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Everything posted by DantePQ

  1. And why not? For example Warcraft Elves are anything like WFB/Tolkien Elves
  2. Wow it's suits this description on the Atia blog perfectly. So surprise surprise we might not get any Malerion or Tyrion/Teclis armies soon but new Aelf God also Mistweaver could suit nicely https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Mathlann
  3. But it has some kind of Death feel to it, but I doubt they would release new Death Battletome shortly after Nagash. I guess maybe Aelves are coming.
  4. Any gueses ? https://www.facebook.com/WarhammerTVteam/videos/530620190666297/
  5. Yep but that was somehow expected I need to see actual model
  6. Yep but that was somehow expected I need to see actual model
  7. Could they just show us the model already? Anyway I guess DoK are coming really soon.
  8. What not to like about band of half-naked (or naked if you have some older models) Witch Aelves
  9. I'm with you on that. I played Sylvaneth and like them model wise and playstyle wise but DoK got me really, really excited. I would like another Aelf faction but if DoK are all aleves we get in 2018 I am still super happy about them
  10. Unless But given that it is supposed to be about some kind of new release I doubt there are Aelves behind those clocks
  11. Give us those Aleves please not some useless clocks
  12. Yep lord Ordinator also had lists with old machines I doubt it means new Death minis anytime soon.
  13. Doubt it, maybe it's coming but it could be monts away, even possibly 2019.
  14. Ok my bad it was my first fast look It sure looks like something Death
  15. New rumor engine looks Aelvish https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/02/06/rumour-engine-6th-february-2018/
  16. Thanks a love winter scheme as well it looks different then other Sylvaneth armies
  17. I think it's a shame that next two warbands after Fyrelslayers and Skaven are again Khorne and SCE. With so many factions that need some love (Daughters of Khaine, Wanderers,Nurgle,Free People, Vampires) we are getting another round of Khorne vs SCE
  18. DantePQ


    I changed her head becasue I hate original head, now she looks like much better.
  19. Famous Spirit of Durth protecting holy wood.
  20. DantePQ


    By Drycha ( tiny kitbash) ready to charge and wreak havoc against enemies of Sylvaneth
  21. My army fighting against BCR.
  22. Those dices does look good but are useless as majority of GW dices. I don't get that they replaced two results with some symbols. One is cool but two symbols are just confusing. Once I tried to play with Tzeentch dices - it was horrible.
  23. Sure but they are pushing older kits as new models and leaders with this BT so there won't be any new Death models anytime soon. Any new models will be released along new Death faction/factions which for sure will be KO like releases. But after that BT I wouldn't expect them anytime soon (maybe holiday season/new year).
  24. Maybe they need some new models but they have one of the biggest ranges. And majority of it are quite new plastic boxes and then there is ET stuff. I doubt they will get anything unless it's new faction as GW doesn't care Eldar line is majority of units in finecast and much older then any Death model/unit.
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