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Chris Tomlin

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Everything posted by Chris Tomlin

  1. This is cool. Something a bit different. Best see if I can get the Ironjawz smashing this weekend!! Tokens look great mate.
  2. This may be my 3rd two dayer in 4 weeks (mental!!), but I am still really really looking forward to it! Will be a bit more quiet on the drinks front this weekend as, well, I've run out of money. It'll be nice to have a slightly more chilled one and regardless, I'm loving my gaming so much right now it's not all about the party anyways.
  3. They look good! Big Game Hunter sounds fun as well. Trophies are looking cool - what's up for grabs?!
  4. Hey, Pretty sure I've made my feelings on this Tournament clear over on Twitter haha!! I'm super busy at work this week so don't have the biggest amount of time for TGA unfortunately. So in short (and not mentioning specific names as I don't want to miss anyone!), just a massive massive thank you to everyone; the fantastic team of TO's, the super friendly venue staff, the awesome group of bros I travelled up with, 5 unbelievably amazing opponents and in general possibly the best field in terms of sweet entrants at an event ever. Everyone was so nice and I loved hanging out and chatting with you all. The prizes were something else and overall the quality of the event was a gamer changer IMO. I have genuinely never felt so overwhelmed at the end of an event. I am so so lucky and thankful to take the painting. The competition was fantastic and everyone who got a nomination should be so proud. You all deserve a sword, I mean that. I was also completely humbled to win best opponent/sports. Thanks so much to my opponents for making it easy for me to be a good opponent!, You were all amazing. Individual painting contest was really strong as well I thought. Really glad I stayed up till 3am (again!) rebasing those Warlocks. They are one of my favourite things I've ever converted/painted so that award was really something as well (and again, unexpected!). Congrats to all the other winners, you're all awesome!!! There will be a podcast out next week (after Cheltenham) covering this all in more detail, so check that out in time. Yeh seriously dude, your army was awesome. I love Dark Elves and yours are brilliant. Haha!! Cheers man...they certainly did me proud this weekend for sure. Anyway, that's about all the time I can spare for now...my inbox is filling up as I type this Much love to you all, The Megaboss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. Sorry about all this Jon and @John Harrison ! I didn't think I'd had a reply from you and @Russ seemed keen at FHGT Apologies for confusing things!!!
  6. You're on @Russ! Unfortunately @The Blightking is no longer able to attend (I think?) and I haven't heard from @jonwarmington. I'm sure I'll be able to get games in with both of you soon enough (if you want them!!). Roll on the weekend!!
  7. Awesome. Cheers Jonny! Gonna be a blast. I should probably look to pick out a grudge, I tend to like doing that (presuming they are allowed). Perhaps James @The Blightking...he beat me in doubles, can he do the same in singles (probably!) or maybe @jonwarmington who I'm yet to play at AoS...
  8. Cheers you lovely hetero man! Great to see you on the forums. Honestly, the solo show is a pretty weird thing to record/release IMO, but if people get something out of it then all good - the music is pretty banging if nothing else! I'll have a gander at your thread when I'm not so busy. This army will indeed be at Clash...I am hoping to be able to get my Rogue Idol done by then, but the weeks are falling away so unsure if I'll have time.
  9. Cheers man, glad you've found the thread useful. If nothing else I enjoy keeping a record of all my games etc. The delay in getting the reports up is an issue of time, not willingness. Got so much to photograph and share as well!! Forgot to mention earlier, but my #wipwednesday video on Twitter has a sneak peak at the other 9 Yoofs I'm in the middle of converting as well as a pic of my Cabbage with an extra highlight ready for this weekend.
  10. Guys, Don't think I'll get time today for game 3, so will persevere next week. Gonna be lagging a bit what with all the tournaments, but will catch up eventually. No game will be missed....if anyone cares!! The new TBS episode came out yesterday, which due to scheduling is just a solo show. You can hear me discussing Ironjawz and my games with them at Brothers of Sigmar and Warlords if you can't be bothered reading the reports. Check out the Podcast section of this forum to find it, or search The Black Sun on iTunes, or visit www.theblacksun.co.uk Wish me luck at Facehammer...catch up with you next week.
  11. I only listed one in my e-mail, however asked if it would be ok for a duplicate list to be accepted, with the only change being one artefact (given they have to be listed). Just gives me an option each game of what the Cabbage runs with each game. I don't think I received a reply (other than the discount code).
  12. Wassup Wednesday Weirdnobs? That's an interesting idea. Do you think make the move before the objectives drop then react again? The army does move well in a reactionary fashion...I think some people it's only good for rushing forwards with! Staying out of Gateway range is tricky if he gets a double turn. Would be interesting to try again and play it differently. Indeed it was, but it's a good example that tough and fun aren't mutually exclusive. Haha! I love that WoW has impacted on a bunch of Destruction players posting haha! I'll admit I've been considering it of late. I wonder if that's @Cowboy Boots Matt excuse as well...though I think his new job might be a fairer one. So after getting beasted by The Face in the first round, who would I find myself up against round 2? Game 13 - The Warlords - Round Two vs Tim Fisher @Bananaman (Moonclan) Wow! Out of a field of 100 I reckon I knew 25ish people well (very unusual) and after a friendly first game I had once again struck gold by getting drawn against Mr Mierce. I've known Tim for years, having admired (and by inspired by) his painting online before meeting him when we both worked for GW and then on the Tournament scene back in 6th ed WFB. We have played a couple of times over the years, but not at Age of Sigmar, so I was looking forward to this as you'll always have a laugh and some top banter with Tim. I'll state up front that I think I may have been a bit drunk come this end of this game as I am not 100% sure on the result!! Since the event and by process of elimination, I have deduced that this must have been Blood & Glory! Tim was fielding a Moonclan army made up predominantly of Kev Adams metal Night Goblin sculpts, which are just fantastic and full of character. Like me Tim had powered out his army in a relatively short space of time, putting in hours in the morning and lunchbreaks (something I am not capable of doing!). It looked fantastic and was to a really strong standard. His army included the Moonclan battalion, Hooded Villian, Skarsnik, 2 Shaman, 2 Manglers, Colossal, 3 units of Grots, 4 Fanatics, 2 units of Squigs, Herders and Squig Hoppers. Think that was it? I should have a pretty good handle on what was in this list as you will find out in later update. Tim ran through some of the fruitier elements in his army, including the battalion. I had heard about the potential combos on Bravery One, but I guess it either hadn't sunk in, or I assumed it was embellished (Like when they assumed all rolls are 6's hahaha!)...so basically, I may be blaming Nathan Prescott for any potential upsets you might be about to read!! I won first turn and allowed Tim to go first. He didn't really hang around and pushed forward with his three big Squigs, advancing slightly steadier with other units whilst still holding his two objectives with solid blocks. In my turn (and subequent double I believe) I was equally agressive, knowing I had to take down the Manglers on my terms. The one from the Batallion had been suped up with the buffs, so I smashed that off with 10 Brutes before it could attack. Krunk and 5 Brutes made work of the other one, whilst the Gore-gruntas and Ardnob took a little more time on the Colossal, actually taking some heavy damage in return. I think I may have needed some Brute support here. So it was looking good as I (thought I) had removed the main damage output and began to pile into the Grots. The 10 Brutes were marching across the table and got stuck into the Squigs and Grots holding his objective on my right, eventually taking that. Timmy moved away from his other objective to add reinforcements to the battle on that side. I saw an opening for the Cabbage to get into the back near the final objective, help the Brutes clear off the remaining Grots and take the game. In my head, I had the Major Victory tied up and completely took my foot off the gas. Mega mistake. Tim buffed up the Hooded Villian, chucked him into the Cabbage and proceeded to deleted me about 3 times over (literally!!). Wow. I had honestly not expected it to actually work like that and completely underestimated. Whatever you've heard, it's true!! Haha I was totally shocked, but loved it. It's amazing. It's not in the least bit bent as all this power is on a 4 wound model with a 5+ save, so whatever! Anyway, this definitely threw me off my game a little bit and Tim found himself back in the game for a turn or two. However the war of attrition actually favoured me in this instance as once the Villian went down and he lost Inspiring Presence, the Grots started to fall and eventually the Ironjawz were able to claim the spoils after a multi-turn grind in the centre. Now...the interesting thing here is that I don't know the result. I thought I'd been telling people it was only a Minor, however it was listed as a Major on the results sheet that was handed out at the end of the Tournament. Now I know I would have checked my results that I handed in personally, in fact Timmy even drew a d!ck on it for me. So either I did get onto that last objective and it was a Major, or perhaps the guys put it in wrong (easily done, especially with so many players). Who knows, in reality it doesn't really matter one bit I guess...well, other than to @Andy Talbot! Shame they didn't hand out the scorecards at the end so I could've checked my end though. Either way, it was a fantastic game and visually very striking with both armies looking good. Something quite cinematic about the Brutes duffin' up da big Squigs before wading into hordes of tiny Grots! Result - Major/Minor(?!) Victory Thanks for reading! Come back later for more!
  13. Warcraft! You bunch of nerds!! Good post though @Sangfroid and I do agree that Ironjawz shine within their own alliance for sure, you lose a lot from mixing them with Bonesplitterz (and likewise, lose a lot from the Bonesplitterz too). I just want to do an expanded Destruction force that looks cohesive really and have some ideas for that. Don't worry, no pure Bonesplitterz army or anything here!! I honestly can't believe you think Gore-gruntas are good though?! They are not amazing (well, they look amazing) and I cant see how they work for anyone haha!! In all seriousness 5 Brutes / 10 Ardboyz > 3 Gore Gruntas. Hahaha Anyway, lets get the ball rolling with this then... Game 12 - The Warlords - Round One vs @Russ Veal (Chaos) So Mr Facehammer himself first game, tough draw much? But in all honesty I was pleased with the draw. Feeling a bit tired it was nice to be perked up by a friendly face and some familiar chat (not to mention a few beers). Whilst I always say you shouldn't go into games against top players like Russ fearing them and expecting to lose, you do need to be realistic. What I mean by that really is to play your game plan and don't be put off by the name, but let's be honest you're probably still going to lose! This battleplan was Gifts from the Heavens, a favourite of many players and for good reason - it's super fun. Russ had his trademark Bloodbound army (all the characters, Blood Warriors, Reavers, Skullreapers and Wrathmongers) and in an effort to ramp it up a gear had added a brace of Warp Lightning Cannons and a Lord of Change. Now, I think Bloodbound is a tough match up for Ironjawz regardless - they fight you, they kill you. You fight them, you kill them, then they kill you or you kill yourself. The complete inability for my army to reach out at range makes this really tricky indeed. This is before we take into account the additions Russ has added, which are so efficient and allow him to pick off my support pieces without retaliation. It also doesn't take into account the void between me and Russ in terms of ability. It's easy to say his army is far superior (which it is, far far!), but lets be honest he is just a better player as well. Which is all fine. What this makes for, however, is a very tricky game! It's nice to be tested like this now and again, but it was rough, real rough. Russ picked the Command Trait giving me -1 to hit in the first turn. This is huge and something I really really hoped he wouldn't do. What it means is that I can't give him first turn, as if I do he will push up with no fear of my counter charge. Therefore I have to take first turn, put up any buffs and maybe redress my ranks a little. Other than that I'm passing the turn and playing a 4 turn game. Not ideal but I honestly don't know what else to do in that situation. Russ was then able to move up cautiously, win priority T2, buff up the Bloodreavers to 4 attacks (with -1 rend weapons) and throw 120 points of pure glass hammer at me, making a right mess. He was also able to take off Krunk with WLC's or Gateway (can't remember)...cue me putting on the shades, gameface on! ...Or I was covering up the tears, you decide. This put me in a right predicament as I could counter the Reavers, but would then be left wide open to the force of his army. Man, it was so tough. I kinda feel I played a little too cagey, but anything else would've been reckless. Russ has his objective drop centrally and behind some terrain, I was never getting there. Mine was out to my left and potentially wasn't the easiest for him to get to - however he simply had to. The scoring was a little whack at this event in that Minor Victories were essentially just tie breaks. 1 Major Victory and 5 Losses would see you finish higher than someone on 6 Minors, which is a little strange I think. To cut a long story of pain short, Russ got the Major Victory, able to push through and claim my objective. I eventually got stuck in and picked up some points (you don't want to walk away from these sorts of games with a Hard L and no VPs!!). There was one turn I won priority and passed it to Russ, purely playing on the hope I would double turn him back. Russ considered that a mistake and as I didn't double turn it did appear he was right. Had I got it, it may have seemed a better choice (wouldn't have changed much I don't think, could've killed more stuff for less loss perhaps). The point being that throughout the game I felt I was forced to make really difficult decisions where neither option was ideal, so even the "correct" choices felt wrong...I can't really recall many other games of AoS that pushed me so hard that way. I would say the match up played some part in that, but clearly it's also a testiment to the ability Russ has. Incidentally, I would actually love to switch armies and see what Russ could do with mine in that situation. Result - Loss Apologies that perhaps doesn't go into a great deal of detail, but you get the idea haha!! It was a great game, just tough. I don't mind games like that whatsoever as long as they are played in the right spirit, which this 100% was. Stayed tune for Round Two!
  14. Cheers man, appreciate you taking the time to check him out! I think the conversion works, I'm happy with that, it's purely whether the shiny & chrome mouth does. I've begun work on converting up another 9 Yoofs to join him. Once they are all finished and painted we can judge them as a unit and see how it looks. Disappointed at the lack of comments tbh haha. Perhaps I'll need to keep a track of views to see if it's worth the effort to continue updating this thread? Though looking at the Destruction forum overall the posts have slowed down a bit, which is fine. At present I'm as guilty as anyone of not replying to all the topics (due to being busier at work).
  15. WITNESS ME!! Here are a few pics of my test Orruk Yoof. Will be Savages in game but wanted them to fit in with my Ironjawz. I've removed some bone, added armour plates + weapon. Dunno if the chrome mouth works in practice. I love the idea and the Mad Max homage, in theory it works especially well as they are trying to be literally iron jaws. Its not meant as a single miniature so I'll finish a unit of 10 and see what I think. Let me know your thoughts!
  16. Afternoon Ardboyz! Hope you had a good weekend? For me it was nice to neglect my geekside for the first time in weeks and actually just have a chilled weekend, without endless hours of painting or podcast editing! It's needed as I am away the next two weekends for Tournaments. Luckily I have a very understanding lady (either that or she's just happy to be rid of me!!) One thing I have managed to get done is complete a test Savage Orruk.. or Waaaghboyz Yoof, aspiring Ardboy as they will be in my army. I'll upload a few poor photographs of him later. Not entirely sold, but it's a model intended for use in units rather than a standout character etc, so with that in mind I will commit to finishing 10 before making judgement. I do still need to take and post decent photos of the 2,000 point army I took to Warlords, which includes an Ardnob, 5 Brutes and 3 Gore-gruntas yet to be seen on this forum since completion. So that's something to look forward to. Over the weekend I did do a bit of @Snoopdom style hobby - I ordered some more bits. Another couple of boxes of Brutes to be specific!! Whilst I have now painted 2,000 points, my unpainted pile of destruction is growing... Weirdnob Shaman (my opinions on this guy should be clear by now, but he's a great sculpt and I would like to try the Weirdfist some time) 2 Warchanters (need conversions) 10 Brutes (to be assembled as another unit of 10 with Jagged-hackas) 6 Gore-gruntas (*sigh* these are so bad in game, but I have a real soft spot for the models. Running a Gorefist is something every Megaboss needs to do at least once, right?) 20 Ardboyz (well, actually its 25 as I've bought a box by themselves and then 2 SC boxes. I will only assemble 20 more by the spare bits from the other 5 should help. I want to go mostly shields on these) 29 Savage Orruks (included the one painted one I mentioned above, this will be 3 units of 10 to fulfil generic Destruction battleline. Plenty of small conversions/kitbashes on these. Will have 2 spare as well) 4 Big Stabbas (as above. Basically I've bought two boxes of Savages, so I get my battleline then can make these. I actually think they are pretty great as well) Idol of Gork (big conversion here. Really want it done for Clash of Swords in October. We'll see) Also scouting out parts for a second Megaboss and keeping my eyes open for suitable Grots - either armoured ones or using 40k Grots (of which I have a bunch half painted and really like!). I guess once I have the Savages done (if I decide to do them, will depend on that first 10) I will find my options vastly opened across all of Destruction. However, part of me just wants to stay pure Ironjawz. Though I think as long as I make all my additions mathc aesthetically, I'll be fine with it. So not sure that is of any interest to anyone bar me! What you may be more keen to hear about is The Warlords at Warhammer World that took place just over a week ago? I guess as good a place to start as any is my list. Unfortunately us Ironjawz players don't have too much in the way of variety at the moment, with most lists (on the table, not in theory) looking the same as people have finally finished painting all the stuff they bought on release! I think going forwards we will see some diversity with some different looking builds appearing on this forum (though again, people seem to be thinking the same!). Anyway, here's mine; Da Black Sunz - 2,000 points - Ironjawz (Destruction) - The Warlords Megaboss Krunk - General, Ravager, Battle Brew (140) The Warmaster on Red Cabbage - Talisman of Preservation (520) The Ardnob, Ironjawz Big Boss - Slaughta-choppa (100) Da Kurlzz, Orruk Warchanter (80) 10 Brutes - Klaw & Smasha, 2 Gore-choppas, Jagged-hackas (360) 5 Brutes - Klaw & Smasha, Gore-choppa, Choppas (180) 5 Brutes - Klaw & Smasha, Gore-choppa, Choppas (180) 10 Ardboyz - 9 'Uge Choppas, 1 Shield (180) 3 Gore-gruntas - Choppas (180) Ironfist (60) Total; 1,980 points I guess the only thing of interest might be the addition of the Compendium Black Orc Big Boss. This purely comes from my disdain towards the Shaman. He's a nice little can opener tbh and leaves me on 1,980 which gives a Triumph some of the time that I will remember none of the time! It's pretty similar to the list I've used throughout, certainly since General's Handbook and this blog started (my game # count only starts from GH, I discounted what came before), which in theory meant I'd be well versed with what it does. Unfortunately I hadn't played a 2,000 point game in the 5 weeks leading up to this event as I was solidly painting to get done in time. I was a bit worried this would leave me rusty, but it seemed ok on the day. So on the topic of painting, I think I've made it clear in this thread the sort of hours I've been putting in and how it'd pretty much consumed me. In the week leading up to this event I'd had a 1.30am finish following by two 2.30am finishes. By finishes I mean I was up until that time painting, then getting up for work at 7.30am. Fun times! On the Friday itself, I was picked up from work on a half day by @Paul Buckler. We went back via mine to get my gear and then straight to pick up @Andy Talbot. We stopped off in Tesco for some sandwiches and it was at this point I had my first hard decision to make. You see, I hadn't actually finished painting my army at this time. Despite the late nights I was not yet complete. 3 Gore-gruntas were at a more than acceptable standard, however I was keen to get them matching the rest of the force in the hope of getting a Best Army nomination. With this in mind I had pack a bunch of painting gear with the intention of doing something I'd never done in all my years of tournaments; hotel room painting! Urgh. So, with my sensible head on, I managed to resist (well, kinda) the lure of my favourite vice and only picked up a 4 pack of beers for the road! Unfortunately it was a pretty long journey and I really had to slow play my drinking to make it last! Upon arriving at the hotel in Nottingham, the 3 of us went over to the adjoining pub/restaurant. We had a few pints and a bite to eat. At this point I was really on the verge of sacking off the painting a just getting drunk, I even put out a twitter poll on the matter! The thing is that after putting in so much time up until that point and neglecting so many other aspects of my life, it would've felt like an abject failure to not put the Gruntas on the table. So, I switched up to Diet Coke to finish off the meal and headed back to the hotel room. Man, times have changed! Paul and Andy popped over to a local convenience store and picked up some beers. We all chilled in the hotel room, chatted some Warhammer, listened to the new A Day to Remember and Of Mice & Men albums (both good!) and drank beers whilst I painted. I'd predicted I needed about 6 hours and unfortunately I wasn't far wrong. I think I did end up feeling a bit drunk and the lighting was poor, but they got completed to a standard I was happy with (though I do have some improvements to make for Facehammer, just to really make them pop). In the end I switched up to Podcasts and Andy fell asleep listening to his own voice as he wouldn't let me listen to Facehammer - @Russ Veal makes him fell uneasy!! It was 3.30am when I called time. Pretty ridiculous. Still, not as bad as Byron Orde who I was texting until about the same time as he was painting as well. The downside for Byron was he had a 2 hour drive in the morning as well!!! Saturday morning, well actual morning...when it's light and everything, I didn't feel too bad for the most part, but did keep almost phasing out. Pounded a bunch of water and a coffee and started to feel alive. I had my cut off Ironjawz tee and Megaboss snapback on, so was looking pretty 'ard for a white guy (as opposed to a green one! :P)! Neeeeeerrrrrrrrrdddd!! We were talking the night before about who we'd like to play, despite not knowing half the field (bumped into so many people in the morning I didn't know were there). I suggested I'd like to play someone like Adam Hall - someone I know and like a lot, but haven't had a chance to play Age of Sigmar with. So I rocked up to my allocated table, to find myself opposite the mighty Russ Veal! What a draw. Me and Russ get on super well and haven't played Age of Sigmar, so despite this clearly being a tough draw I was really happy as I knew I'd have fun and be able to have a few beers with my opponent. Ok, so we'll leave it there for now, thats the preamble out of the way. I'll come back later/tomorrow and crack on with the reports... Chris
  17. Correct choice! Inspiring Presence is a Brutes best friend. Lets not be greedy though, our artefacts are solid. I do have a plan though! I don't want to rip off @Mitzy's sweet Megaboss, but am planning something a bit different. Maw-krusha one is a good shout.
  18. Brutes are great at dishing it out, but you'll need a bit of luck with the battleshock tests when taking it back. The Megaboss is just great post General's Handbook (movement + traits + brew). Before its release I was on the verge of dropping him from my lists, now I'm planning a conversion for my second; Krunk's brother from another mother!
  19. Cool, I'll give you a follow and check out your channel tomorrow - tonight I will be out on the battle brew, 2 swigs at a time! Thought I'd super quickly do a report of my 1k game from last night...technically not game 11, but whatever, but to keep it in order here; Game 11 - vs Steve Phillips @#SteveJames - Bloodbound So after me and Steve finished our Infinity League game, we decided there was time for a 1,000 point game of Warhammer. I was looking for some revenge after he handily beat me at Infinity. This was a fine idea until he whipped out his army...Bloodbound, urgh, potentially a rough match up for obvious reasons (more on this in my Warlords coverage). I don't think Steve is the most experienced player however and is just getting to grips with the army. His list looked terrifying; Aspiring Deathbringer, Bloodstoker, Bloodsecrator, Slaughterpriest, 10 Blood Warriors, 3x 20 Blood Reavers in the Dark Feast battalion. Loads of models!! He had the command trait to give Unpredictable Destruction on a 5+ and 2 Crowns of Command. My army was the same as above pretty much; Megaboss Krunk - Ravager, Battle Brew Da Kurlzz, Orruk Warchanter - Talisman of Protection Ironfist 10 Brutes - Klaw & Smasha, 2 Gore-choppas, Jagged-hackas 5 Brutes - Klaw & Smasha, Gore-choppa, Choppas 10 Ardboyz - 9 Uge Choppas, 1 Shield Nothing exciting there tbh! We rolled up Border War (GHOUL PATROL!), which is good as its pretty much my fav battleplan. I dropped my army first due to fewer characters so took the first turn and did my usual strategy of moving up onto the two middle objectives, giving me a 5-0 lead. Nice. In Steve's turn he was equally aggressive, buffing and charging 20 Blood Reavers into my 5 Brutes and Ardboyz that sat on the objectives. The Slaughterpriest also did 4 mortal wounds on the Ardboyz. In combat, the megabuffed unit rolled 50 attacks at my Brutes and whilst they were in cover, he still killed 3. However, this did not deter me and the 2 remaining Brutes (Boss & Gore-choppa) managed to pass battleshock and kill all 20 Blood Reavers dead over a couple of rounds - that's straight kills as he was immune to battleshock. In the interim though, the larger number of bodies did mean Steve took that objective, though the Ardboyz stood firm against the other unit for one round, but next turn he took that one as well. Now being new to the army, he did make a couple of errors IMO (not that I'm the oracle!) - not leaving characters within 10" for Unpredictable Destruction, which he did keep getting whenever he could!! He also left his Bloodsecrator on the objective in his deployment zone after tagging it, when he could've sat off it a bit. This meant my unit of 10 Brutes could move up twice in the hero phase, again in the move phase and get a simple charge, not only killing the important buffing character but also meaning I scored his objective for 4 points. The Slaughterpiest killed the Warchanter with his prayer which was annoying, but Krunk had his number...there were 12 Blood Reavers in the way...they were smashed to mush in on round of combat against the monstrous Megaboss, before he got to the Slaughterpriest, giving him a similar treatment. I could not avoid the Blood Warriors charging the 10 Brutes and this is a pretty dicey combat. Luckily over a couple of rounds it went my way and they went down for the loss of 5 Brutes, I'll take that...could go much worse tbh. The two remaining Brutes over the other side got charged by the 3rd unit of 20 Reavers, and whilst the Gore-choppa went down, the Boss managed to finish them off to a man!!! Again, no battleshock, pure kills! Mental! The game finished with Krunk fighting off against the Aspiring Deathbringer...it was not the epic clash I'd hoped for. I think he needs to aspire higher as he was dispatched with complete ease by the Megaboss. So....a tabling, without loss of a single VP and a 30-10 win on the objective. Not bad, though I do think if that Bloodsecrator had moved and he'd been more aggressive with the Blood Warriors it could've been different. It was a super fun game though, we drank quite a lot and @#SteveJames was getting into the spirit of things, renaming most of his models weapons to something suitably phallic. I do hope he took away a couple of pointers and next time I think it could be a tough match. It's a nice 1,000 point core he has there and I'm interested to see how it grows out to 2,000 points for @Paddy O'Sullivan's event in December. Result - Major Victory (30-10) That will have to do for now guys! Enjoy, Warlords report to follow. Have a great weekend...
  20. @Soup Dragon Great format Paul, really like this. Not feasible travel wise for myself, but I may have to pinch the idea for a version down south! Good luck with the event.
  21. Yeh, it went well...though tbh I would genuinely put our success on the table down to @Paddy O'Sullivan's Moonclan. They really are good. After my Warlords report you'll see that my appreciation has grown further haha!! What's your YouTube channel, I have to check it out. After I finished my Infinity league game at club last night I got in a 1k game of Warhammer vs @#SteveJames. I will probably just do a quick report on that this afternoon whilst it's fresh and then come back to Warlords.
  22. Butchered your post a bit there Nico. But yeh, in short, pure Ironjawz have some nice raw power on the attack, but lack the defence and versatility to perform across a 5/6 game event IMO. It does not surprise me one bit that all 4 of the pure Ironjawz armies I was tracking over the weekend at Warlords (me, Pete, James & Alistair) finished on around about the same, with 3 wins max (I believe the highest of which being me in 35th - could be wrong, haven't analysed the results fully yet). The funny thing though is that when we get our own allegiance bonuses, I honestly do not see how they will add more to the army than the generic Destruction ones do! Not a complaint, I love the Destruction abilities and the challenge of using Ironjawz Anyway...sorry @Terry Pike, derailing your thread.
  23. Me @Paul Buckler we chatting about this and I said it could be fun if they get an OP allegiance pack. Nice way to get them competitive!
  24. Please don't let this super harsh nerf () stop you taking Fyreslayers @ChippyRick - it will be amazing if you do* Do it, do it, do it, do it! *it may also be my only chance of finishing above you** at an event! **I probably wont even if you have Fyreslayers!
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