5. Is there any way to get the slaanesh keyword on the bestman units without using the batallions from the beasts of chaosbattletome?
  6. Hi there, interesting discussion! @CB42 Can you explain why the ungors are that much important and where do you get the rerolls for the shalaxi? The seeker calvacade also seems expensive. Do they really do enough damage after piling in the extra 3 ?
  7. Has anyone tried the full squiggalanche batallion? It seems very stylish, but without any magic, no shooting and random movement. GW mentioned the armylist in their post in preparation of the looncurse release.
  8. I can not find any updates warscrolls at all,... whether on the GW homepage, nor in the app. anybody link?
  9. Does anyone know the right base size for the loon boss with great cavesquig ? 40mm ?
  10. In my opinion every unit performed well and it was the mix of troops that made it easy for me to react to the the different opponents and scenarios. Alarielle was doing great, because of here healing and the possibility to get a treelord for free. Maybe the well balanced list and playing without a batallion that can do some special kind of things was the reason why I lost the last game, where I could have needed some special abilities. But the winner with daughters of khaine played also wihout a batallion. I just prefer having more models on the table instead of a batallion. I would take exact the same army list again, but would learn the different spells from the realm magic, so I can just use them more effectively,
  11. Hi. I lost the last game against the winner of the TOS on table 1. Until that game I could win the other three games. But after the softpoints were added, I finished the tournament only at 8th position. This was my army and list:
  12. @Future sure , I can share. Maybe I will also write a small tournament report at another place in this forum. I mostly liked the flexibility aof the list: fast moving or being placed with special rules, some good fighting, shooting and healing. Alarielle has done really good, because everybody tried to kill her and lost watching the other units.
  13. Congrets @DantePQ !! I was your last opponent with Sylvaneth (but no Gnarlroot). I can confirm you played your list really perfectly! It was interesting to see the daughters work that fine and made me really sad for my army to see after 30 minutes I donˋt really have anything left to steal you the victory!
  14. Can I summon or set up a wyldwood directly on a marker? A marker is wether a model nor terrain and so I don‘t see any reason to keep a minimum distance. Correct?
  15. @LLVThanks for info ! And all the rumours! And why is AOS2 a lie ?
  16. Great ideas! But enemy flying models like skyfires and KO can still fire at us and also same enemy spells do not need lines of sight! In general I am with you, that the LOS blocking is an advantage for us.
  17. Hi, has anyone seen a hint or something for the digital battletome on ibooks? so far , it is only on pre order at warhammer digital, and even there is no preview as usual? On ibooks it is missing completely at this moment.
  18. Has anybody recognized the models in the rear of this picture. Is it a bigger dracoth or anything ?
  19. Please keep on posting rumours! I am excited to see the news today, but looking forward to hear small things everytime,
  20. Ragnar72


    The Lord for my giant blue chaos army !
  21. Ragnar72


    My Varanguard for the everchosen in blue, because all my chaos is blue!
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