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Everything posted by Gecktron

  1. They talked about this on Warhammer Community. They can be both. Some are still magic daemons while others have become physical while others were born in spawn pools just like in the world-that-was.
  2. The act of believing in something. The core book confirms that prayers and worship have power. The concept of "Believes shaping reality" is shown multiple Times in Shyish where the underworlds are shaped by a cultures images of the afterlive. A little like the Ork Gestalt field in 40K.
  3. Prayers arent tied directly to a gods action. Khaine is dead just like Grimnir but the prayers of the Daughters of Khaine still work.
  4. Not to get too deep into 40K here, but I think that's most likely. Ahriman and Thypus both were doing their own thing more or less and have been brought back to their Primarch when they got their book. In regards to War Cry, I would love all new sets for the non-chaos war bands but judging from the way GW puts the focus on Chaos the others will most likely be rules only.
  5. Because video game companies only really want to sell you one game at the time (their own). While GW has a whole range of products that they have to keep selling.
  6. They did that excessively around the time the first Generals Handbook dropped. The Flesh-Eater courts got the Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon, Crypt Flayers and all the different Courtiers besides the Varghulf. Same goes for the mounted BCR Ogors and a few units for the Bonesplitter Orruks.
  7. Im really intrigued by that set. Will it include new units? And If yes, only for Sylvaneth? Does that mean an update is close?
  8. What do you mean? The Underworlds Khemist for an AoS Event or the AoS Khemist for an Underworlds event? In both cases you should be fine. They have the same base size and have the same equipment.
  9. It fits the duardin theme. The dwarfs of old did the same with their anvil of Doom.
  10. This is comparable to the Daughters of Khaine teaser. We got the animated trailer without any models and the next day they showed of everything besides Morathi. And then, the next day:
  11. GW just released a massiv expansion for the Genestealer cults. They too were a completly new faction that lacked variety. I can see GW updating some of the existing "new" factions this year.
  12. My group plays 1K almost exclusively. When I take my KO for a spin (and I want to play ships) I like to play something like this: Allegiance: Kharadron OverlordsSkyport: Barak-Urbaz- Additional Footnote: There's No Trading With Some PeopleLeadersAether-Khemist (160)- General- Trait: Prospector - Artefact: Aethershock Earbuster Battleline10 x Arkanaut Company (120)- 3x Light Skyhooks10 x Arkanaut Company (120)- 3x Light SkyhooksUnits3 x Endrinriggers (120)War MachinesArkanaut Ironclad (420)- Main Gun: Aethermatic Volley Cannon- Great Endrinworks: The Last WordTotal: 940 / 1000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 200Wounds: 49 You can call it a Baby Clown Car. I found that 1k forces dont have enough power to take out the Ironclad early. If you dont care about ships you can also just go for an all-out Arkanauts gunline Allegiance: Kharadron OverlordsSkyport: Barak-Urbaz- Additional Footnote: There's No Trading With Some PeopleLeadersAether-Khemist (160)- General- Trait: Prospector - Artefact: Aethershock Earbuster Arkanaut Admiral (120)Battleline40 x Arkanaut Company (480)- 12x Light Skyhooks20 x Arkanaut Company (240)- 6x Light SkyhooksTotal: 1000 / 1000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 200Wounds: 71
  13. Khorne has shown that "endless spells" don't have to be spells per se. GW has stated that they like how Endless Spells visualize certain abilities and that they were well received. I think its entirely possible that GW will keep releasing them and simply modifies them to fit armies that dont use spells. @ Kharadrons selling well: GW has said so much on events following their release back in 2017. They stated that they sold much better than expected and that they seriously considered making more stuff for them.
  14. Leave it there, at least people started talking about rumors I think its quite different from the current art style. If you compare it to Legions of Nagash or Maggotkin of Nurgle: The difference becomes visible. Modern covers have strong colors but focus on a single central figure. The background is muted but still full of little details. This cover is too busy and with out much depth.
  15. As much as I would love a Battletome Free People (I have around 2K of boxed Free People), I think its fake. The art style doesn't fit the style of the others. But we will see soon enough.
  16. Looks like the guys over at Cubicle7 blessed us with a update #MortalRealmsMonday featuring the Fyreslayer Doomseeker: http://cubicle7.co.uk/age-of-sigmar-doomseeker-reveal/ Featuring Lugash of Eight Lamentations fame!
  17. I thought it was clear that this was only in relation to getting models on the table. But in retrospective I see that I wasn't really clear.
  18. Im not worried about that. Stormfiends were abused quite heavily and you only ever had one body per special weapon. So you had to duplicate or triple the same body if you want to use the same weapon multiple times per squad or resort to conversions (both things GW likes to avoid). Thats not the case for the arkanauts. Our special weapons can be put on nearly every body without any conversions. In addition, our weapons were never as broken as an all warpfire Stormfiend unit. People still use volley guns, only the sky pikes are a bit lackluster, but thats not specific to the Arkanauts.
  19. I don't think that's so unrealistic but I think GW will give the Fairy theme to the wanderers. They already have a nature theme and are accompanied by little spirits and animals. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to incorporate some Irish mythology into the miniature line. Fae Kingdoms or something like that would make for a great name. Tyrion will keep his martial prowess and knightly theme.
  20. On the one hand, I would use them as Chaos Dwarfs as Arkanauts can get a whole lot of special weapons that fit better with proper Duardins, on the other hand, you can still use Thunderers as Chaos Dwarfs and use the Arkanauts as Hobgoblins. But ultimately I would go with duardin as the Arkaunt bodies are compact and sturdy while Hobgoblins are more lanky and thin.
  21. I just finished "Scourge of Fate". So im really interested in that setting. I hope someone will take good screenshots of all the new models. The video was a bit too fast for me.
  22. I see your argument. But I think It could be doable to hide both completely behind ghouls and the throne (which is pretty massiv now that I have seen one in real-life).
  23. His reasoning was that he wanted to make sure that he gets into close combat as soon as possible. We also played with extra points that could be only spend on endless spells and battalions (rules from a tournament he was practicing for) so he added the chronomantic cogs. I left this out as I felt this list worked even without.
  24. I recently played a mirror match against a seasoned tournament player. He played this at 1000p: Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts- Grand Court: Court of Delusion - Crusading ArmyLeadersAbhorrant Archregent (200)- General- Trait: Master of the Black Arts- Artefact: The Dermal Robe - Lore of Madness: Spectral HostAbhorrant Archregent (200)- Lore of Madness: Blood FeastAbhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (400)- Lore of Madness: Monstrous Vigour- Mount Trait: Gruesome BiteBattleline10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)Total: 1000 / 1000 His battle plan was to buff the mounted Ghoul King, prevent any of my magic coming trough, and the summoned units where a nice addition.
  25. Thats actually a good point. Azyr would be the starting point for a lot of expeditions in the realms. I can understand that AoS itself doesnt focus that much on the realm of heavens since its pretty much safe and without any big battles, an RPG would be the perfect place to explore Sigmars home.
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