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Everything posted by Popisdead

  1. I'm not sure what high street means and I understand the UK GW presence is fairly unique. Where I live (North America ) I know GW has historically and currently pushed for additional stores buying into the product line even with a local GW. There have been times stores across the street from each other carried GW.
  2. So thinking about a nearly all Wanderer LC, just to make use of as many Wanderer models instead of my Sylvaneth and dragons, and phoenixes. . NP - General, Ironoak and spear (I quite like this guy in combat supporting) Sorceress (adjutant) 10 Darkshards (Retinue) 10 Wildriders 20 Rangers 20 EG 5 SotT 4 x 10 SotW (ambush) (or 2 x 20) Lifeswarm balewind (or palisades maybe makes more sense). Command point -2k I love my Wanderers a lot and I feel you can slightly shift this list up a bit (2 x 20 SotW) and make it Tempest Eye and it could work decently.
  3. Keep in mind, you just need to buy the book for your codex. And a lot of people were happy to get rules that made their older units (looking at my Aspect craftworld army that is fully painted) and felt it gave it a boost. I would never be negative towards new content for army support. This is a luxury hobby complaint . Is the Slaanesh battletome even one year old? Why would that be redone it is still solid. Boy,.. that rug got pulled out from under our feet pretty fast. It felt like it started so good. They will never un-squat Gitmob or Greenskinz and they can't copyright french knights from the medieval period. You mean,.. the calendar? "oh look, a major game was released in July, just like it has been for as long as anyone cares to remember" It was a talk on the Honest Wargamer and if you look at it divested from your armies it makes sense and I see it happening. Granted I thought it was going to happen in AoS at the beginning. Move away from hordes, then they turned around and found a way to sell people on hordes. I heard all the tournaments have stated 5x4 is the new standard? Meaning that's the game size the meta, podcasts, forum posts will settle on. At the local GW store, every game is a 6x4, plus stuff on the floor under and a dead pile and books on the games table next to them. If they could have 3 tables vs 2 they will most assuredly move that way. More games played means more models sold. A really valid point is if you have 200 models and play on a 6x4, the game is slow, takes up room, requires a lot to get to that level. If you have a game that can be played on a smaller table with less terrain and models that can be played in a wider variety of stores. Also Crusade sounds like a pretty good way to get people into new armies and play them. They might be working on Path to Glory to be balanced (the only real issue I had with that game as it was fun) so they could sell a Getting Started to a kid and he can roll up a warband and expand his or her army. People think they are looking at GW like a static company. While some IP is constantly rehashed we are currently watching Space Marines being squatted for Primaris. Don't think the GW we are seeing now and the games now are the way it will be in 5-10 years. The business world is in a "agile" lifecycle and GW did a fail-fast pretty hard on AoS 5 or 6 years ago. and now look at it. And think about it in 5 more years. If you have small games played in the back of games cafes or comic shops that's good market penetration, expansion and sales. I wouldn't be surprised for GW to be working on some method of iPad Point-of-Sales "unit" to distribute out to say a comic shop so kids could just order models to that store, they get a cut but the purchasing and shipping is done by GW rather than the shop's owners.
  4. There were some details a few pages back about them. Someone mathed out some details regarding damage output per point. Hellflayers didn't come out great but Seekers (with heroes) weren't terrible, just not super high in wounds for Depravity. I would recommend scrolling back and reading looking for the post.
  5. You may also find a lot of us are converting and happily playing Wanderers in LC (where they aren't terrible). My GG have mostly female torso's so I'm greenstuffing some flames on their bows. Same with Waywatchers. I know some people use those as Shadow WArriors but SotW are to LC and AoS 2.0 to what GG were at the end of 6th. Just solid scary shooting from 10-models. Plus I feel CoS is a converter's army. You see steam-punk style stuff all the time. I'm converting my Warhawk Riders to Gyrocopters by adding bitz to represent their attacks for LC. I have uh. Decimators? but using some old Great Stag models. It isn't uncommon to see stuff converted over from older editions.
  6. LC by far. Sylvaneth is just so weak overall. Sylvaneth have lost some cohesion from the last book. They need a book re-write to be honest. Keep in mind I think you can make a descent army with just Wanderers and then add some flavourful stuff from the rest of the CoS book. The Griffon Freeguild general is a combat beast in LC with a couple additions from the allegiance page. Keep in mind not all the good stuff works. Durthu is drastically better in Sylvaneth than in LC. But Drycha is good, Alarielle can be good.
  7. Oh haha no no I love your advice; I was being a smart ass after I mathed it out. Thanks for the tip about a 20-man for Rangers. Do you usually DS Rangers? What about pairing with a Nomad Prince or more? I'm finding,.. buffs for Wanderers are pricey and tricky. I want bodies on the table and LC rewards multi-wound over lots of support heroes.
  8. Personally I like them but I own 30 metal ones from 2005 and 20 are painted. So,.. guess what infantry spear elf unit from CoS I'm using 😉 They are good, a price drop would be nice only cause internal balance (and tournament lists)0o9u8o90p-90 shows there are better options. It will just be hard to get 30 off an objective and they can have some surprisingly good output. I'm a wanderer player using CoS not a CoS player looking to build a list. Thanks kindly. I have 20 (and a load of Wardancers that I was thinking of proxying). What you might find is the Deep Striking forcers your opponent to make mistakes or not be as aggressive. Plus range, I've dropped 10 SotW and 20 SWs and removed a massive block of DE crossbow threat. With terrain I was also able to keep both units from being easy targets to pick off though that isn't always the case. IIRC you don't need to drop the units in first turn do you? Someone, several pages back, detailed LC key points. I cannot remember who and you have to search slowly as he used Hidden Contents for his explanations. Key points are DS shenanigans to throw your opponent off and a strong melee threat. I recommend reading it. Alarielle is a good warscroll to look at for LC. I guess you can't put the Gryphfeather charm on a Hurricanum to keep up with her can you? I struggle with anything 4+ on few attacks. Dice Spiking can punish you hard. If there was a way to make her attacks more reliable and she came with a Damage Prevention Roll then she would be better. Ignoring the 200 points summoning, is she worth 400 points? Sort of. If her beetles attacks were 3+ and +1 vs Hordes I would have way more incentive to field her. AoS has stagnated a bit as there are two armies on the queue, SotW could be really good vs Sons of Behemat, could be good vs Mountain Cows of Lumineth, and MW output is good vs, I think it is Petrifex Guard? something 3+ re rollable in new Bonereapers. Wow. Nice. IMO try 5x10. That level of Alpha shooting could scar some casual competitive people for life haha. I have 10, 20 Waywatchers, 20-30 GG. I'm converting them over cause I keep joking with a local top tier tournament winner that spamming SotW solves most problems
  9. What do you think of 10-man Rangers in 3,4,3 formation? Little 10-man missiles to launch around. Unless you are thinking of Emerald Lifeswarm to keep them alive? A buddy used to run 3,3,3,1 for White Lions in 8th in this way and I was thinking about how to use small man units more effective. Only cause Rangers don't have as good as save as EG so I"m unsure about a large block. @The Red King Not sure if you are aware but Alarielle is a named character so you cannot give her magic items. Also only EG are BL if your general is a Nomad Prince (who unlocks the rest of Wanderers as BL). Just in case you weren't aware, and I didn't see it clear in your post.
  10. I was not aware of him actually playing Sylvaneth in tournaments lately. Neat.
  11. This is a mistake. You won't teleport and ensure 6 Swords get to attack. You will get 6 Scythes. If there was a mechanism to pile-in 6"s with Swords then they would be quite useful. People who come mathhammering or using stats seem to have no experience rolling dice in a game. (not picking on your S&W). For example a 4+ to hit by Bullgors is pretty much the same as a 6+ as there is no mechanic (well,.. one mechanic now thanks to Beastgrave) to make that 4+ better or more reliable. And really when you roll a 4+ it feels and often plays out like you only hit ons 6s. This is a perceptive mechanic of the unit in-game. So this unit while really cool is very swingy. That is game experience which means future list building and game planning is based on experience. However late game, a unit of 6 Bullgors becomes pretty good as you taken out the issue of 3 Bullgors only hitting X times, the high Rend and dmg on units plus the Herdstone changes their value. If you teleport 6 Swords with Dreadwood or teleport 6 Sycthes and do that 10 times you're going to notice the difference. The problem with Mathhammering is you aren't playing the game. Coming on a forum and arguing stats shows you can use a table or do some generic median statistics.
  12. ok I'm talking about the game, not a website. I can see why there is a disagreement.
  13. This is very good advice. It is a good template for starting out. Gavespawn and Desolating are ideal places to start. I would argue 40 Ungors isn't a bad idea. 200 points and on 25 mm bases you can really flood an objective and later game they aren't taking battleshock. If you get a Chimera and you summon it in Gavespawn it will have the keyword Gavespawn so you can buff it. What spells do you take on your GBSes? I notice Tendrils of Atrophy is a default, sometimes with two but I like the +1A. Do you ambush both the 10 Bestigors and a Spawn in hopes to launch some face wrecking? I was thinking @Maddpainting (which doesn't happen often) that you could maybe do some visuals or synopsis of your game plan. I recall you do a 3-layer approach. But it would help people on the army if you explained the idea. I know you've explained it a bit. But maybe your next game write up a breakdown of how you deployed and moved and engaged as the game went on. Sorry I keep picking on you but I find you're a great asset to this thread (positive, really good and willingly helpful) and hopefully future BoC players and being a previous mod at The Herdstone I'm still stuck in my old ways of trying to promote healthy learning and tell people if they love the BoC army keep with it and it's playable
  14. Bows are swingy. That's true. But they aren't bad. I like they made a separate scroll so that they can drop the points of bows. 6 Sycthes will always do more damage than 3 swords. Reach and Rend win this argument (and have always). If you don't like that comment, you don't see swords in lists like you do scythes. Feel free to keep arguing but 5 years of Sylvaneth lists show even the old stalwarts of Swords eventually swung over (pun intended). This argument never goes away cause there is always one person making it without trying Scythes and everyone else comes to the conclusion of Scythes. I wish there was a better battalion so Dryad players didn't have to take 3 units. You kinda want 30 then spam the rest. It took a while but yeah it's got such a strong ability there as it doesn't rely on woods.
  15. Actually 3 threaten 5W heroes well. The reach of the bows is fantastic and picking off 2-3 wounds in a turn will change your opponents game play. If you have a turn of dice spiking (always happens once a game it seems) you can drop the hero then and there. And they can camp an objective taking few wounds unless it is a serious threat. While Scythes (2" reach trumps swords) are clearly the winner if you love the army and end up building up a lot of Hunters having 6 of each weapon option isn't terrible.
  16. Oh yeah we've all done that. Those old 12 Gor, 8 Ungor kits were blown out at the end of 7th when I picked up a lo of those boxes (so yeah, lots of painted Gors unused). Also all 40+ of my Pesitgors were bought dirt cheap. Even my 20 Centigors, I was paying like $10 for 5 on eBay when people wanted them gone and AoS was looming. And in 2003 when the 6th ed book came out models like Gorthor were repackaged as were chariots so I snagged some. Actually a staffer at GW built a 22 chariot army and he bitz ordered it all in different stages so he got it for pennies. Ten cents a gram. I doubt he paid $50 for the army and they were Troops back then haha.
  17. It slowed down because HoS are no longer an 80% WR army. You see a group of people who follow the latest. I've seen people bounce from BoC to HoS to CoS and around. Those people drive a lot of chatter good and bad. After a while you get the people who love the army for what it is instead of how it dominates. On another note, what are people using boob-snakes for? I guess chariot steeds is a good option? Maybe Fiends?
  18. Branchwych needs some native protection if GW feels she belongs in CC doing damage. 🙄
  19. I don't have too much an issue with TRevs other than the points being high and what's dumb is they've consistently dropped in points each year I think. It is also confusing the Arch Revenant doesn't buff (tree) revenants but instead Hunters (or make it both,..) Seems a naming misnomer. +1A on a large block of teleporting Tree Revenants from an Arch Revenant that can fly seems to make more sense.
  20. Pretty sure you can turn the first 3 sideways and have the 2" rach weapons on the second rank. Sorry the 25 Bullgors are GW minotuars (not proxies) , I have 2 ghorgons, and a mierce ghorgon and cygor. and i play people who don't care if I swap which they each count as. I have the Beasts Incarnate which could also work as a Ghorgon however I'm thinking about building a Howdah and making him a Freeguild Griffon in Living City. In 6th ed 4 man units of KHorne 2HW Minotaurs were pretty good. Just toss them away at the enemy plus they generated dispel dice. I wish 3-man Bullgor Khorne units were a threat. I don't have the Blades of Khorne book so I don't know how pure Khorne allegiance would work (viability and mechanics). I keep thinking Doombull, Ghorgon, 3 Bullgors as a "node" and just make up a bunch of those to toss at the enemy screened with Gors or just Dark Walkers. 6 Doombulls would be amazing. I have 3 and don't dislike them in game but I don't think I'm going to pursue painting more up haha. Wait @Maddpainting you have 9k of points of BoC and it doesn't include 2500+ points of Warherd? wow I tip my hat to that collection haha.
  21. Alarielle needs a points drop since most the stuff she summons is around the 120-180 range in points. Is she worth 400 points without a Damage Prevention Roll? But yeah... the army lost it's magical strength. Most things hitting on 4s with few good attacks can be felt as "these pretty much hit on 6s". Warherd suffers from that tremendously. Super swingy units that have no other protection like armour or wounds. You flub your rolls and give away the unit. I would like to see Tree Revs move towards those IDK thralls? I would like to see a cheaper version if you take 30 and they be really scary in combat. TreeRevs almost feel as points-per-dmg as effective as KHs but... guess who can take a punch back? Thus they seem to only be good for small late-game objective grabbers.
  22. Aren't there gauntlets for a 6" pile-in? I'm not good enough in the game to see how on a hero it would work cause you have to charge, unless you double charge, wipe out the screen and pile in with the hero to the juicy unit behind? I know a Doombull with the Mutating Gnarlblade and Hungering Warherd Battalion with 6 Bullgors can do the same since that hero can do up to 15 dmg without horns or MWs taken into account. You just want the reverse I guess? Something to kill the screen so the 6" pile-in hero can tag something behind. The Spear of the Hunt is good also on a Griffon Freeguild hero along with that Ironoak Artisan. I'm thinking about looking for a cheap Skycutter Chariot to proxy as an Aelf version. If you take Hunters you would want that item along with an Arch Rev. 5A Scythes would decimate 😍 The Engtangling Blade with Geminids and a Hysh? wizard for really stacking negatives to hit could tie something up nicely too I keep hearing Gemenids are the best least-taken Endless spell. They do seem good indeed.
  23. Regarding (the) Owls (are not what they seem), last book of 8th was Wood Elves (other than the campaign books that ended with a bang) and some of the semi reliable rumour mongers on ... portent? warseer? commented on seeing Owl-like Beastmasters,.. now since GW is bringing Wood Elves back as Pan-aelves it wouldn't surprise me to see some of those old rumours maybe manifest. Why (bother steer this thread back to rumours instead of Psychic Awakening)? Cause GW starts as concept art, Jes Goodwin did most the Elf range from 1987, so it wouldn't surprise me to see him revisit this in concept sketches to push forward ideas stagnating at the end of 35 years of Fantasy. A lot of wrong rumours are play testing stuff that doesn't manifest physically, but in early pdf form "use ogre sized model with these stats" very early on. It also helped seed who leaked cause not everyone got the same stuff play testing back then. How the Beastmen leaks turned into a firing and PK needing to finish the book. Sometimes we see stuff with crazy dates. John Blanches KO concepts were dated during 8th ed. Since the (sylvaneth) warband for pan-Aelves has everything being tied hard into nature, incorporating Owls isn't a surprise. There have been owl bitz for the 2005 WE release, the 8th ed release (3-eyed owl in the treelord kit). Just wish it was an AoS summer not 40k. ah well. You sit around this hobby long enough to see the same things over and over again just in a drifting mauve ocean of collected unconcious where the white lodge resides. Drycha was a champion in the 4th ed book, hero in the 6th ed book, better hero in the AoS books, even names like Calaingor, Durthu, spell names, etc. Just revamp the core drive.
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