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Everything posted by Mayple

  1. Could be metal, resin, or even finecast! Why limit yourself to plastic, huh!? -Insert appropriate smiley here-
  2. I'll make the assumptious statement that most people are probably always going to prioritize the models, but will be on either side of the lore/rules fence. Only when the rules actively hinder the enjoyment of the models (Current aelf range, BCR, etc) do people start looking at the rules first, and models second. Any views that go against what I just said are most welcome It's an interesting topic.
  3. For sure. I'm with you on that one. Just figured it'd be worth pointing out (in general, not that I think you had it wrong) that the issue is very much the model/lore part of the release, and not at all the rules part of it. A bit interesting, really, as it exemplifies "Do people care more about rules, lore, or models?" pretty well.
  4. I agree with your point, but to play devils advocate to your devils advocate; Most Slaanesh players (unproven statement, requires backup), aren't going to prioritize rules over models/lore anytime soon, and it is in that regard that the disappointment exists. I'd be surprised if anyone claims that the new rules are terrible (heck, I think they're pretty good based on what we've seen so far), but that's not where the issue lies either
  5. That's reassuring I've been a huge fan of the Tenebrael Shard model (and rules) since it was released, but since they released Idoneth Deepkin without incorporating the Mistweaver into them, and then removed the deathrunner with Skaven, I've been a bit worried.
  6. What do we think will happen with the Tenebrael Shard/Mistweaver Saih models?
  7. I like the genuine character of the fellow talking about it. He seems as much of a fanboy of this stuff as we are, which is always assuring to see
  8. Rules look great, but I'm not keen on playing a horde of daemons At this rate it looks like aelves might get their release before Slaanesh gets their mortals, so I'll probably end up going that direction instead. Which is fine. I've been waiting for that a lot longer than I've been waiting for Slaanesh anyway
  9. Perhaps this is all a clever ploy by GW to inflict as much suffering on Slaanesh players in particular to do a properly lore-friendly release? All this suffering must surely be contributing to the inevitable release of the dark prince. On monday, they'll be all "Sorry about that. It was all a ploy by Slaanesh. Here are your mortal followers." I doubt it, but it would have been.. ah, an impressive, if not strange, marketing ploy.
  10. For sure. I mean, let's look beyond expectations based on Adepticon and such, because that can happen, and people can overhype. But your point about the art with mortals in the preview is hitting the nail on the head. That switched my expectations from "We may not get new mortals" to, "Oh, wait, what's this? This is new. Is that mortals? Wait, those are mortals! Ayyyy!"
  11. Just going bare minimum: A single troop. Still happy
  12. I think the most practical joke GW could do there would be to somehow make slaanesh marked marauders -really good-. Cue collective community confusion. * *And then probably a large number of pretty neat conversions.
  13. Yeah. This is far from the usual doomsaying that tends to pop up around a release. Usually it's "Oh my god, this is so broken." Now it's more "Wait, they want us to use marauders as our mortal followers? Uh. But. N...N-urgle, Khorne and Tzeeentch though.."
  14. I agree with @Aryann on this one. While I'm not one for being overtly negative (and we should by no means head down that road) - Slaanesh is one of the gods tied more heavily to mortals than most. The lack of anything new in regards to that makes all the new demonic stuff (again, except the new Keeper of Secrets and the Daemon Prince) a tad bittersweet What's a dark prince of excess without anyone to commit said excess?
  15. Mm. Shame about the lack of mortals. I'll have to re-evaluate my interest in the Slaanesh release then - Outside of the marvelous Keeper of Secrets and the new Daemon Prince of course. Daemonettes are nice, but they're not "My battle line is built of daemonettes" nice, y'know?
  16. They seem to share the aesthetic of the revealed Daemon Prince of Slaanesh (the one with the herald on top) -- so it might not be too far fetched to hope that means something for what is to come Unless it turns out to be an old artwork. That happens sometimes.
  17. For sure. I'm sure that mechanic could be adjusted accordingly though. It's not like it couldn't exist without the inclusion of a doubleturn. Also note (for clarity) that my issue with the doubleturn is not lack of choice, but the overwhelming excess of it. Sometimes I just want to walk some dudes up a hill without worrying about whether they're gonna take a coffee break half-way through the march It's difficult to explain how stressfull that mechanic is to me (and by all means, I'm not complaining in the sense that I'm unable to deal with it. I can, and do deal with it) -- And I really noticed how much it impacted my enjoyment of the game when my small dabble into 40k turned into "Ey, how about we play 40k instead today" purely due to the doubleturn stress factor. I don't know if I'm an outlier in that though, so food for thought.
  18. I wouldn't be too worried Unless you're thinking about battalions, which would probably be affected, at least point-wise. Worst-case scenario they would end up making the battalion ones "better" as far as ability goes, as the one-drop selling point would be disappearing. I've been slowly trying out 40k lately, and one of the things I find greatly enjoyable about it has been the complete absence of double turns. It's hard to describe how much more relaxed those matches are, both mentally and generally mood-wise. Not to say it's not strategically intense, but more that whatever mistakes happens from that would be my own fault, rather than the sudden, and complete random "oh, looks like I'm watching you play for 15 minutes more." ** **Mind that there are still things people can do in Age of Sigmar to prevent getting double-turned hard (make less risky plays right before a potential doubleturn, position into a place they want to be for more turns, etc) -- but it feels -so good- to not have to stress about it. I think Age of Sigmar would benefit greatly from removing its doubleturn potential. Bit of a ramble, but it seemed, ah.. relevant
  19. Just gonna chip in here real quick; that's not a very good skaven list. It can do better (but that lord of blights is absolutely the right idea, that combo is brutal) so consider that difficulty bar upped by.. eh, 20, maybe 30% if you're looking for hypotheticals to a sort of "How do we deal with these kind of lists" question. I don't have intimate knowledge with all the Khornate tools in the toolbox, so I'll refrain from advicing what to use to deal with that, but figured I could at least contribute with that much
  20. Really liked the survey. Did make a note of the part where they asked what we feel about battalion drops, first turn picks, and double-turns. With some luck that leads to a.. eh, adjustment to the current system - Provided the statistics share my opinions about it, and it doesn't turn out that most people love all three of those
  21. While your point would be an excellent retort to the point you maybe think @Furuzzolo made -- the claim was that people are now starting Fyreslayers, where before they weren't. Which, granted, had nothing to do with the page number (outside of a "look, they used to be unpopular), that was the opening statement, so the confusion is somewhat justified
  22. Ouch! Yeah that changes my whole stance. The extra attack from the Wrathmonger was not bonkers at all then 😛
  23. Fair enough. That was one of the first questions I asked, and built most of the follow-up points on it, so I have been misinformed. Thanks for pointing it out How does it work currently?
  24. Hold on, I'll sort that one out for you. There's no evidence that there will be a new Daughters of Khaine battletome for years to come. There we go
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