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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. I already use these! My entire stormhost before Sacrosanct has them, and I hope they start making them for Sacrosanct - they don't quite match the shields, sequitor female sized shoulders, and Evocators
  2. I really hope they start doing some Celestial Warbringer characters and upgrade kits
  3. The reason I use an EOTG is to blast something with D6 mortal wounds every turn
  4. It is worth mentioning that the ballista only gets +2 to saves in cover against shooting.
  5. Spending two activations per round charging with Mollog... what do you do with the other two activations?
  6. Evocators and Evocators on Dracolines (both good in different lists) are our best melee "hammer" units right now. Retributors and Dracothian Guard can do it as well, but Evocators/Dracolines are just much more reliable and/or efficient.
  7. That's great! We already have Water (Idoneth) and Heart (DOK) so now we just need Air and Earth to summon the elven Captain Planet.
  8. It could imply Kroot, too. Not saying it is, just that I wouldn't jump to any conclusions
  9. Really not impressed with those stats. It's like a warband full of Arnulfs.
  10. Looks like a Vespid wing. That would fall in line with that old rumour of a Kroot/merc codex for 40k
  11. Have you ever wanted a warband with just one fighter? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/14/14th-jan-warband-focus-mollogs-mobgw-homepage-post-1/
  12. I would be very surprised if FEC got any new models besides the hero in Carrion Empire. It seems to be more similar to the new Necron Cryptek released in Forgebane right before the Necron 8th edition codex. I could definitely see them getting new Endless Spells, though.
  13. It depends on your list. Sometimes you want a prayer, and sometimes you want a gryph-hound and/or +1 save. The Lord-Veritant gives you both a prayer and a gryph-hound, as well as an unbind (potentially at +3).
  14. Thunderquake plays objectives by blasting opponents off them. It's a reactive control playstyle - let your opponent do something, then counter them. Focus on disabling your opponents key units and winning objectives on turns 2-5. Scorched Earth was a problem before they changed it so you could only start burning objectives on turn 2. The power of Thunderquake comes from the Seraphon teleport giving you access to the entire map - if your enemy leaves their objectives you can just teleport on top of them, and if they leave a small unit to defend you can teleport a Stegadon and wipe it out. They have to engage you or lose the game, and that puts them in range of your devastating 12" artillery.
  15. These large pillars would make some great scenery on the tabletop
  16. That's interesting, I had not considered Desolators. I like the mortal wound output on the Concussors and their ability to deny pile-in. Thunderaxes are a 2" reach and hit on 4+ instead of 3+, but at 220 points it might be worth running them in an Astral Templars list since they can get to +2 hit between the Templar and the Stormhost trait. 460 Drakesworn Templar 660 6 Desolator 100 Castellant 100 Azyros 300 Battleline Liberators 1620/2000 From here we want some ranged support... we could fit some combination of Ballistas and Incantors in here. I think I like 2x Ballista + Incantor + Geminids.
  17. LCOD's command ability is not very good. I think the best way to run Dracoths is a block of 4-6 Concussors/Fulminators with: Drakesworn Templar giving them +1 hit with his bow Azyros to reroll hit1 A wizard buffing them with Celestial Blades for +1 wound A Castellant for +1 save Unlike the LCOD variant this list is not required to take Staunch Defender so you could take Celestial Vindicators for the ridiculous command ability and reroll hit1 on charge, or Astral Templars for a free 6" move and +1 hit vs Monsters. The problem with Dracoth deathstars is that Dracolines do the same thing but way more efficiently
  18. I would love it if they spent 2019 releasing tons of new & updated AOS books, like they did with 40k last year.
  19. One unit taking D3 mortals per turn is very reasonable, especially since it's only reliably activating on units with >5 models.
  20. Rapid Fire and the Longstrike ability only activate if you did not move in the movement phase of the same turn. Since you haven't had a movement phase yet when you are in the hero phase, the ability will not activate. It does not require the shooting phase, but there aren't any abilities that let you shoot in the movement, charge, combat, or battleshock phases, so it's kind of implied.
  21. In an Anvilstrike list you want 24" range weapons to ensure you can reach the targets you want to hit. Hurricanes only do 6 shots in the hero phase - they do not get the bonus shots in the hero phase. Depends on the list...
  22. Ah, you're right. That takes a D6 out of the equation, which is about 1 less damage on average and 5 less max damage. Judicators and Longstrikes have the same range in the hero phase, since the Longstrikes don't get their range bonus in the hero phase. Judicators have a threat range of 29" (5" move + 24" shooting) while Longstrikes are max 30". I think another factor to consider is that the Judicators are a battleline choice, which saves you at least 100 points from not having to bring a 3rd battleline choice. Judicators are effectively 180 points cheaper than Longstrikes in this kind of list.
  23. There are rumours of a combined Skaven Clans book similar to Beasts of Chaos, Legions of Nagash, etc. No new models but maybe some endless spells.
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