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Everything posted by Turragor

  1. Thanks! I always think that if I could have the time back I'd redo my current horde of golden stormcast in something a bit more individual like this beige and red
  2. Finished the undead shadespire warband:
  3. It'll be a word list that automatically censors - not some 'they' who thought it inappropriate. Don't worry!
  4. Yes I'm trying to think if that's the pic before or after I toned down the blue glaze. Luckily I have the model him or herself in a box beside me and.... yes, I have already toned the OSL down! The others (with objects in the way of the OSL on the skull) kind of need to be exaggerated around the eyes though.
  5. 3 more skellingtons done. Just the champion (70% done) and warden (50%) left!
  6. Forgot about this guy! Single eye with skull I tried to paint 'hollow' (failed pretty much). There's just the champion and warden left now.
  7. Kantor would look nicer than the violet for the cloth actually. Would strengthen the theme. Wash for rakarth I wouldn't really recommend - better to wash rakarth itself over the white basecoat. It was lahmia medium, then reikland fleshshade with drops of druchii, drakenhof and carroburg shades. I'm painting a good few layers of white in the sockets to get the strength of the glow there. Then it's glazing the light blue round the sockets and then glaze a bit of a darker blue towards that light blue. What you end up with is a glow that can't possible 'be' (the light from the eyes wouldn't hit the skull forehead for instance) but it works at a glance better than a realistic glow for a source that small. /Edit - bonus tip. Where it's impossible (or there's not enough space) to glaze effectively, I'm tending to glaze a stronger light blue immediately. Like my last two (which are models with obstructions that can also get a bit of a glaze - hood and coronet respectively):
  8. They're still not "done" in my eyes but I don't feel I need to do more - not really. They are just for tabletop.
  9. I dunno if I should post each one as I complete it - that'd maybe be too much me in a thread for all but I liked the shield on my latest one:
  10. Kind of like this - http://www.denofimagination.com/tutorials/howtopaintglowingskulleyes That's the tutorial I based what I did off of. So it's most similar. I wanted a different effect - or rather I didn't like the look of the last step (light getting bright again) in conjunction with the 'spectacles' the author mentions. The gist of what I did was: Paint as normal. Fill the socket with white. Paint light blue near the edge of the white and on the raised socket edges and tops of nose and cheekbones. Glaze a not so light blue towards the source from the outside. Takes a few layers.
  11. This is a good point, it would make him stand out. That said, I think the model is super cool so it might work out okay. Plus I kinda like the idea of 7 sets of eyes glowing. And I'm really looking forward to that one petitioner with the skull part gone - the glow can come from the other side too!
  12. Okay I'm looking for feedback here if anyone has any on my next project - The Sepulchral Guard. My goal - a dull kind of 'rainbow skeleton' look. Glowing eyes are a huge uncertainty for me just now. So is the base (also unfinished). The bones I like. The cloth colour I think I'll keep. The metals - my flavour of the month. I like the rusty copper bronze (this recipe has a tweak I like). So what do folks think of the eyes and base?
  13. Just found out Steelhearts warband won best painted at my local GWs recent tournament. How nice!
  14. Latest project is shadespire! Warband number 1:
  15. Need to get a group shot but I'm on my way to my first games of shadespire (and tournament - 2 birds with one stone!)
  16. I'd say this guy was maybe originally intended for a special occasion. Like all the many variations of 40k heroic marines for store openings, birthdays and holiday events. Edit/ I kinda like the traditional sword and board pose.
  17. Turragor

    Stormcast Eternal

    Very neat! I like this. Is the armour just silver washed with a blue tinted wash and then black around the rivets?
  18. Everyone saying that frilly sucker is a feather please show me where the ear / mouth ****** is in all the free guild imagery! It's a freaky ass feather if it is one! Oh my or i fice is on the word ban list. Just so you know I wasn't swearing!
  19. I'm not singling you out only because there are far more egregious posts of this nature and you're fine to express your hopes and doubts (and do so pretty reasonably). This is also a bit of a rumour thread tangent ... but I have to say it: Do people truly not understand how the 'poster boy' setup of the GW systems work? Look at 40k. It's a rich and storied universe now skewed, heavily to space marines of the good or bad kind. They are the poster boys. There are lots of stories where they aren't the focus but there are very few stories where at least one doesn't appear at some point. AoS will be the same - people will get their non-stormcast pov lore and stories. People will get their non-stormcast model and rules releases! BUT The whole tapestry is woven for Stormcast to stride across the centre of. Just like Space Marines in 40k. People don't like it there either sometimes but have come to terms with it. I understand how people want to see more but, especially as I'm mainly a stormcast player and get excited when their stuff pops up (I know, choosing them as army no.1 has me spoiled!), no more sarcastic surprise if a Stormcast is mentioned in connection with a release not focused on them: or if Stormcast get marketing space on a new poster; or if (I dread the boards on this day) AoS gets a 2nd edition and it's new Stormcast v new Skaven in the box. I'm convinced every time someone complains GW commissions another SC sculpt. I guess what I'm saying is everyone is entitled to their opinion and everyone is entitled to their counter-opinion but if either opinion or counter opinion is expressed too often it drags forums off kilter and makes things a bit stale! For example, I'm not going to post this every time I see someone complain about stormcast - I've seen it in hundreds of posts but have only spoke up maybe twice. When tired. This message has been brought to you by an average fan of the poster boys.
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