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Everything posted by Yokai

  1. Maybe one of the smaller specialty games that was announced earlier this year, like that 40k arena combat thingy.
  2. It's not just about the "need" for a faction to be updated, the relative popularity of the faction needs to be accounted for as well. It's basic return of investment.
  3. It's always been like that, innit? The Chaos gods are not at all created equal, with Khorne as the major poster-demons and main antagonist towards the Stormcast. Slaanesh has always been playing second fiddle. Furthermore, I don't think this is the final form of the Hedonites - Slaanesh is still in chains in the Gloaming, and the hunt is still on. GW is probably waiting until Malerion and Tyrion's aelven factions are ready for release to advance the storyline further. A wise choice, in my opinion.
  4. Well, it just goes to show not all gods are created equal then. Which is par for the course with GW. Go ask any Dispossessed or Freepeoples player how they feel about every Stormcast release.
  5. Don't throw your toys out of the pram just yet, GW obviously have something different in mind for the Slaanesh release compared to Tzeentch and Nurgle. I am going to reserve my judgment until after Warhammer Fest 11-12 May, they surely want to show off something special there as well.
  6. I think the reason is spelled out in the picture - "new battletome for every grand alliance" - meaning updated Order, Chaos, Death and Destruction battletomes. But a gutbuster in the foreground is certainly a big hint that they are being remembered by GW!
  7. The Kharadron short story in the January WD hints about a hidden artefact deep under Hammerhal, meant for the God-King. Not a coincidence, I think.
  8. 2020 is the year of the Rat in the Chinese calendar. Just saying.
  9. Roll Models 2, #008. The tribal, barbarian-themed Darkoath hype train is slowly, slowly gaining traction. Every comic season seem to tie in with a major new release. So I would expect them coming in a month or two?
  10. Moonshine is always essential! Case in point:
  11. No point trying to sift through the chitter-chatter in this thread anymore, I recommend War of Sigmar and Faeit 212 for actual rumour reports.
  12. It will be confirmed on saturday, everything until then is guesstimates and hearsay.
  13. Nah, probably because they are all featured in the january issue of White Dwarf, out next week.
  14. Fair enough. But I have neither the time nor the inclination to sift through all the natter here to find something actually interesting. Know of another place where one can read AoS rumours (except for the community site)?
  15. So... lore discussions is interesting and all, but can we get back to some actual rumourmongering in the rumour thread?
  16. the next major event is New Year Open Day, I would not expect any major reveals before then (except for some teasers).
  17. If Slaanesh breaks free next year (which I think is a certain), I am willing to wager a fair amount that it will involve his/her former guardians as well (ie Malerion and Tyrion/Teclis). So, new aelves is pretty much a given.
  18. There might be something revealed at the Warhammer World event 24-25 nov, but since it is a Vigilus Weekender it will probably be related to 40k. But who knows? (Slaanesh Daemons is for both AoS and 40k, nudge nudge wink wink)
  19. Don't forget Wrath & Rapture, which will probably tie in with a pretty major Slaanesh update for both AoS and 40k. The hype train will probably start rolling late dec / early jan, considering the previous Tzeentch and Nurgle updates.
  20. I am shocked - shocked I say - that so few see that this is clearly a Spiderfang Grot spear. Got the tip? ?
  21. Good spot! I think he is roasting his shroom for some added effect. ?
  22. There's a Tyrion and Teclis omnibus scheduled for release in november. Might coincide with something bigger, mayhaps?
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