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Everything posted by CDM

  1. I'm really happy they've not put the models in the box as it will keep the cost lowerfor the expansion. Ideally thay should be no more than £35 quid which I'll happily pay! Ill have a look at kritzka and Annika but I may pick up the underworld warband as well as I love those models and can just proxy them. It says you need to pick up radukar and fell bats but to be honest I won't. I bought some extra bat swarms and I'll just use his existing model and I'll save the money for some future expansions! Hopefully a few new heroes and settings with new enemies next time. @Whitefangplease tell me this isn't the only planned expansion!?!?
  2. Hyped for new giants. Like the ideas you guys have out forward and also would love to see a large cannon on one!
  3. I like the conquistadores look but I'm hoping for something a bit more varied. I like the thought of a regular troop like them taking the role that the Vanari do but would love to see some realm specific elites and units similar to how they're doing it for lumineth. There has been some amazing artwork and concepts over the years
  4. I have always been a massive fan of kroot. I helped try to get the 5th edition kompletely kroot kodex updated into 7th but 8th came along a md then those models were discontinued at FW. I remember seeing an awesome diesel punk themed kroot army a while back. I thought mixing that aesthetic with their tracker and more native attributes with how their geanology works makes them so unique. Kodex Kroot Mercanaroes will get me back to 40k
  5. Do we have images and examples of non emipe looking order humans. I remember seeing a few around first generals handbook I think and some great descriptions from the malign portents series. Have they done something similar with CoS that they did with guard regiments? Kit bashes etc. To be honest I'd love it if they sold pre made kitbashes to increase the amount of unique city units they could have alongside some dawnbringers! I still think they can keep the range large, like others have alluded to you could have a CoS battletome and supplements like 40k or my preference would be to have no CoS battletome but have as an example. Battletome: Morathi Empires? Rules for daughters of khaine, misthavn, har kuron and leading similar units and style with access to a limited number of the order units
  6. I will always love the old Empire faction but this is definitely long overdue. Can't wait to see what they come up with! Would love to see a unit and a monster or warmachine for every realm. Some witch Hunters, new cogfort/ironweld troops. Happy for most of the human stuff to be replaced (I'll just proxy what I have!) but really want to see it as multi racial still with dwarves and elves not going anywhere!
  7. Yeah doesn't play into the non chaosy chaos legions well. Although I suppose easy enough to proxy. I always imagine alpha legion as using chaos cultists and chaos but not necessarily gone all the way over, although they would think that wouldn't they!
  8. I was expecting Dark mechanicum at some point as well. Is there room for another chaos codex with traitor guard and DM in?
  9. I let out a big cheer in the kitchen when I was making dinner for kids and watching the preview! Those chaos models were amazing! Such a shame though in the overall preview gets me nervous for the AoS reveals. Can't be much coming this year at all. One more Votann unit shown!? Something from Warhammer +, a preview for world eaters and not even a codex artwork! This is my last time getting hyped for these (I know it won't be lol!) They are turning into previews of previews, no need to show world eaters, just drop it all in a big reveal
  10. Omg! I've been looking for these articles about the future if necromunda for ages! Do you have a link please?
  11. Would so love the parasite of Mortrex. Always thought the way the parasite, old one eye , red terror etc all felt like they were fears and rumours more than a real different beast although all the in universe rumours of the red terror I'm sure manifested as the mawloc and trygon. The parasite was a great little concept, I played him in all 5th edition games with his chest bursting rippers!
  12. Are leviadons transports? If they're not they really should be
  13. When's the ulfenkarn book coming out? I won't likely play bit just want the juicy lore to go with cursed city!
  14. Can you not invest in KO and dispossessed anyway? Surely you find a way to play all three and soup them yourself against friends and club mates. I'm sure they'd love to see that on the tabletop
  15. Remember when previews used to blow your mind! It's been a good year or so now but never that much get reaveled like the old days. I'm assuming it's just because they're more previews now
  16. All this talk of to soup or not to soup is making me hungry 😋 Seriously I was against soup as for me it leaves some factions even less chance of having a model expansion. Saying that though what I dislike more is the idea of battletomes fullstop. It takes too long in a cycle of the edition to get all armies updated. Just soup everything in a grand alliance book and be done with it. They can keep the quality of battletomes for each faction in its own space in the GA book and have an allied matrix within it. Jobs a good un, all armies updated at the start of an edition with more space for model releases in the future and faq and points adjustments done when needed. New factions can be introduced still and new models for existing factions would have rules on their box. This slow edition burn puts me off jumping in again. I could choose a new army and not see it updated for 5 years and get one new model. No ta!
  17. I think we're hoping for full sets like Blackstone fortress did. Im hoping for some expansions to the enemy types. So nighthaunt, FEC, new bosses Annika and kritzka. I'd like to see dire wolves and a skeleton archer added to all quests with the corresponding encounter cards added to keep the game fresh. They'll likely be a new big baddy as well, maybe an Abyssal terror? Then was it called escalation? The BF set that had new hero's. So the van densts and a few more. Also a few new enhancements as well would be cool. The first quest was ulfenkarn in peril. I'd like to see -Kritza quest -Annika quest -Nightaunt quest (that new nighthaint hero from not long ago would be fitting as the boss) -FEC quest -Radukar ascendant quest So not much! Really enjoying the game. I've just finished the Halgrim and Gorslav decaptations. Halgrim I killed fairly quickly but those ulfenwatch are scary emboldened and +1/+2!! Took Qualathis out of action and only from a luck intiative step not a second one. I slogged across the board with three hero's and constantly the ulfenwatch kept coming back! Took me an hour after Halgrim died to escape ( really felt like we were trying to escape the Vharngate! Play the game properly and it's often easy to kill what's In front of you. Get to night time on level 2 with a couple of poor intitave steps and it's tough! I think people judged opinion on YouTube videos which tbf always get rules wrong and are very gaming the way they do it. Qualathis survived the mission though and we progress again!
  18. Are old underworld warband Oop now? I can't find them on GW website. Seems a shame you can't get the hrothgorn (or whatever the Igor hunters name is) and his ilk to fill gaps in ranges. Just made me think of it as a new necromancer and a maybe a flesh golem beast could be a cool unit for SG but not if it's gone after a while! I get that the cards are no use after a couple of seasons behind on underworlds but the models have all been great! I wanted the KO ones for the adamant crew for cursed city and I've just grabbed the vampire clan whilst it's still available!
  19. When are we getting another season of Warcry!! Warcry season 2/3. Featuring a unit from all the realms for....cities of sigmar🥳 just do what they did with chaos, jobs a good un
  20. Just played for the first time in ages tonight and had to reread the rules as usual 🤣 One thing I hadn't noticed is it also makes expansions in the rulebook! It mentions you can carry over into another quest. Quest being different to journey. If I was being greedy I'd like to see quite a few expansions! Gheistgale - a short journey including nighthaint and a decaption mission boss. One for kritzka and lady Annika A hero's expansion and one with some new enemies. O thought Blackstone had some really good ones that expanded the base game quite a bit, I'm hoping cursed city doubles down on that!
  21. This ^^ I've been advocating this for ages. It would amazing on that scale on the tabletop. Shame we got aeronautica instead of this!
  22. I think Dark Mechanicum may be the next mini expansion with CSM now there's a new warpsmith. Dotted with a few new updates chosen etc. Id love to see an infernal forge faction for chaos in AoS. Not just chaos dwarfs and war machines but some corrupted machine deamons etc as well
  23. Don't understand this argument at all and we see plenty of it. These boxes are designed for people starting a new faction and people looking to add to their standing army albeit usually just from a completionist perspective. These now actually cater to new players as they're somewhat advertised to do. I havent played since 3.0 but now could buy this box with a friend have a small force each plus the rules I need and be back in the game!. I really don't need a huge rulebook and matched play rules etc. In fact these are two of my favourite factions aesthetically ( I know shoot me!)
  24. Yeah I'm fairly flexible convinced they weren't ever meant to be a main faction and likely haven't been worked on at all. Would like to see a warcry warband though!
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