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Everything posted by CDM

  1. Yeah think this as well. I think destruction racial soup culture armies in a similar vain to gloomspite wil be most likely. People clamouring for a spiderfang or fimir tome are going to be disappointed sadly. Although I can definitely see a new faction that includes fimir/fomoroids, hobgoblins, gitmob etc under a kragnos cult banner or something else. Very excited for destruction getting some love!
  2. Yeah definitely this last paragraph. I like d the model so much more once I figured the concept out. Soulblight vampires are horrific beasts that show a form that they believe is their true self. They are in fact delusional really and these Vengorians I would imagine can't actually hide this part of shifting nightmare monstrosity that they actually are. This video s the best they can muster. Also think of seeing these reading up in front of you, Intelligent, blood thirsty and almost animal. It is nightmare fuel that people have said!
  3. Literally every online reveal now🤣 I honestly hoped Warhammer fest would be different. We should not being seeing teasers on these just show full range and host less of these events 🤷
  4. Bit pissed were not getting foot vampires in the style of crimson court or feral like the vykros Bloodborne☹️
  5. So disappointed no mid power vampires ala vykros Bloodborne feral style or crimson court elite infantry.
  6. I've left a complaint against the lack of communication. I've said I'm disappointed if it doesn't come back but if there's a reason for the issue than of course I and others would reluctantly accept it. I've not asked for a response because I'll just get the corporate speech and I'm not interested in that!
  7. " not the accurate assesments of facts thread" that killed me🤣. Really hoping for a complete overhaul of human cities of sigmar models . Maybe a season 2 of warcry with a faction of non chaos humans from each realm? Weve saw and heard so many great conversions, artwork and ideas for regular humans it's got to be done on model level at some point. Great to see the witch hunter aesthetic back and look forward to aos humans at some point!
  8. That would be a real shame not to have a generic unit of the bloodborn. It's been on lots of people wofhlosts for ages. With those and some and a unit like the crimson court you actually have the potential of an all vamp army. I would be very disappointed now not to have both in the gravelords book.
  9. I think other warbands ( carnival anyone?) and different undead enemies would be great. I was going Blackstone did a second rogues box.
  10. Yeah I agree with this. I feel this faction is going to be large. Not just multiple subfactions that we see in every battlerome but I also think we'll see legion of blood and night in here as well. Elite vampire army. Deathrattle or deadwalker army . Rat and bat army. Gonna be loads of options. I'm very excited and I think wveytones going to be happy esosixially as it's quite clear there is more kits to come.
  11. Yeah they pretty much confirmed in Facebook that there's more to come.
  12. Deadwalker expansion? Thought it was the least likely of the original death factions but... Always thought some room for a fun and disgusting couple of units for expansion. Corpse carts collecting dead units in battle and 'crafting' zombies, wolves, flesh golems and zombie dragons from the remains as summonable units!
  13. It would likely be a reimagining if they did. I quite like the fluff behind them so would be nice to have back in some form.
  14. Very much excited about the vampires definitely. Although I really don't like the bat hair lord! The underworlds warband looks amazing. I hope to see that as the standard vampire level. Running around in small groups or on their own. Although it's customary now from GW to have lots of support hero's at elites level so I could see that also for vamps. Vampire lord Vampire knights/hero's Bloodknights Vyrkos style feral vamps Vargskyrs
  15. I really hope FEC get fleshed out ( pun very much intented!) there is loads of scope for them to have a wave. Even a small one. Thralls were oft mentioned for a future soulblight expansion but I suppose that can be covered by the new bestial vampires.
  16. Someone put in the rumour thread about how soupy gravelords could be as a faction and whether it could look like cities of sigmar in a way? I think that's a good shout! (Definitely if they put flesheater courts in). There's likely to be be a fair few new models to go with deathrattle, deadwalkers, deadmages, soulblight..quite a lot to choose from. I feel they'll be a fair few new units, no FEC, but some cuts too.
  17. Yeah maybe Bloodknights will go but as long as there is a mounted vampire unit in full armour then it will scratch the itch. I can actually see grave guard . Skellies and zombies phased out and replaced with a sepulchral guard looking unit. I would actually like to see deadwalkers left out and merged with FEC. I reckon there's great scope for a FEC and deadwalkers expansion away from soulblight and vampire counts
  18. BSF had expansions so I'm hoping over the life of this it will as well. A second large adverseries box would be most preferable. Or a small expansion per district would be great. One new lord and a couple of minion types. A nighthaunt box, a FEC court one. Really help bulk out the range of death. A mortal shyish one would be fantastic. Live the snippets in the lore about shyish mortal literally fighting alongside their ancestors!
  19. Yeah blood knights are a given. Now we've saw two aspects of bestail vampires with the vyrkos blood borne and the vargulf thing. We have saw a new vampire lord and the underworlds warband. The warband had a feral vampire looking model bit I can't see us having two different vampire thrall units. But the very martial looking vampires are a must, they fill that gap of hero quote nicely without being a top power like a lord, would be great to see lots of these on the board.
  20. So we can see a fair expansion to soulblight coming and it looks like the natural successor to legions. I also can't see the flesh rater courts being rolled into this one but they are really due an expansion! With the new mounted Wight King being a soulblight character it looks a safe bet that deathrattle will be included. But if too much is included from LoN then what space does that leave ? Will they discontinue a load of lines? Anyone thought of a likely roster? New units??? Old units?? Factions??
  21. A ranged unit would be an opportunity missed imo. Doesn't need to be boulder throwing could be giant slingshots or huge javelin! . Cant think really how they could make varied play styles within the fashion itself . Let alone overall
  22. Hope they split the current aleguzzler kit into different warscrolls and that they are the armigers of the faction.
  23. Lol. I watched a couple of episodes with him and thought it was really good! I thought the different sizes of the titans really ramps up the threat as the smaller ones can enter buildings ets. One mis step and your titan food!
  24. Yeah hoping for different sizes ala the ones from Attack on Titan which my sons into
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