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Posts posted by broche

  1. Yeah Big G is expansive over a Regular Maw-Krusha (who can benefit from trait and/or artefact) but he does offer something with his command (ensure a +2 attack and +d6 charge for 1 CP with a huge range ).  He does however hit significantly harder (a Megaboss on MK need +2 attack to reach the samed damage level as G without any buff), and thus with fewer buff than regular MB et can take out key piece (like Nagash or a Cauldron of Blood let say). 

    He's more fragile tough so (one of the reason i'm trying some source of healing to increase his survavibility)

  2. Correct, but you get access to ardboys too. Ardboys are the best objective holder in the army (and brutes are better than gruntas). I would say Gorefist is strictly better in most situation. But if you own less than 12-15 pig, or you like brutes, or want to try something different, i think it's more than viable (and fun probably more fun than half your game your opponent concede turn 1).

    Also Gorefist does have few weakness. A clever opponent can deploy to mitigate your turn 1 attack, or deepstrike and charge you, then you're stuck with a useless bataillion and a really low model count for the rest of the game. 


  3. 3 minutes ago, Backbreaker said:

    Do you think that Gordrakk Fist needs a Gorefist ? Or an Ironfist can do the trick ?

    I prefer to have some brute as a second wave. And you keep the ironfist movement bonus later in the game on gruntas...

    And even like that : 4"+d6"+3d6"+1" for a T1 charge with Brutes, not bad ! 19" ! And 24" with Gruntas on average !

    Second question : Do you think that taking first turn with IJ is obligatory ? Especially with Gordrakk to prevent him getting one shot T1 ?!

    I think Gordrakk is viable with ironfist, but you aim more at at round 2 attack (19'' and 24'' are too easy to negate by deploying in the back of the zone). My current version of Grodrakk ironfist look like this:

    Allegiance: Ironjawz
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran
    Gordrakk The Fist of Gork (580)
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    - Artefact: The Golden Toof 
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    - Artefact: Wand of Restoration 
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (80)
    - Allies
    Orruk Warboss (140)
    - Great Waaagh Banner
    - Allies
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    - 1x Gore Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    - 1x Gore Choppas
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)
    Ironfist (180)
    Emerald Lifeswarm (60)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 220 / 400
    Wounds: 117

    As for taking first turn, it really depend on what you're facing, the battleplan, you're opponent deployment. Too much factor involved to say "always take turn 1".  

  4. Solid list @Imperial, for me this is clearly a T1 list. Hard to screen with the 2 Krusha potentially doing 8 mortal before gruntas charge. I don't think a lot of army can handle that big spike of damage round 1. I would use Fungoid over Grot shaman maybe?  (so you can open with both Mystic shield and Cog and your odds are much better)

  5. made a variant of the list: Keeping a resistant Maw-Krusha, swap bloodtooth for ironsunz (2/3 big defensive buff round 1, bigger MK), and a flying Megaboss with 8'' move to threathen weak backline heroes

    Allegiance: Ironjawz
    Mortal Realm: Aqshy
    Orruk Megaboss (140)
    - Artefact: Thermalrider Cloak 
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    - Artefact: The Golden Toof 
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)
    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
    - General
    - Trait: Ironclad 
    - Artefact: Ignax's Scales 
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)
    Ironfist (180)
    Ironsunz (120)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 119



    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Malakree said:

    So playing at a real tournament this weekend instead of a more casual one and it has house rules about no ability stacking.

    Honestly without IJ are weak. We really rely on the massive explosion turns with multiple waaagh! Going off.

    I'm still on the fence about the broach having not played a game which has stacking without it.

    I think with the broach in play we sit as a mid T0 army (the borked ones) because of the huge swing value we have.

    Without stacking we are a top of T2 army, solid 2-3/5 with most lists.

    With stacking but no broach ironjawz are mid to high t1. We will occasionally take games off tournament winning lists and are a reasonable 4/5.

    Also I'm not entirely sold on the cogs, at 60 points they are very high risk for their cost and are very random on the value we get. Yes they are fantastic for ggs but bloodtoofs+cp for charge reroll actually gives us that anyway and 4/4/- is garbage whether it's 1 or d3.

    I think we might actually benefit way more from an emerald lifeswarm, at the same cost, or even 40 on an aethervoid pendulum with 20 in the bank.

    Not to mention that just having the 60 left gets you an extra cp AND 60 towards a triumph.

    Yes I love the cogs, yes I love my "I rolled an 8 so I move 14" but I'm just not sure they aren't more of a hindrance than a help. Would you rather have everything move and charge 2" more or deal d6 mortals to a bunch of stuff?

    without stacking i think Weirdfist is the best option. Interesting tough on Cog, give you move but give it to your opponent too. I was considering emeral lifeswarm, it's good on the MK with ironclad and/or save agains mortal, but 60 pts is a lot.

  7. @Lanoss I think Ironjawz have a pretty bad matchup agains DoK. He does the same thing as us (big damage spike) but have more model, better resistance, better mobility, and better ability. 

    so you need to be smart and try to hurt him with a big turn before he kill your stuff, because you're gonna loose the attrition war.

    • Thanks 1
  8. i'm having a reflexion about brutes. It seem right now Ardboys just seem a better overall choice every time. For simplicity, i'll assume Ardboys have big choppa for comparaison

    - 4 pts vs 6 pts per effective life.

    - More models for objectives and Shaman casting bonus.

    - +2 to charge and better bravery.

    On the counter part, Brutes hit arder (10 vs 6.67 base, but brutes have some buff Ardboys can't get like reroll). However, if you add a warchanter and +2 attack from waaagh, it become less relevant (and they do cost more)

  9. @Gobsmakka good list, if you want to use the same model, i suggest you revise your trait/artefact selection. Prophet should go on Megaboss. You want your MB to be your general anyway for that 4+ get a free move stuff.  Since you're using brutes, I also strongly suggest the Golden thooth or Boss skewer for battleshock immune/bonus. 

    So, Megaboss general with prophet of the waaagh

    1 warchanter with Golden tooth

    1 warchanter with the brooch would be what i would do with that model choice.

    hope that help

    • Like 1
  10. @DerZauberer I think ironjawz have all the tools to compete well in magic. +2 to cast / dispel for 120 pts is pretty rare (Nagash get +3 and cost 800 pts)

    I aggree with you tough that @Malakree list have low body count, but as long as you have 2 x 10 ardboyz i think your good to ensure your +2 until mid game.

    Foot is high risk, but it 7 mortal average when it goes off. Sad to hear you were never able to shoot a big one, but don't give up your luck will turn some day  ;) 

    I don't think i would play Ardboys by 30 in new edition, 10 pts is really to small discount for the potential lost of board coverage.

  11. working on something different, no bataillion and bunch of endless spell. Instead of rushing foward, it would play more like convervative round 1: Try to hit something with geminid, and either cast shield on MK or palissade to create a shadow agains shooting, and grab an objective or 2. Round 2 if you loose the roll then you have 2 debuff with geminid.  From R2.2 and R3.1 you can start playing more aggressively.

    Another opening, (if you hit Migthy destroyer) would bo to cast the Cog round 1, and try to pin stuff with Gruntas while the rest of your army take control of the board, then round 2 use the cog for double cast on a weirnob so you have 3 cast.

    (PS: not saying it's better than current popular list, just trying to evaluate different option)

    Allegiance: Ironjawz
    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
    - General
    - Trait: Ironclad 
    Orruk Megaboss (140)
    - Artefact: The Golden Toof 
    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)
    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (40)
    Prismatic Palisade (30)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 139

  12. 4 hours ago, DerZauberer said:

    @Malakree Thanks for the list!

    • Why two weirdnobs? I'cant wrap my head around those freaks without running a 30 orruk ardboy blob. Is your plan to let one weirdnob stay on the cogs to manipulate them after casting them first turn? (as the effect gets lost if there is no wizard in 3" at the start of the hero phase) I think in a bloodtoofs list it's all about the cogs, and for that I'm thinking about getting a cave-shaman with his shrooms , bodyguarding those cogs after that and dispelling stuff from afar.

    I like the 2 weirnob, he's a good wizard (2 uniques spell), and give you good dispelling power. if he stay close to the 10 ardboys and 10 brutes your good early. 

    I guess he cast Cog early and shield the MK, then move them along with the trop and use Bolt/foot/puke

  13. the core rules command ability specify clearly when to use it (after you make a run, charge or at beginning of the battleshock phase).

    Waaagh speficy when the effect trigger (start of the combat phase).  Since it doesn't state when to use it, you use it in your hero phase.

    • Thanks 3
  14. Waagh is just in your hero phase. There's no interpretation here. It doesn't say in wich phase you use it, so default is your hero phase from core rule.

    The unit count/dice roll then occur in the next combat phase (on your turn)

    • Thanks 2
  15. @Malakree It's good for sure, but not sure it's better than other t1 army. Like DoK and Idoneth can still wreck you. You'll still have a hard time getting to a slann hiding behind 2 bastilladon and summoning stuff.  It seem to me that there's still is lot of broken stuff lingering around

  16. i think i've settle on this list for my next game:

    Allegiance: Destruction
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran
    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
    - Artefact: Ghyrstrike 
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    Orruk Warboss On Wyvern (240)
    - Artefact: Ghyrropian Gauntlets 
    Orruk Warboss (140)
    - Great Waaagh Banner
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (80)
    - General
    - Trait: Ravager
    10 x Orruks (80)
    - Choppas & Shields
    10 x Orruks (80)
    - Choppas & Shields
    20 x Moonclan Grots (130)
    - Pokin Spears & Moon Shields
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    Gorefist (190)
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)

    Total: 1940 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 125

  17. 11 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    I like it, however there is no Battleline ?

    Something like this maybe?  You could make them pretty mobile with the Destruction move + Cogs + Run & Charge.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Allegiance: Destruction

    Gordrakk The Fist of Gork (580)
    Orruk Warboss (140)
    - Great Waaagh Banner
    Moonclan Grot Shaman (80)
    - General

    40 x Orruks (280)
    - Choppas & Shields
    10 x Orruks (80)
    - Choppas & Shields
    10 x Orruks (80)
    - Choppas & Shields

    6 x Savage Big Stabbas (300)
    6 x Savage Big Stabbas (300)

    Teef Rukk (100)

    Endless Spells
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1

    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 133

    Yes it's better with battleline LOL. Unless maybe i wanted to play Open haha

  18. Allegiance: Destruction
    Wurrgog Prophet (140)
    Gordrakk The Fist of Gork (580)
    Orruk Warboss (140)
    - Great Waaagh Banner
    8 x Savage Big Stabbas (400)
    6 x Savage Big Stabbas (300)
    6 x Savage Big Stabbas (300)
    Teef Rukk (100)
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 107

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