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Everything posted by Praecautus

  1. A flyer would be handy to take out the pesky heroes hiding at the back. Maybe something like Prince Blood secrator Priest Priest Gaunt summoner Skarr Blood reavers Blood warriors Blood warriors Gorepilgrims Other stuff to 2k endless spell and or bale wind It will be a lot of drops and I feel odd not having blood stoker and a third priest or even trying the aspiring death bringer. On plus side decent anti magic ability to remove endless spell some tithe built in lots of bodies I like gore pilgrims a lot Summoner can bring 10 blood letters on each turn via realm gate for free some of my other models could make up for the missing heros eg the shrine Could be the starting point and then modify it
  2. Thanks gore pilgrims seems like an obvious choice, maybe with a wizard ally and then summon daemons in. I think I have too many heroes and i can no longer see wood for the trees ?
  3. Fellow skull collectors, I intend not to give up on khorne in this edition. However, I am at a loss as to how to build my list for this edition. So seeking advice on what list to build. Would rather not buy new units yet as I have enough on my plate to paint (well maybe a box, certainly no more than 2 or so...) I have the following Daemons WoK blood thirster Daemon prince Herald of khorne on foot 10 blood letters Skull cannon Mortals Mighty lord of khorne Lord of khorne on juggernaut 3 priests Blood secrator Blood stoker aspiring death bringer 2 exalted death bringers skull grinder Valkia the bloody Skarr bloodwrath 40 reavers 20 blood warriors 5 skull reapers 5 wrath mongers 2 gore chariots chaos warshrine 3 khorgorath 3 skull crushers Allies Gaunt summoner Chaos sorceror 5 blight kings Balewind Help me TGA you are my only hope!
  4. Blades of khorne army w gore pilgrims - 3 priests and a shrine w khorne mark all taking bronze flesh. Lot of points but it can make 1 or 2 unitshard to shift. You could not have gore pilgrims but it makes the bronzes fleshes more reliable
  5. Just seen that and now I am contemplating a 22 wound model with 4 bronzed flesh on it running around...
  6. Awesome again You don't even paint your cards! The grey ocean of plastic despair with a scowling 12 year old behind it Its an army of sheets
  7. Bases done on this guy. When done he can go on this chariot
  8. Daemon weapons, and have a blood stoker near them for his buff. Eventually they will kill enough to not need the buff.
  9. Love it People can see what nerds think is cool, it's called deadpool You're not Patton! I'm trying to glue some deepkin and you guys are making it impossible
  10. I have been wondering about a shrine and aspiring death bringer combo. It's a similar points to 2 secrator and is harder to shift in terms of wounds. Plus you get an additional 2 prayers for 1 hero slot. You lose the sorcery reroll but with al the unbind a and the range of 30 is that an issue. The only downside is battleshock, but if running msu and needing tithe to summon that may not be so bad.
  11. The question to ask is do you like the look of The bloodbound mortals or daemons or both? If you want a mortal only army then the start collecting box and old start set is about 1000 to 1100 points in old AoS points. It will give you lots to play with and try out plus 4 fun heroes. Slaves can be mixed into if you like. If you like daemons then it's pretty much wok bt with blood letters in blocks of 30 and a blood stoker (whip guy) and blood secrator on top. The blood thirsted may be overkill at this level. our army works by the heros getting the troops to punch above their weight. It's a really engaging army but you need to track a lot. Bearig in mind AoS 2 may change this
  12. A second gore beast chariot for my khorne horde. This one will be commanded by the exalted death bringer w spear. He may do better on a chariot than he does on foot.
  13. Trying my hand at a different skin tone to usual.
  14. Khorne shrine master just had his bases applied and then on to the washes. Also built his ride.
  15. Thank you, glad you like it. I am enjoying painting it and can't wait to o get it on the table.
  16. Khorne has blessed my warshrine with a many armed blood letter, fire and incense.
  17. It's almost Wednesday and here is the product of my last couple of evenings work.i am liking the wood planks.
  18. Lord Castellant Arvios Sunhelm has been started. Got a few more evenings with this chap. And here we are a few days later
  19. @syph0n As mentioned earlier, full recipe is- prime black rakarth flesh for skin reikland flesh for skin highlight w flayed one flesh
  20. Thanks, at this stage it was Rakarth flesh over black primer. It takes a couple of thin coats at least to get a good coverage. It then got shaded and highlighted, I can provide full recipe later on when back home
  21. My adventures underneath Hammerhal continue. Waiting for wash to dry on 3 putrid blight kings. Next step will be to add some screaming skull highlights to the raised parts of the skin and then start the armour. Good few evenings left with these 3.
  22. That bloody emo/new romantic hair of his! And probably the cutlass and bone. but definately the hair
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