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Everything posted by Walrustaco

  1. So are great endrinworks like mount traits or are they just artefacts for ships? Say for whatever reason I went without a sky port for my army: I'd have my choice of command trait and my choice of one artefact. For my artefact would I have to choose between, say: "spell in a bottle" for my aether-khemist and "Ebullient Buoyancy Aid" for Ironclad? Or could I get both?
  2. I suppose this answers how I should equip my arkanaut company: No more stacking skyhooks/volley guns. I wonder how this works with squads of more than 10? Need those damn warscrolls. When is Man Reads Book out?
  3. Why not the upper/middle dog? That's my wish
  4. Maybe the SENIOR RULES WRITER shouldnt be mucking up every release he writes with overtuned nonsense ๐Ÿ˜‚ (Unless it's for KO)
  5. Ordered 30 arkanaut company. Just gonna build 20/21 of them. I know ppl are a bit tired of the big skyhooks arkanaut blob but that sounds fun to me. Hoping it stays.
  6. Isnt that just what skyships can do? ๐Ÿค”
  7. What kind of terrain do you want for the aethermatic flying airship faction descended from their sky-city to wage war for profit? Hmmm, how about a big uhhh cloud of aether gold? Or a desk to draw up trade agreements?
  8. Stormcast voter, you will get what you deserve. One way or another.
  9. Working on this Nurgle Daemon Prince conversion. Idea is totally stolen but I thought it was too cool not to try for myself. Here are some progress pics:
  10. Dang maybe this whole game sucks when its fully optimised and WAAC ๐Ÿคจ
  11. Yeah idk If theyโ€™re op but they are not fun to play against. At all. Boring actually.
  12. MY WIFE WAS MURDERED BY AN AELF IN A SCOURGERUNNER CHARIOT! IT'S THE ONE CASE I CAN'T SOLVE! Don't fight with family; it can all go away so quickly.
  13. Those first 2 paragraphs contradict eachother. First you say you dont care what colour the models skin is, second you say if GW make dwarves any colour other than white you would be annoyed? Hmm. Why is it that dwarves all have to be white to you? You can argue either that they're so similar to humans that they should also have various skin colours, or you could say that because they're not human that they shouldn't have to stick to human skin tones at all. It's amazing to see how much it means to some people when they see themselves represented in media. The only thing that feels forced to me is the people who are so resistant to the idea of whiteness being decentralised in their favourite piece of media. White isn't the default.
  14. Yeah but this goof brought up 'presidents' out of nowhere betwixt his laughable ranting against the evil 'SJWs'. Instantly I thought "Ah, he's one of those."
  15. I think ethereal amulet is wasted on a huskard instead of a frostlord. As awesome as a 2+ hitting stonehorn is, a 3+ hitting 3+ unreadable save stonehorn is better. If it were me, I'd put the Brand of the Svard onto the Huskard and the Ethereal Amulet onto the FLoSH.
  16. Did your manager coach you on what to say if they didn't just accept that weird jedi mind trick response? ๐Ÿ˜‚
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