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Everything posted by hobgoblinclub

  1. The problem with GW doing a GUO is that the Forge World one is great. Granted, it's too small, but it looks exactly like the art.
  2. £15 for a hardback Battletome is nuts! Loved the early cheap ones like Pestilens. I was convinced we'd see them creep up and up in price as they added more content and fleshed the game out. Looks like it's going the other way! At this price, I'll buy them for armies I'm only half interested in. Great move by GW!
  3. I've been hoping that Steamhead get the ironbreakers and Irondrakes, and longbeards and hammerers go in another faction. This is halfway there.
  4. I wonder if they've shuffled their release schedule since then. Maybe duardin were on the way but Tzeentch got bumped?
  5. That'd be nice. The Tzeentch lord on disc has that rule but the Herald of Tzeentch on disc doesn't, so who knows.
  6. No, sadly not. It was an amalgamation of things a few others had posted.
  7. @Painted by G's list was a bit of an old school mixed orc list, with some brutes thrown in. It won best painted so the photos are on the Warhammer Community site.
  8. It was @Ben Johnsonvs @Painted by G. The one with the plans was @Painted by G. Super nerdy preparation!
  9. Cheers Steve. They got some love over the weekend. I only realised after our game that we forgot to stick the rest of my characters in the trap!
  10. Very odd. They could have given Thanquol and Boneripper the Moulder keyword too and given us some options.
  11. No! Imagine how dull a Tzeentch wizard and horror spam list would be! Yes! If Skryre can have stormfiends as battleline, Moulder should definitely get ready ogors. Giant Rats, pfft! It might be pointless giving Moulder any sort of allegiance abilities, however, until they get a character other than the packmasters. They need something bigger...like a warlord on Brood Horror?
  12. I've not seen this survey yet as I'm a bit behind with my podcast listening. I'll check it out. I've no doubt GW will change quite a few of the points with each GHB. There's no danger in it, as any errors could be fixed the following year (or sooner by errata if there's a major mistake). It's already evident how much feedback has improved AoS. If you look at how far it's come in a year, and how much GW have engaged with the community, and continue to do so, it only bodes well for game. GW's golden age may yet lie ahead of us.
  13. Great bases! They really come into their own on the big models. Excellent stuff!
  14. Oh no! Does this mean we'll be getting a muscly Lord of Change?
  15. Not a massive fan of the tzaangors. I'm looking forward to seeing some new Tzeentch stuff though.
  16. They had these houses at Warhammer Fest a while back. They're lovely but I feel they're a little small for the super heroic looking AoS minis.
  17. You don't need to raise the points of the bonesplittaz, just the rukk. People could take it but it'd leave them with very little else. I agree. They should expand the list of battleline, particularly for destruction. It'd be cool to be able to run troggoth and gargant armies.
  18. I can't imagine a situation where simply changing the points wouldn't fix any issues. No matter how powerful something is, X amount of anything else is going to beat it.
  19. I'm really not sure how. I'm not even sure it's an arm any more. The keys look like they're attached to far along to be held in fingers. The 'arm' looks necron but the keys look AoS. Great puzzler!
  20. It does! I'm gonna try for 2/3 armies this year.
  21. The only thing I didn't think was super awesome all weekend was the 500 on the Friday night. At 45 minutes each game it was so rushed I didn't have time to enjoy them. There was no downtime in between to pause. I'm not sure how you'd fix this @Benif you want to avoid it running really late. Maybe ditch it in favour of seminars or get some doubles events on the go. Or you could put on daft things like AoS hero racing. It's obviously a smaller crowd on the Friday night, it'd be nice to get a bit of a party atmosphere going.
  22. Cheers for a great event Ben. Loved my tournament debut! I was thinking it'd be amazing if we saw the event get a feature in White Dwarf. A special report of 6/8 pages would be fantastic. Rob Symes mentioned they're planning to cover an AoS event every month next year. It'd make a great regular part of the new magazine.
  23. So pleased I made my Mouse Trap terrain in the end. I won a prize of two 3D printed realm gates for 'best terrain'. 'Silliest Terrain' might have been more appropriate, judging by the quality of some of what was on show. Super chuffed to win something at my first tournament though. I just need a silly idea for next year...
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