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Everything posted by Gecktron

  1. You are mixing lore and meta perspectives here. The only beast thing that existed before the DoK release was the Bloodwrack Medusa, which could have easily stayed a one-off, but GW wanted to show some kind of chaos corruption, so they decided to expand on the greek theme. (Also, b-word on worms is very slaanesh-y).
  2. The A Song of Ice and Fire tabletop does the round bases on square trays so well. GW models (even the old ones) just look better on round bases when they have room to breath. Also GW just got rid of square bases, it makes sense to stick to round bases now.
  3. Im thinking next year. Should 9th edition drop this year, AoS has to be next. I cant imagine either game getting the summer slot 2 years in a row (either 2020/2021 40K or 2021/2022 AoS). It would make sense to drop 3.0 next year. GW could start something like Psychic Awakening for AoS in fall and slowly gear up for the next big story arc (which would also allow for a new Stormcast release).
  4. I mean, their description: "One new unit that’s in the early stages of development is set in the Ice Court – the seat of the ruling Tsar or Tsarina. Known as the Ice Guard, they’re an elite fighting formation of warrior women, equally skilled with bow and blade. But where they differ significantly from the other Kislevite units we’ve seen in the past is that they’re able to channel the elemental magic of their realm in a similar manner to their Ice Queen – the most powerful practitioner of this unique form of sorcery. Here are some awesome pieces of concept art for the Ice Guard, courtesy of Forge World’s Mark Bedford." Would be perfect for an AoS unit. Bows, swords and ice magic in one unit would make for a great CoS elite unit. This specific unit aside, GW showing Kislev cerments my opinion that the old world will focus almost exclusivly on humans at first. We have 4 Empire Factions, Kislev, add Bretonnia and Norsca and you have a good starting point without spending too much ressources on this whole project.
  5. Well, there was this rumor about a DoK vs Slaanesh box set later this year. Its not that unlikely. The Daughters of Khaine book will be 2,5 years old this fall, thats enough time for GW to analyze the initial release and give the "go ahead" to the design team if they were popular enough.
  6. I dont think that was the Sunday preview. They normaly drop at 7pm CET. So in 15 minutes.
  7. Id say Lumineth full reveal and a SoB teaser (no models) for AoS and 9th edition plus new starterset for 40K.
  8. Just out of curiosity, does anyone has the full rules for that shaman?
  9. Something interesting: It looks like Lord Kroak isnt the only undead Slaan. Lord Kroak is described as strongest and oldest of the "Relic Priests" but there are others like him. From the battletome page 23:
  10. I am aware. But this ability is written in such a way that I assume It is meant to exclude the mount. The whole abilty reads "In the combat phase, pick 1 friendly SERAPHON HERO. Until the end of that phase, you can add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of Melee weapons used by that HERO." And if we now look at the description of a Hero (in this case a Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur), it reads like this: "A Saurus Scar-Veteran is a single model armed with one of the following weapon options: Celestite Warblade, Celestite Warspear or Celestite Greatblade; MOUNT: This models Carnosaur attacks with its clawed Forelimbs and Massiv Jaws" The ability makes sure to mention only the hero and their weapons. While the description doesnt call the Jaws and Limps weapons. Ofcourse, GW may just have worded that in a weird way, and they mean every attack. Personaly, I would wait for the post-release FAQ.
  11. The ability states "add one to the attack characteristic of weapons used by THAT hero", so I think it excludes the mount, just like an artefact or warlord trait would.
  12. I like the helmets of the archers. Reminds me of different bronze age helmets:
  13. Thats not what I said. I was only talking about prayer/spell/artefact tables, because thats what you mentionend in your post. A allied model still gets whats on its warscroll but nothing more. A Slaan Starmaster for example only gets Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield and Comet’s Call. You can look up the Allies section in the core rules. As mentionend there, Allies never profit form Allegiance Abilities. They can still cast Endless Spells as they are something completly different.
  14. Allied models dont get any artefacts, spells or prayers.
  15. Thank you for the write-up. I just want to say that it took me an embarrising long time to understand that uYnHP means "until Your next Hero Phase". I thought at first its some kind of Slaan incantation 😄 But maybe I just destroyed my brain today while trying to come up with a name for my Temple-Ship (I settled on Tsil-Hubhub btw.)
  16. Not even that bad. 7 attacks per model (for coalesced Seraphon), with a 4+ save and 2 wounds is not that bad for 100p for 5.
  17. The english warscrolls are up on the australian webshop. The different command abilities look pretty good. +1 to-hit from the Scar-Veterans, +1 to-wound from the Sunblood, exploding 6s from the one on cold-one. And judging from all the CP generation abilities, Seraphon will be able to make good use of all of them!
  18. As someone starting Seraphon with this book im pretty happy so far. Most things look nice. If it ends up beeing somewhere around Ogor Mawtribes/Non-Hallowheart CoS, I would be happy.
  19. Dropped a word there. I meant the official Warhammer Age of Sigmar Facebook page.
  20. The official Age of Sigmar page revealed another Thunder Lizard ability. +2 wounds for every Monster!
  21. Not every battalion is made for 2000 points matched play. Almost every battletome has super-battalions that start at 2500+ points. They are made for more narrative focused games.
  22. DoK 6, Fyreslayers 9 (counting , KO 11 Lowest? Kharadron Overlords are middle of the pack. Daughters of Khaine only have 6 unique kits, Fyreslayers have 9 (counting both Invocations and their forge, but not the Underworlds Warband), Sylvaneth have 11 unique kits (again, counting terrain and endless spells but not WU), while Kharadron Overlords have 12. Idoneth Deepking also only have 12 unique kits with their shipwreck. Cities of Sigmar, Stormcast Eternals and Seraphon are the exception, not the norm in ORDER.
  23. Coalesced sound strong but Starborn keep teleports, summoning and bravery 10. Which could also be very strong when going for objectives.
  24. Reviews will be up on Saturday. Official Release is the saturday after, but if you are lucky your FLGS may give it to you on Friday.
  25. That city looks awesome! Im not sure if its a Free City or a Fyreslayer Magmahold. The design has a lot of clear Fyreslayer elements but there is so much above ground plus the Realmgate make me think this may be a Free City with a large Fyreslayers population.
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