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Everything posted by Freejack02

  1. Gryph would still see use if they had kept it a single model instead of trying to push the ridiculous packs of them on us. Warning Cry alone made them useful when they were 40 points; no one is going to pay 120 for them without a rules overhaul. Unfortunately I think SCE just has too many units for them to care about the forgotten ones. The entire reason I collected Stormcast first was because I loved the look of Prosecutors - and they've been dreadful for a long time now.
  2. I don't see the point of the Gryph Hounds... it seems like there is zero reason to take them over Aetherwings in any list unless you have a good shooting unit to take advantage of Warning Cry (which this list doesn't). Swapping would allow you to replace the Libs with more Sequitors; though I don't know if that's the best use of the points.
  3. I've seen people psyched for this being available, but I just cannot see how it will be even remotely effective. Once you lose the Longstrikes the list looks like it has no punch whatsoever - how do you expect it to excel in competitive? Edit: Also regarding the Anvils list that you ran in the '18/'19 days, do you still expect it to be able to hit a consistent 4-1? Seems like power creep also hits that one pretty hard.
  4. What SCE lists do you see pushing for 4-1? I've been away from the game for a while, and haven't touched my Stormcast lately.
  5. It really does - that's how opinions work. The massive hammer-head looks out of place with the slender Aelven frames in my eyes. If you want to "breathe new life into fantasy aesthetics", then something a little more inspired than "hammer" would likely do a better job of it.
  6. Hammers on Aelves just looks wrong, no other way to put it. I'm excited, but combined with how bad I think the Teclis sculpt looks I'm not going to get my hopes up on loving the rest of the aesthetic...
  7. In a 1k game you're talking about 26% of your points into a single fragile unit - 6 wounds with a 6+ save... there's a LOT of stuff that can pop that before you get a chance to summon. If you're talking about bringing in 2 of them - that's 520 and you still don't even have Battleline addressed. I think they're good - but they are expensive.
  8. I keep seeing people mention 10 pinks for "free" from the Gaunt, but I think that's the wrong way to look at it. The only way those Pinks would be free is if you would take the GSoD without any summons ability; paying the full 260 points. Would you pay 260 for just a GSoD? No - I'm pretty sure no one would... which means the summons aren't "free". In reality, the Gaunt on Disc is probably worth ~160 on his own, so what you're really getting is a 100 point discount on a unit of Pinks that comes with a few downsides: 1. They don't count towards battleline (somewhat huge). 2. They can be wiped out before they ever hit the table if the GSoD gets alpha'd (big concern). 3. One less spell the turn of summoning (meh). The major upside is that the Pinks can move and shoot/charge the turn you place them, which really gives some flexibility on deployment if you can safely start the GS on the forward lines. Are they a good unit? Yes, they're quite efficient with the summons... but are they OP? No, I don't personally think so.
  9. People play competitive events to compete...obviously I can't speak for every individual, but by and large I am comfortable saying that. I don't think there is a real difference between the racing engineer crafting parts wanting to be the best and a tzeentch player crafting lists wanting to be the best.
  10. The same reason why an attorney who finds a new niche in written laws becomes praised by their firm, or a racing engineer becomes a hero for figuring out how they can shave another 10 pounds off a car - it's natural to look for a competitive edge within the rule-set given to them. Competition breeds creative thinking, pure and simple.
  11. Because the GW rules writers are legitimately bad at their collective job... there's simply no other conclusion. When new release rules need immediate erratas, and those erratas need immediate erratas... people just aren't being held accountable for their work. Time and time again we've seen this; and I don't expect it to change.
  12. I'm pretty surprised that people are still complaining even after all the broken aspects got addressed. If your complaint lies solely in chucking 20 Pinks down the field - this isn't exactly a unique (or new) strategy; hell Sayl did that for years. Are Horrors still good? Yes. Can a block of Flamers still jump forward and roast something? Probably. Changehost still a 1-drop? Yep. Is any of this going to unbalance Tzeentch and let them run rampant with an 75% winrate? Sure as hell shouldn't.
  13. I think the only surprising change was on the LoC no longer changing casting rolls on DD - the rest just seemed like common sense. All those people who were adamant that the battleshock DD changes were intentional/good, or that Kairos being summoned was intentional, need to remember that we're dealing with the GW rules team here... it's takes a few runs to get it right.
  14. There is no single reason Horrors are so strong right now, it's a combination of things... DD ignoring any battleshock losses being one of them. Change that, and they become less effective... it's not rocket science. I understand that you are against the change (I'm not especially for it, I just expect it to happen), but saying it doesn't warrant a change because competent players will just ignore the effects is just silly. A problem is worth addressing even if you can't fix 100% of the things at once.
  15. You do realize that a hero has to be within 6" of the unit to do that right? Or the general within 12"? That's not always going to happen, especially if an enemy charge kills that hero or shooting snipes them off. Saying that the ability to negate any battleshock roll on Horrors from anywhere on the board isn't strong is just disingenuous. It means that a unit of Horrors can fight for an objective across the board with complete autonomy and be a real problem - that's not something to be understated.
  16. It "clearly" doesn't. I agree that the DD + Battleshock interaction will likely be changed, but I think Changehost will see some sort of nerf as well. Whether it's a points increase or a confirmation roll on the teleports, I don't think it's likely it'll get through unscathed.
  17. Heh, I'm probably 70/100 the other way truth be told. We'll see how it plays out and if I'm wrong, and we're ever at an event together, first round is on me.
  18. I play Tzeentch. I don't think that using a single DD of any value was intended to completely stop all battleshock tests - if it was then it's just another case of playtesting/ruleswriting failing miserably. Yes they are being spent faster than before, but you don't HAVE to use them on every early casting or charge roll - that's the cost of guaranteeing success... it's a finite resource. Not to mention with something casting Glimpse every turn you get another one regardless of what is rolled, where before it was only a 1 or 6. In short, if they go quick it's because you're using them to guarantee casts/charges/etc in a game built on chance - that's a price I will gladly pay in the early turns.
  19. Changehost is absurdly strong; these results shouldn't be surprising... when I read the new battalion rules my eyes popped out of my head. I hope GW doesn't go crazy with the nerfs, here's where I would start: 1. Require a confirmation roll for each unit before it can teleport (probably 3+ or 4+). 2. 100% need change the current DD / Battleshock roll interaction; that is clearly overpowerd on Horrors and just overbuffs an already strong faction ability. 3. Horrors are pretty damn efficient currently, either tweak the way/amount they split or increase the points slightly to 220. 4. Possibly up the points of Changehost itself, maybe 220. I honestly think that's all it would take to bring the Changehost down to earth, however I have yet to play the new iteration. I don't believe Flamers are too powerful (they are complete glass and not even overtuned on offfense), it's just the ability to teleport them around the table at-will completely makes up for their flaws.
  20. I don't think you can, as he's not a legal unit in the actual summon list (that lists Lord of Change by name, not keyword)... but then idk why they used the keyword format when explaining the GoS abilities. Interesting.
  21. I somewhat agree, but you don't have to use his Arch-Deceiver deployment - which means he just acts as a normal 2/2 Wizard for 120 points (which is great value). Not having a warscroll spell hurts, but as already discussed above Endless Spells give him a real purpose along with the Puckish debuff.
  22. I can't sell you on it, but I can tell you that your initial response to the spell was correct - it's garbage. Let me elaborate why (I think that): Bravery debuffing in AoS has a history of being ignored for 2 reasons. One, because ~50% of the targets you would want to use your spells/resources on are single models (Monsters, Heroes, Etc) where debuffing bravery will have next to zero effect. Two, because for years now, GW has been moving away from making the battleshock phase impactful. The incredible number of ways to straight up ignore battleshock (which is supposed to be an important core mechanic used to keep horde units balanced and in-line) in my opinion further relegates bravery-bomb abilities to the bin. So if you: 1. Get your fragile casters within range of something that is actually useful to target with this spell 2. Make the 8+ casting roll 3. Don't get dispelled 4. Roll the "confirmation" 3+ for some absurd reason ... you will be rewarded with 1-3 damage and stripping away 1-3 Bravery from the target. This is an Endless Spell btw, this costs points. Of course for that to matter at all, the opponent needs to not be playing with some sweeping "ignore Battleshock" ability, not be near a hero, and/or have no available CPs to protect their (presumably important) unit. Off the top of my head, all the things that will laugh at seeing this: EVERY Hero, EVERY single-model Monster or Greater Daemon, ANY unit in a Nagash list, ANY Bonereaper unit, Damn near any Skaven unit, half of SCE units, etc... the list can go on and on. For being one of (if not THE) most prevalent magical caster factions in Warhammer lore... this makes me a bit sad.
  23. Didn't see this posted yet, but we have confirmation on a new boxed set with new Battletome in January: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/12/25/happy-christmas-from-warhammer-communitygw-homepage-post-1/ I'm thrilled to have new options for Tzeentch (and pretty happy that KO might finally get the rewrite they so desperately deserve)!
  24. Flamers 100% deserve their time in the sun, they've been bad the entirety of AoS. Chariots haven't been great, but playable, but I don't think Kairic Acolytes will see much more than they get now.
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