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Everything posted by Walrustaco

  1. I wonder how all the deepkin players are gonna feel when they see daddy Teclis with his new perfect family 😞 Think it's only a matter of time for deepkin. Sorry to say 😢
  2. I'm sure a lot of people feel that the flying dwarf and flying shark armies don't fit the setting 🥴
  3. It's more like Stonehorns are good I think. I'd be really interested to learn how Nathan played that list, especially the mournfang units.
  4. A player called Nathan Watson just won Tempest 2020 with this Eurlbad list: He went 5-0 and played another Mawtribes round 1 (a jorlbad + skal). Both players took some variant of thermalrider stonehorn. Round 2 was vs Beasts of Chaos. Round 3 was vs the 3rd place Tzeentch player. Who took like 18 flamers in a changehost. Round 4 was vs the 6th place Slaanesh player. Round 5 was the 2nd place Tzeentch guy.
  5. They look brilliant. I particularly love the bases. Are they some kind of GW basing kit or from some other source?
  6. Should I use riderless spiderfang grots as frost sabre proxies? And convert an icebrow hunter with spidery bits from the unused grots to ambush with them? Huh, should I?
  7. Hoping it's a Braggoth (Of Braggoth's Beasthammer) Varduk upgrade sprue for the stonehorn with an alternate head, armour and of course rider.
  8. Tasty as they might be, those morsels are common decoration for Beastclaw Raiders
  9. Destruction vs Destruction Meatfist vs Boulderhead On the Gutbusters side: - A new Overtyrant model, Globb Glittermaw - 8 Ironguts On the Beastclaw Raiders side: - 1 Stonehorn with a Braggoth Varduk upgrade sprue - 4 Mournfang Cavalry
  10. Dang! Let me try again. Skal is there too. That isnt nearly as satisfying haha
  11. Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes- Mawtribe: BoulderheadMortal Realm: ShyishLeadersFrostlord on Stonehorn (400)- Artefact: Ethereal Amulet- Mount Trait: MetalcruncherFrostlord on Stonehorn (400)- Artefact: Brand of the Svard- Mount Trait: Black ClatterhornIcebrow Hunter (120)- General- Trait: Lord of BeastsButcher (140)- Tenderiser- Lore of Gutmagic: RibcrackerBattleline2 x Frost Sabres (40)12 x Ogor Gluttons (400)- Pairs of Clubs or Blades12 x Ogor Gluttons (400)- Pairs of Clubs or BladesBattalionsSkal (100)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 140 How about this?
  12. What are we thinking the (double) stonehorn plus gutbusters list consists of then?
  13. Their ranged output is unbelievable. Unbelievably underwhelming!!!! You're lucky to do 6 mortal wounds against a unit of 20., you used to just do 6 anyway, regardless of unit size. And it costs you between 300 and 390 points for a monster than doesnt do anything well. Pretty awful honestly. Think most of us have shelved the thundertusk at this point tbh.
  14. I love my leadbelchers very much and love them even more in underguts. But why is it that I feel guilty for not taking ironblasters with them? I feel like I'm 'wasting' the command ability if I don't bring them in a list. I dont even like the model that much tbh and I feel like instead of taking 4 of them I could just have 12 more leadbelchers. Ironblasters, I feel like our first instinct upon seeing the new warscroll was: "oh its still bad." Maybe we were right the first time? For me you need a gutguard to take trophy rack so you can hit on 3s and not feel so swingy. (Its nice on the leadbelchers too) but I feel like those units should hit on 3s in shooting anyway. Trophy rack just makes me want to bunch up in that little bubble.
  15. Ogors feel pretty isolated in destruction. Orruks and Grots can ally to eachother pretty freely. All Mawtribes have is Troggoths and Gargants. Hopefully some kind of Gargant army pops up that gives me more allies.
  16. Selling off excess arkanauts. Not a fan of the new warscroll so don't want as many! All still in shrink wrap, never opened or used. Asking for £70 including postage.
  17. Honestly the only reason I dont have one is because it didnt feel right to waste that Winterbite command trait, hence the hunter and cats.
  18. This MSU style intrigues me. Right now I'm reading about the new Tzeentch Flamers, and how horrific their shooting power can be. Obscene firepower. I feel like we could be in for a shooting meta. With changehost teleporting flamers and high-flying KO skyvessels popping up in our faces, maybe... just maybe, it's time to try Winterbite. MSU by itself is a pretty good way to blunt massed shooting, but a -1 to hit on top of that doesn't hurt. Here's a dumb list I had in mind: Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes- Mawtribe: WinterbiteLeadersIcebrow Hunter (120)- General- Trait: Wintertouched- Artefact: FrostfangFirebelly (120)- Lore of the Sun-Eater: Billowing AshBattleline3 x Ogor Gluttons (120)- Pairs of Clubs or Blades3 x Ogor Gluttons (120)- Pairs of Clubs or Blades3 x Ogor Gluttons (120)- Pairs of Clubs or Blades3 x Ogor Gluttons (120)- Pairs of Clubs or Blades3 x Ogor Gluttons (120)- Pairs of Clubs or Blades3 x Ogor Gluttons (120)- Pairs of Clubs or Blades3 x Ogor Gluttons (120)- Pairs of Clubs or Blades3 x Ogor Gluttons (120)- Pairs of Clubs or Blades4 x Frost Sabres (80)4 x Frost Sabres (80)Units2 x Leadbelchers (80)2 x Leadbelchers (80)2 x Leadbelchers (80)2 x Leadbelchers (80)2 x Leadbelchers (80)2 x Leadbelchers (80)2 x Leadbelchers (80)2 x Leadbelchers (80)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 190 It's a 20 drop list, what do you think? 😂
  19. Fair assessment. Wish they'd at least given them different names then. Like Aethermatic Rotor Cannon or something for the better ones.
  20. It's 2 skyhooks+4 pistols he's talking about.
  21. So why is it that the aethermatic volley gun has a different range depending on which unit is wielding it? I get having different hit rolls but... The most offending one to me is comparing the Arkanaut Company and Thundrik's Profiteers. Both models are privateers with the same gun, why the 6" discrepancy? Is Enrik Ironhail that bad of a dude?
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