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Everything posted by phizzco

  1. Do you really have other units though with 1600 points in blood wars? lol
  2. painting bloodreavers is the only thing i think that could be worse, they have every type of surface (skin, metal, cloth, leather) and they die in DROOOOVES immediately.
  3. I really like the model but they're so bad..... I wish they were a little better then I could justify buying them.
  4. what about leveraging valkia for 12' move +6-7 times d3 wounds on her attacks?
  5. Stupid question but can you use a blood tithe ability AND summon in the same turn to use all of your points, like you can summon more than 1 type of unit?
  6. I think the big issues is battleshock unless youre running tons of small units.
  7. Just feels like a waste:( never going to play the models. AH WELL.
  8. I really don't want to buy chosen axes and farstriders so are their replacement cards I can use and still be competitive?
  9. How do they perform? Wouldn't it be better to run reapers or another set of warriors or something instead?
  10. whats the purpose of the two named unit at the end?
  11. Another great barrel. Thank you. Questions: 1. What is nagash's casting range? 2. What casting bonuses do nighthaunt get that make unbinding difficult? They easily succeed on the forces rr??
  12. I've been reading this feeling super negative lately so I'm going to take a break lol
  13. This is hilariously stupid... Would I get barred at a tourney for having the old base?
  14. nvm I saw your video tutorial further up. going to watch.
  15. Hey so for this army, the weapons, how are you doing the nmm? White.... blended with blue... then blue/black? what kinda blue?
  16. Any tips on deck building strategy?
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