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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. it wasn't in the realm of light, it was in the void between Hysh and Ulgu. So the Lumineth were likely weakened cut off from their realm (God-king knows what that does to the aetherquartz they need) compared to Archaon who had chaos at his back and Slaanesh could've been empowering him to free itself. It works(in my view anyway) that a campaign centered around him would treat him like the horrifying demi-god that destroyed hundreds of worlds, nearly conquered all the Mortal realms and defeated the gods that he is. Thus why they are so determined to hide the prison, they know they can't hold it if chaos finds it. Edit: thinking more on it that's the pros and cons of the prison. Con: we have evidence from the Corebook and "Pantheon" that there's enough chaos energy out in the void to sustain daemons thus why we've seen them clawing at the edges of the realms to get in. So Archaon had daemon support and the chaos energies necessary to be a demigod juggernaut. Pros: the void between Hysh and Ulgu offers the same natural protection that Teclis and Malerion gave Azyr by combing their magics so Tzeentch can't see what's happening in that realm. So that's why they need to keep it in that general area despite it putting them at a disadvantage if chaos finds them again.
  2. Unfortunately I think the rule of thumb for now should be any expected updates should be held off for a while longer. Indeed and the chains even gave Archaon a tough time when he was trying to free Slaanesh during the Wrath of the Everchosen campaign. On the Lumineth obelisks part, I think they'll end up Endless Spells for summoning smaller versions channeled from the void ones to inhibit armies (and possibly chain down monsters in prep for Sons) due to the obelisks themselves being insanely massive, if you zoom in on the picture that's cropped from you can see hints of structures around their bases similar to what's built on the bigger penumbral engines.(Teclis likes to build big like the other gods) They could still get a downsized version but seeing how the Hysh & geomancy focus is about communing with the spirits i'm betting the Lumineth will get something more like the Hysh structures we've seen in the artwork and are meant to enhance their aetherquartz and thus their own magical abilities.
  3. Confused followers is pretty standard for a god playing 4D chess against himself...while the board's on fire. Roll Models does a pretty good job with them so you can study that or just stick to Vanguard since they have slimmer armor and you can cover it up with a fur cloak. Loving the comics and look forward to more!
  4. Well Nurgle's already there so Slaanesh BeastGrave warband confirmed!
  5. Ooh, tanky cavalry taking and using cover is a interesting thing to build around. A cavalry list that actually goes for tough terrain and lots of scenery instead of open fields like the Blood Knights make an anvil with the cover and then using NightHaunt, Boingrots or Deepkin cavalry that can fly around all the obstacles catching the enemy off guard.
  6. Apologies for the double post(again) but this was just tweeted. A phenomenal gladiator arena made for a series of AoS Warcry battles and to use some new White Dwarf stuff.
  7. I could see it. With focus on Gordrakk it would also help evenly pace out the grand alliance antagonists: 2015-Chaos, Archaon and the Age of Chaos. 2018-Death, Nagash and the Time of Tribulations/Malign Portents. 2021-Destruction, Gordrakk and his crusade to fight "the hammer god"(Age of Savagery?)
  8. I hadn't much experience with them besides hearing how effective they are. Seeing as they can be taken as mercenaries do you think they'd complimented any other cavalry lists like say CoS pistoliers needing a hammer and going with a Shyish city theme or riding alongside a Fyreslayer magmadroth Lofnir lodge to help pad it out with more cavalry options(and a pretty wicked fires/ashes of the dead theme)?
  9. Well it would be fitting that the Gargants born in the realm of life are there to fix things after Nurgle's had his fun. I guess we'll be living the narrative for max immersion.
  10. True enough. I am curious what the Great horned rat has been up to with all the commotion going on in the Eight-points and now Ghur. At one point the Skaven were planning to attack Excelsis with a castle-sized Doomwheel siege engine but the warlord in charge chose to attack a mountain riddled with fortresses long contested between Stormcasts and Brayherd instead for his own stronghold. Besides that they have a lot of other activities in the realm of beasts be it infesting the Dreadworm cities or attacking the Deepkin there with hordes of converted leviathans and rickety subs. So Skaven could be a possible new focus since Archaon is dealing with Katakros' invasion elsewhere.
  11. So we're doing the "oh that sword has a grail it might be Bret- oh never mind, it's Lumineth which are right next to release compared to 3-4 years away" thing again? They likely haven't anything ready beyond concept art at this point. Besides, pointy weapon = pointy aelves.
  12. Very nice, the catapults force them to close, the blightkings dominate the mid-range firefight by "firing" and healing and then close for some devastating strikes. I think that's a pretty good base set-up to tinker with.
  13. The true hobbyist answer to this quarantine.
  14. Ah yes, the infamous "Knee stabber" clan. Famed in realm of shadow where the dark hides their nefarious tactics and the endless caves force foes to bend down putting them in headshot range.
  15. Me neither. Careful, don't want the grandfather's blessing for showing him new ways to spread his "children" around. I'm wondering if it'd be possible with Clans Pestilens thrown in. (Not sure if they can take ranged weapons)
  16. Meh, with that open day announcement saying it's a small team the resources are probably around what Bloodbowl gets. Plus it is just a specialist FW game, if things get too bad they can just drop it and move the minis to other games like AoS or redesign for Bloodbowl and even Lord of the Rings if the scale goes that direction. I kinda think it's Eldar. However with people saying Deepkin now I'm wondering if it's a twist and actually the Lumineth River Sub-faction. Being water-based they should incorporate the Deepkin design element and the veiled lady aelf looked like she belongs there. Also Huzzah for Saturday news confirmation!
  17. The Blight king one is nasty, if you use them then you should give them a sea/nautical theme because you're opponent wil be drowning in that bile. Yuck. Ranged Cities is pretty plain considering how crazy you could go like Living City steamtanks that has Ironoak Artisan giving your lead tank a save bonus while the others can ambush the enemy by appearing off the board edges backed up by Kurnoth hunters and Knight-Azyros to buff their shooting accuracy. Though I see you are using the duardin heroes for that anti-magic flavor you also wanted so that's a nice touch.
  18. I'd imagine that'd be the case since gargants already work so closely with Destruction forces and even serve the other grand alliances as mercs, soldiers and workers. Unless there's something really strange with them like a curse they should be a very compatible army. Bigger. I want them to unleash the Kattanaks(three headed-bear monsters with frost breath).
  19. We saw it coming but it's still a pity. By God-king Sigmar we'll get through this though, stronger and better than ever with our communities full of new ideas and grey armies on the shelves conquered for the promise day when their shining doors open once more! Only the Faithful!
  20. Yeah, Deepkin, Beastclaws, Varanguard are tops with Seraphon, Ossiarch and Cities of Sigmar in close second. However don't underestimate using unique AoS designs making you win in fantastical style even if doesn't always win the battle. A prime example is the recent tweet Kraken Studios shared with their Luminaria army with cogwheel cavalry (pistoliers). "My Cog City Luminaria army. Fully converted and scratch built. Custom designed cavalry to represent a mad engineering guild that travels the realm of Ulgu in a giant Cog City testing out dark experimental war engines. " That's definitely a winner. Plus they updated the "Knights of the Empty Throne" sub-faction with a recent faq which helps if Grand Marshall Archaon is pushing your wallet a little too hard.
  21. Indeed, between so many options to put a hurting on large models like concentrating mortal wounds, anti-monster bonuses, mass troop buffs, Endless Spells and using dangerous scenery to weaken monstrous enemies until they're low on their wound chart and too weak to be effective it's not that tough to balance a gargant army. Thus i'm eagerly waiting to see how they balance that out in the Sons favor with what magic and monsters they've gathered from around the Realms. I'm expecting a few gargant kits but I'm hoping they go all out and give us multiple sub-factions of monsters like gargant priests from Hysh that heal, Aqshy titan soldiers from the fallen Khanate with Magmadroth-like beasts and frozen Jotunns from Ghyran that froze the oceans to help Alarielle escape Nurgle. Just a huge family gathering from across the realms for the death of their father and revenge on those that killed him (maybe also against Nagash in a desire to bring the God-beast back). I'm a bit hopeful for this since GW said the Lumineth is "how they're going forward" which with the focus on diverse sub-faction models I hope it's in that vein of more Mortal Realms variety inside a faction. I (extremely! ) want either that or Excelsis to be part of a new global campaign with the players help decide the outcome of the city and Ghur. Will it be saved and stand as a stronghold proving to Gordrakk that Sigmar isn't just cowering behind civilization and put their sights on Chaos and Death or will it fall and force the inhabitants to relocate with the new Ghur map and leave the realm open for Gordrakk and the Sons to threaten the other great cities and force the God-king to act at the cost of losing sight of Nagash and Archaon's battles and schemes Also we definitely need the Lumineth Mountain geomancers to wake the violent spirits in Ghur so the already beastly mountains can move and go into a kaiju army battle with the Sons. Sons of the stone titan vs literal stone titan monsters.
  22. They said the 28th will have some major news so I don't see why not. At the very least they'll likely show off the Lumineth Mountain sub-faction since they've teased it so heavily and have some teases that still need revealing like the beautiful aelven veil one. Yeah, since the trilogy ends in 2022 with the license expiring, TWW3 will have to be next year where as OW is launching somewhere in 2023 or 2024(with how bad the virus is setting things back I wouldn't be surprised at the latter). Though there's also a IP hurdle there. No telling if the license CA has will let them use stuff in another game even if they're both in the World-that-was. Haha, preaching to a very devout choir. Any rpg game from Witcher to Dark Souls or even other stuff like a Monster Hunter set in Ghur or a Stormcast Vanguard title that plays like Darksiders would be extremely welcome to adventure in the Mortal Realms with.
  23. "All major skyports host Guild-sanctioned endrineering schools, and an Endrinmaster’s outlook and reasons for agreeing to become Soulbound are likely influenced by the skyport where they received their education. An Endrinmaster from Barak-Nar might become Soulbound out of a combination of profit and pragmatism, while one from Barak-Zon might be tempted by the strength to fight their enemies. All Endrineers sign ironclad contracts to protect the machines under their charge and the scientific lore with which they have been entrusted. In exchange for a greatly extended lifespan and aether-gold to help them fulfil their contract, many an Endrinmaster might similarly submit to becoming Soulbound. If that also happens to help them acquire far greater wealth and knowledge, that’s a loophole they are more than happy to exploit." Very interesting with the guild schools and how that affects their missions. Makes me wonder what the darker and more piratey Soulbound Endrinmasters are up too with so much potentially forbidden treasures & knowledge in their aetheric-lens sight.
  24. Yeah, i'd flip for it but the most I'm expecting is the battletome cover and maybe some bigger teases to what is coming. That'd be a great idea to go about it like the Geminid twilight realm between Hysh and Ulgu. An ice realm existing between Ghyran/Ghur and Shyish so you have an frosted world of frozen carrion eaters and ferocious beasts that thrive in the endless tundras would be great for fierce tribes to build kingdoms in and conquer both the mighty beasts and cold horrors. A sub-realm connecting to the realm of heaven would also be grand as being in the cold aether gives more wondrous possibilities as Josh described. "What wonders do you imagine a person can see in the realm of heavens? "Snowcapped mountain peaks that scrape the Firmament. Auroras which dance eternally across the horizon, no matter where you stand. Bridges of starlight, stretching across icy chasms which contain the last remnants of frozen civilisations. The ruined citadels of the Star-Dukes, shattered when Sigmar ascended to mastery of Azyr, and left to float in the emptiness between Azyrheim and Sigmaron. Ancient megalofins swimming through the blue-black void above the highest mountains. The Hoarfrost Plains, which shimmer blindingly in the dawn's light. The Moonfall Karaks, where the Warden Kings of Azyr forge the great Engines of Reclamation that the Dispossessed will use to reclaim their ancient holds. That kind of thing." 100% agreed! There's some great stuff in the Realmgate wars for this. Even in the Warstorm novel too where the Stormcasts encounter rime-covered mountains and harsh snows even in the fiery realm of Aqshy as they're assailed by both cold weather and blistering hot winds.
  25. I have some old metal Kislev units, i was planning on converting them into realm of Ghur hunters for Izalend but now i'll likely sell them to get these as their ice magic aesthetic fits the Mortal Realms better. (Though i'll wait to get a model size confirmation. I don't need lady midgets in a Ghurian Freeguild army ) Surprised this got shown off before the reveals though, since concept art is so big at Adepticon this was probably gonna be a big reveal but got downgraded to news filler. Oh well, big Lumineth and Sons of Behemet reveals instead then. I'm also hoping for a new campaign book. So much has happened between Gordrakk's and Kataros' stories that I think they should release another one this year for everything going on in the realms, especially at Excelsis.
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