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Everything posted by TheKingInYellow

  1. Going to be a little while before I post a complete unit. I have to quickly build and paint a Chaos Marine Kill Team for a league that started this week. Hopefully I'll get the first twenty ghouls built and painted by the end of March and then move on to some Horrors and Flayers to see how the scheme works there.
  2. I think I am going to do three undertones, one green, on blue and one a blend of the two. Allow the units to look rag-tag but still unified. I'll vary the darkness of the brown too. The way I look at it, this will be the 'heraldry' of the various models.
  3. You are assuming I want to hide it, lol.
  4. Yeah that's intentional, it's supposed to be high contrast. I could lighten it a bit though.
  5. I have been playing WHFB/40K/AoS and other systems for over twenty years and have never produced a painted army. This changes now. I found a scheme online I liked, tweaked it a bit so that it's very airbrush heavy (75% of the effort) and uses washes to do most of the rest of the work. I'm trying to settle on the choice of undertone, blue or green, or keeping a mix of both (maybe even some other tones) for variety. Here are the first two test models:
  6. So I've managed to snag two FEC halves of Carrion Empire, and I'm trying to decide how to round out the army. It seems like 4 TG/ZDs is always an option so maybe 2 Start collecting and 2 more ZDs plus a Varghulf? Seems like that should cover all the various Ghouls/Flayers/Horrors you will need to summon and/or finish out the Battleline.
  7. I'm under the impression that it's fairly easy to get the Sequitors to a 2+ save rerolling 1s. That's his primary concern, along with Evocators dishing out ridiculous mortal wounds.
  8. Just how strong is the Evocator/Sequitor spam list? One of our local DoK players is ready to quit over being rolled by it repeatedly. I just all because I don't want to bring out a list everyone will hate to play against.
  9. As a new player, what other support heroes are useful for a Sacrosanct list? I grabbed a Castellant already.
  10. I'm still learning SCE, how are you getting +2 on the Ballista? Ordinator for the +1 and then?
  11. Thanks for the tips on my list @AdamR and @Nos. Don't I need 3 Battleline at 2k points though? That's why I went with 10 man units of Sequitors and the Libs. I guess if I did the Sequitors as a single unit of 20 and the Libs as 2 units of 5 that would make sense to save the points. Adding the Lord Castellant seems like a good idea considering I would be running two huge blobs that could benefit from the lantern. Think I might try the Tempest Lords rules too: ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Stormcast Eternals) ++ + Leader + Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-charger: 0. Bonds of Noble Duty, 0. Patrician's Helm, General Lord-Castellant Lord-Ordinator: Astral Hammers + Artillery + Celestar Ballista Celestar Ballista Celestar Ballista + Battleline + Liberators: 5 Liberators, Grandhammer, Warhammer and Shield Liberators: 5 Liberators, Grandhammer, Warhammer and Shield Sequitors: 4x 5 Sequitors, 8x Stormsmite Greatmace, Stormsmite Maul and Soulshield + Other + Evocators: 3x 5 Evocators, 6x Grandstave, 9x Tempest Blade and Stormstave + Allegiance + Allegiance Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals: Tempest Lords
  12. Trying to start up SCE with Soul Wars but I have never played the army. Just getting back into it with AoS 2.0 really. I have three Soul Wars boxes, another box of evocators, an Ordinator and 10 Liberators to work with. I could use some guidance on choosing a good Stormhost/Realm/Items/Spells and any other changes I should make to the list. Also not sure if the boxes I've purchased will get me all the various grandhammers/staves/etc I'll need? ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Stormcast Eternals) ++ + Leader + Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline: General Lord-Ordinator: Astral Hammers + Artillery + Celestar Ballista Celestar Ballista Celestar Ballista + Battleline + Liberators: 2x 5 Liberators, 2x Grandhammer, Warhammer and Shield Sequitors: 2x 5 Sequitors, Redemption Cache, 4x Stormsmite Greatmace, Stormsmite Maul and Soulshield Sequitors: 2x 5 Sequitors, Redemption Cache, 4x Stormsmite Greatmace, Stormsmite Maul and Soulshield + Other + Evocators: 3x 5 Evocators, 6x Grandstave, 9x Tempest Blade and Stormstave + Allegiance + Allegiance: Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals + Game Options + Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost
  13. Is there any hint of a separate way to buy Chainrasps besides the starter?
  14. Oh, I thought that if they weren't in the current GHB that you couldn't use them in Matched Play. That's helpful then.
  15. Eagles and Warhawks have no points for matched play though. Ugh. Would it kill GW to throw a points value at them in the GHB?
  16. So I have a ton of Wanderer units that I bought at the tail end of 8th edition and never got around to putting together. It looks, however, like half the units are just gone now? No Eagles, Glade Riders or Warhawks? I can understand them dropping the metal only models, but Glade Riders were in plastic in the battalion boxes. Am I missing something?
  17. Getting back to my angry trees for 2.0 and I'm having trouble making lists that can keep up with the newer armies, like DoK and Deepkin. It just seems like Sylvaneth lack the multiple layers of buffs that those armies do. For instance I played against DoK this week and a unit of 20 strong Melusai backed by a Cauldron and Medusa basically destroyed my whole army through a combination of the Mortal Wounds they inflict and the high volume of attacks with buffed rending from Mindrazor and rerolling hits and wounds due to cult abilities and prayers, let alone their rerolling 6++. Are Sylvaneth really that far behind the power curve?
  18. Yeah there is nothing to it. Box releases of the Custodes and Sisters, and a starter army with one of each, a 'Venerable' contemptor dread, Land Raider and Rhino. Painted in a hideous gold scheme too.
  19. Ogres also have prominent Rondels on their armour...
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