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About this blog

This is going to chronicle my journey as I work on a passion project. It's been a long time since I really, truly cared about an army. This may stoke the fires. 


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Entries in this blog

In the Face of Doom!

As we all know, Bonereapers are pretty much kicked in the jimmy with 3.0. That said, I won't be deterred. Many other toys have distracted me from them, but I just finished a few quick job models and wanted to share. I have no idea when, or if, I'll ever spend the time needed to make a truly nice looking model for this army, but at least I'm still churning. Here they are.


Sleboda in Models


Hi all, It's been a bit since I've added more Bonereapers, and that's because of 40K. As you can see, Necrons have pulled me back in.   I'll be back to my bone guys soon, but at least I'm working on something!  



More Stuff Added

Just a minor update. I've added another five Deathriders to the army, bringing the total to 10. I acted on the earlier suggestion to create a greater dark to light range in the reds and am pleased. I'm still not using great lighting for photos, but in person I can tell this batch is better. Up next, Stalkers and a new hero.



Been a While. New Stuff!

I know it's been a bit, but here we are. Covid, Trump, the Cleveland Browns. It's all evil and distracts me from the hobby.  I've made progress. I'm over 1500 points now!!! I clearly will need to go back and add dark brown lines between the bones, but that's a thing to do to the whole army at once later on. For now, here we are.   Crawler and Big Guy ready.



First Battle!

This evening I played Take and Hold vs @TwiceIfILikeIt. She crushed me in two turns with her squigs. The deathriders and Zandtos were eaten by a mangler. The Guard were downed by hoppers. My Boneshaper and other Guard could not leave our objective, and even if they could, they were too slow to get to the other side. The Shieldwall re-roll saved not one single wound, and the Deathless Warriors roll saved about two wounds. Oh, plus, not a single 6 on hit rolls with Nadirite weapons all g



Almost 1000

I just finished a Liege. Here he is. Probably the last model I'll finish as a free American, but at least it's done. I was a bit more focused on cleaner lines, but it's still sloppy. I'm old. I don't paint as well as I used to. Yes is about as good as I can be now. Oh well. Hi there, all.  



First Finished Hero

I just finished the first of three Boneshapers. Now I have 850 pts ready to go. Getting close to my first game.   I experimented with this guy, and the remaining characters will benefit. He's got issues, but that's ok.   Anyone got some Lamenters Yellow they want to sell/trade?  



So Close to a Legit Force

I just wrapped up the first cavalry unit. Several nights were spent in a mental state not conducive to detail work, but oh well. 🙂 I just need to finish two more Mortek Guard and a hero to get them on the table (though some already were in a winning game of Warcry). This is getting exciting!



Current Status

Lots to assemble (pictured), 32 painted (pictured), plus lots assembled but not primed yet (pictured previously). Progress! I did the math finally, and I have about 9500 points in the house, not including any battalions. So much fun!!!



All My Bases (and Boobies)

The rest of my bases have arrived. See the awesomeness below, plus @TwiceIfILikeIt and her contribution. #dragonforgedesigns



WIP Stalker

I'm giving myself a treat and painting something other than a Mortek - a Stalker! Largely it will follow the scheme of the Mortek, but there is one big difference in that their weapons are not Nadirite. They, and other models in the army, have Spirit Weapons and they should be different. Normally I'd go with eerie green, but since the bases are a different green, I'm looking to do something different.  Something ... purple? It's an important decision as all "spirit" weapons in the



Pile of Shame? Nah.

This is what is assembled at the moment . Stuff in the works. Some waiting for priming, some for bases. Loving this project! Second photo is the stuff still in boxes. So no shame.



Woo hoo! Twenty done!

I had 10 guys done already, and was adding more, but as of tonight I have added the standard bearer and champion, so now I feel like I have a proper 20-man unit ready for the table.     Yay!



First 2020 Models Done

I have completed four more models for the army. That takes me to 18! Next up, a standard bearer and champion to complete the unit of 20. Whoo hoo! For those who have been following, I'm interested in ideas for the color of the actual flag on the banner bearer. Introduce another main-ish color? I'm torn.



First Legal Unit Done

It's 10 guys with no command models, but it's legit! 10 more are on the table now, with command options in the third group. Still, for now I'm happy.  



My Bases Have Arrived!!!

Ok, so, like, it's half of them, but geeze. They are awesome.  Thanks to Dragon Forge for the awesome work. So cool! I'm still experimenting with options and would love to hear opinions from all of you.  What do you like?  



Assembly Progress

My bases should arrive this coming week. Until then, I build. So far, there has been a defect in the casting of three chest pieces in the Stalker kit. One of the "stalks" breaks at the same point on each bit with even the slightest but of pressure. It stinks, but it's something I've seen in GW plastics for decades, so I'll deal with it. That said, here is what I've been putting together the last few nights.



A Scheme I Won't Use

I've decided to go with resin bases instead of textured ones. I ordered them ($666 worth! Lol!), but they won't be here for a bit yet, so I'm in a bit of a holding pattern until they arrive. In the interim, I've done another very quick color scheme that mirrors what I did in an early TK army of mine. I won't be using it for my Bonereapers, but I thought I'd share it.  



Starting ... Now

Over the years I've painted multiple undead armies, including several Tomb Kings forces. It's kinda my jam.  Then they went away. Tomb Kings were crushed. Generic undead armies were ... well ... made 'meh.' Nighthaunts were cool but not really my giggidee. Flesh Eaters? Nah. Not really undead in my book. Now we have Bonereapers. Utter control. Cold calculation. Enforcing of a dominating will.  Bones.   Hell yes.   This blog will journal my experience with



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