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Everything posted by Sception

  1. archai are taken for the extra protection from mortal wounds, something they'll still have over vargheists, but is mostly only mechanically preferred in the first cohort formation, in which vargheists are not an option. harbingers are taken for the extra charge distance, which they still have over vargheists and which still makes them a better speedy offensive hammer in many cases, particularly legion of night outflanking, though that isn't relevant here. In legion of nagash, vargheists have 10 attacks for 160 points, and have a 1/6 chance of making additional attacks when they kill enemy models, compared to morghasts with swords, which are 220 points for 12 attacks (morghasts have +1 attack in legion of nagash). To have the same number of attacks, vargheists have to kill an average of 12 models with their initial round of attacks, which is possible but unlikely. But they do cost less to start. They have the same number of wounds. vargheists have a worse save, and don't have archai's extra protection from mortal wounds, but again are cheaper. vargheists move faster, but don't have the extended charge range of harbingers. In general, vargheists compare generally favorably to sword-armed morghasts, especially in legion of blood or sacrament armies, but that's not really the comparison you should be making, because morghasts in general should probably be taking the halberds regardless, and then the quality of the attacks generated start looking very different. -2 rend is very hard to come by in a legion of nagash army, and the total damage output of 8 attacks at 3 damage is noticeably higher than that of 10 2 damage attacks even in cases where the extra rend isn't relevant. In general, I would lean towards morghasts in LoN armies as a result. Again, especially for the extra rend. enemies where that extra rend isn't relevant can probably be poked to death with skittle spears anyway. But vargheists are far from a bad unit. and the comparison is no where near as lopsided as it is for, say, skeletons vs. grave guard.
  2. what's the rest of your list? Do you have another caster, or is it just nagash? What's your battleline like: msu, or one big skittle block, or two? In general, I'd go for the extra command point in your situation, but depending on the rest of your list I could see it going either way.
  3. I get the appeal of the extra command point, between that and the cohort, you can use Nagash's command ability every turn, and still have two points left to resummon slain units. That said, dropping the extra point gets you enough for a cairne wraith, which would allow you to take both the ossific diadem and the gravesand timeglass, and you'd still have one point spare for endless legions. Do you really think the opponent is going to successfully carve through 40 skeletons twice over in the same game? Otherwise, it looks more or less like what I'd imagine a typical first cohort list to look like in 2e, and should be right nasty against any opponent who can't put 30 wounds on nagash or kill 80 unbreakable skeletons within the first couple battle rounds, which is to say, against most anyone. I don't recommend it for casual play.
  4. I firmly expect this to be errata'd away any day now. I'm honestly surprised it wasn't addressed in the initial round of 2e faqs.
  5. I didn't mean that we'd might see a soulblight battletome, I meant that the nighthaunt battletome might not produce a faction meaningfully more viable than soulblight is under Legions of Nagash currently. That's probably being needlessly pessimistic on my part, granted.
  6. This is probably true, but still depends heavily on content we haven't seen yet, so it's best not to go counting unhatched chickens, imo.
  7. I'm honestly quite annoyed that Olynder isn't a deathlord. She's supposed to be a mortarch. Neferata and Mannfred get to be both Deathlords and Soulblight.
  8. Would want to find room for some endless spells. Pallisades could be the difference between undeath and just just death for olynder, but even more than that, Nagash, vain as he is, would never leave the house without his mirrors.
  9. I'm looking forward to trying out a Nagash/Arkhan/First Cohort tag team Nagash Supreme Lord Of The Undead (800) - General, Vile Transference, Overwhelming Dread, Decrepify Arkhan The Black Mortarch of Sacrament (320)- Soul Harvest 40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)- Ancient Spears 10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)- Ancient Blades 10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)- Ancient Blades 2 x Morghast Archai (220)- Spirit Halberds Umbral Spellportal (60) The First Cohort (160) Total: 2000 / 2000Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 99 Without any necromancers or other generic heroes, the list lacks vanhels and artefacts, and you only get one extra command point, and honestly I'd prefer to throw a few more endless spells in there. First Cohort + Arkhan probably isn't the most competitive combo at this points value. But still, it looks like fun to me.
  10. My own old sacrament list was a more casual lords/deathmarch combo. Unfortunately, between the 50 point increase to deathmarch, 60 point increase to lords, and introduction of endless spells, I don't think that combo will still work as well at 2k points. Trying to adapt to 2e, it's looking like: Arkhan The Black (320) Necromancer (110) Necromancer (110) Wight King with Baleful Tomb Blade (120) - Skeletal Steed 40 x Skeleton Warriors (280) - Ancient Spears 10 x Skeleton Warriors (80) - Ancient Blades 10 x Skeleton Warriors (80) - Ancient Blades 5 x Black Knights (120) 10 x Grave Guard (160) - Wight Blades & Crypt Shields Mortis Engine (180) Deathmarch (160) Lords of Sacrament (130) Total: 1850 / 2000Wounds: 118 150 points left over for endless spells, probably portals, palisades, cogs. Wound total is rather light for my taste. Has to drop the grave guard down significantly to fit points. In the end, I was already considering dropping the deathmarch after the faq. 2e changes might push me to finally do so.
  11. was just looking for this the other day, would it be possible to get this thread stickied? At least until GW sees fit to start selling spell cards again?
  12. The last batch in particular looks great, thanks for all the work you've put into these!
  13. rules text for Legion of Night command trait 'above suspicion' is wrong. Also, though it's a minor thing, all the Command Traits should be labeled as 'Command Traits'. You currently have them labeled as 'Command Abilities' on the cards, and 'Command Ability' is an actual game term for a different mechanic, one which you actually made cards for later down in the file. Also also, since you made cards for the generic spells, you should probably also make a card for the generic command ability, Inspiring Presence. And Endless Legions for that matter, though it's unlikely to ever see play outside of narrative games. That's just the stuff I got from a quick once over, I can take a longer look later.
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